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| I, above boardAbout MeTourismMusicMy websiteAbout MeHello! My name is LuoJinGuang(罗锦光),class No:0415010117.I come from the communications group of the engineering profession , class 1,grade 2004.Information Technology Department. I am very happy to be here to meet you. I am optimistic about the cheerful disposition is a stand on principle, the ability to endure hardship and promising young people . Viva! Viva!Communicatio n Engineering | I, above boardAbout MeTourismMusicMy websiteMy life motto: Author heroic demolition 英雄莫问出处TourismAbout MeServices More graphic在武侠小说里经常出现的一句话就是:人在江湖,身不由已。在现实生活中也一样,你不能不为生活、爱情、友情、婚姻而忙碌。因此,我毕生的爱好就是旅游,在旅游中完全释放自己原有的纯朴和稚气。而最大的愿望就是能够游遍金庸笔下的美景,体会金庸笔下的英雄浪子和江湖侠女的柔情侠骨和快意恩仇。嵩山嵩山北依黄河,南临颖水,东西横卧,故有嵩山如卧之说。笑傲江湖有嵩山派,嵩山掌门左冷禅是金庸笔下比较有名的主人公。天龙八部中,乔锋幼时在嵩山少林寺受业于玄苦大师。少林寺武功号称天下武学正宗,有天下武功出少林的说法。Details.Tourism事事无情人暗换,人在江湖月在天。天下有雪纷纷过,落尽江湖不成歌。| I, above boardAbout MeTourismMusicMy websiteTourismAbout MeServices Tourism风雨江湖月如钩,万里江天支未收。何当试剑向天啸,敢问苍穹谁风流。嵩山嵩山北依黄河,南临颖水,东西横卧,故有嵩山如卧之 说。笑傲江湖有嵩山派,嵩山掌门左冷禅是金庸笔下比 较有名的主人公。天龙八部中,乔锋幼时在嵩山少林寺 受业于玄苦大师。少林寺武功号称天下武学正宗,有天下武 功出少林的说法。倚天屠龙记第一回,小东邪郭襄到达 少林寺后,有一段风景的描写:“这时置身处已高于少林寺 所有屋宇,但见少林寺层崖刺天,横若列屏,崖下风烟飘洌 ,寺中钟声随风送上,令人一洗风俗之气。”Songshan Songshan according to the Yellow River north, the south by the Yingshui, things recline, it is lying as Songshan themselves. “Stand Out“ Songshan camp, the Songshan head Zuolengchan Jin Yong is described more famous heroine. “Famous villains“, Sheng in the Songshan Shaolin Temple as quiet by the industry in the bitter master Yuen. Shaolin Wushu world powers called authentic, world powers Shaolin said. “Heavenly Sword and Dragon Saber“ to the first, small Dongxieguoxiang arrived at the Shaolin Temple, a scenic section of the description : “Then we put ourselves in that situation than have all the houses Shaolin Temple, Shaolin Temple layer behind Cliff thorn days, if included Wang Ping, the cliff into the Reach War Flames, The wind sent temple bell, is a gas washing customs. “下一页| I, above boardAbout MeTourismMusicMy websiteTourismAbout MeServices Tourism剑拔山河摇,儿女多断肠。烽火连江湖,痴怨空寂寥。Heng BankHeng Bank as a good overview of Hengshan finale. - From the Great Wall Group A wilderness, Hengshan is located in the plateau above the Great Wall, the weather was fine over the day, Shaoyang steaming fog bill for the time and take a look. overlooking the past, people were Kuang-hsiung noble feeling. This amazing ancient Hengshan “crisis peaks over to a group of wild and tranquil place where casual sunset.“ “Stand Out“ is Hengshan camp, See sexual peak of Hengshan camp headquarters. So lucky in Hengshan head, and Emeishan Hengshan, is also a woman Hill. Xuankongshi Hengshan is the most wonderful building, is lucky to be tied up in the dumb Xuankongshi mother-in-law. Xuankongshi East on the west, the majestic if delicate, exquisite, translucent jade purity and refinement of a great game on the screen. Dianyu covered a total of 40 castles. North and South are three canopies Xieshanding Almost dangerous standoff old, from low-grade to the stack, more than 100 feet above ground, attached to the cliffs, Gallery country is surrounded with, six Diange, intersect, FLYING paths connected to another level, the wooden staircase communication, back twists and turns Layout wonderful idea, the entire temple-like imaginary and real, it seems the crisis and security, which is perfect, Guatemala sawthe stuff, Experience enables you to a temple in the experience of other weird not dangerous flu. 恒山恒山如行很好地概括了恒山的气势。雄距塞北,群临旷野,恒山地 处塞北高原之上,天气多晴朗之日,少云蒸雾缭之时,登高远眺,俯瞰 近看,均能给人雄旷崇高之感。古人由此赞叹恒山“危峰过雁来秋色, 万里黄沙散夕阳。”笑傲江湖中有恒山派,见性峰为恒山派总部所 在。在令狐冲做恒山掌门前,恒山和峨眉山一样,也是女人山。悬空寺 是恒山最为奇妙的建筑,令狐冲就是被哑婆婆绑在悬空寺。悬空寺靠西 面东,俨若精巧、别致、玲珑剔透的玉雕悬于一幅巨大的屏风上。寺内 共有殿宇楼阁40间。南北有三檐歇山顶危楼耸起,对峙而立,由低向 高三层叠起,离地百余尺,附于绝壁上,三面环廊国抱、六座殿阁,相 互交叉,飞架栈道相连,高低错落,木制楼梯沟通,迁回曲折,构思布 局妙不可言、整个寺面似虚而实,似危而安,实中生巧,危里见俏,能 让你体会到一种在国内其它寺庙体会不到的奇险感。下一页上一页| I, above boardAbout MeTourismMusicMy websiteTourismAbout MeServices Tourism一出江湖万事无,闭门修炼作别图。兄弟若过关东地,携手共赴酒家胡。武当山武当山北通秦岭,南接巴山,连绵起伏,是著名的道教 圣地。武当山建筑群共有殿堂庙宇两万多间,四百多处,占 地面积超过故宫一倍以上,有“山上的故宫”之说。武当武 术在江湖上非常有名,有北宗少林,南尊武当之称。飞狐 外传写到了武当派的威名,武当为内家拳剑之主。倚天 屠龙记中,少年张三丰在武当山创立门派,最后成为中国 武术史上的不世奇才,金庸把这一回题拟为武当山顶松柏长 ,就是比喻张三丰开创的武当基业。Wudang MountainWudang Mountain in the north and the Qinling Wudang Mountain, south of Bashan, undulating slopes of the famous Taoist shrines. Mount Wudang temple complex were more than 20,000 temples, 400, covers more than doubled over the National Palace Museum, “The National Palace Museum mountains,“ said. Wudang martial arts in the ring very well-known, Northern Shaolin, Wudang South respecting known. “Feihuwaichuan“ wrote the Wudang camp righteous, etc. within the home for the leader of swords. “Heavenly Sword and Dragon Saber“, Zhang Sanfeng Juvenile featuring founded in Wudang Mountain, the last of Chinas history of the martial arts legend, not the world, Jin Yong brought this issue back to the top of the Wudang Mountain Pine long, Zhang Sanfeng 下一页上一页| I, above boa
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