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1UnitUnit 9 9 综合水平测试综合水平测试听力部分(20 分) 一、听句子,选出与其意思相符的图片。(每小题 1 分,共计 5 分) 听力材料:1.Gina1.Gina hashas gonegone toto zoo.zoo.(A A)1.A. B. C. 听力材料:2.What2.What dodo youyou thinkthink ofof thethe teatea sets?sets?(B B)2.A. B. C. 听力材料:3.Lets3.Lets gogo toto thethe amusementamusement parkpark byby bike.bike.(A A)3.A. B. C. 听力材料:4.The4.The foreignforeign peoplepeople areare interestedinterested inin thethe TerracottaTerracotta Army.Army.(B B)4.A. B. C. 听力材料:5.We5.We havehave nevernever visitedvisited thethe BirdsBirds Nest.Nest.(C C)5.A. B. C. 二、听小对话,选择正确的答案。(每小题 1 分,共计 5 分) 听力材料:6.M6.M:HasHas SandySandy beenbeen toto thethe artart museummuseum withwith youyou,Mary?Mary? W W:NoNo,sheshe hashas beenbeen toto thethe historyhistory museummuseum withwith me.me.(B B)6.Where has Sandy been with Mary? ATo the art museum. BTo the history museum. CTo the space museum. 听力材料:7.W7.W:BobBob,wouldwould youyou likelike toto gogo toto thethe zoozoo withwith meme thisthis afternoon?afternoon? M M:SorrySorry,Lucy.ILucy.I havehave beenbeen toto thethe zoozoo threethree times.Whytimes.Why dontdont wewe gogo toto thethe themetheme park?park? (B B)7.Where does Bob want to go? ATo the zoo. BTo the theme park. CTo the library. 听力材料:8.M8.M:HmmHmm,thethe teatea isis perfect.Canperfect.Can I I havehave anotheranother cup?cup? W W:SureSure,herehere isis youryour tea.tea.(A A)8.What is the man drinking?2ATea. BCoffee. CJuice. 听力材料:9.W9.W:PeterPeter,I I wentwent toto SingaporeSingapore withwith mymy mothermother lastlast week.Haveweek.Have youyou beenbeen abroadabroad before?before? M M:YesYes,Lily.ILily.I wentwent toto EnglandEngland withwith mymy sistersister HelenHelen lastlast summer.summer.(C C)9.Who has been to Singapore? APeter. BHelen. CLily. 听力材料:10.W10.W:LiLi HongHong,havehave youyou triedtried ChineseChinese foodfood outsideoutside China?China? M M:Yes.IYes.I triedtried itit inin MalaysiaMalaysia halfhalf a a yearyear ago.ago.(B B)10.When did Li Hong go to Malaysia? AA year ago. BHalf a year ago. CThree months ago. 三、听对话或独白,选择正确的答案。(每小题 1 分,共计 5 分) 听下面一段独白,回答第 1112 小题。 听力材料: TheThe mostmost excitingexciting museummuseum I I havehave beenbeen toto isis thethe MercedesBenzMercedesBenz Museum.MercedesBenzMuseum.MercedesBenz isis a a kindkind ofof worldworld famousfamous car.Incar.In thethe museummuseum,overover 1 1,450450 carscars toldtold thethe historyhistory ofof MercedesBenz.IMercedesBenz.I alsoalso watchedwatched somesome videos.Theyvideos.They showedshowed howhow toto designdesign a a carcar andand howhow a a carcar waswas made.Itmade.It waswas fantastic.fantastic. (C C)11.How many cars are there in the MercedesBenz Museum? AOver 1,560. BOver 1,540. COver 1,450.(A A)12.What else did the speaker do in the museum? AWatched videos. BDesigned a car. CDrove a car. 听下面一段对话,回答第 1315 小题。 听力材料:M M:HelenHelen,areare youyou Japanese?Japanese? W W:NoNo,ImIm Chinese.Chinese. M M:HowHow longlong havehave youyou beenbeen inin America?America? W W:I I havehave beenbeen herehere forfor halfhalf a a year.Iyear.I camecame herehere inin January.January. M M:HaveHave youyou gottengotten usedused toto thethe lifelife here?here? W W:Yes.ButYes.But I I missmiss ChineseChinese foodfood nownow,andand I I missmiss mymy familyfamily most.most.(A A)13.Wheres Helen from? AChina. BJapan. CAmerica.(A A)14.When did Helen go to America? AIn January. BIn March. CIn July.(B B)15.What does Helen miss most? AThe food. BHer family. CHer friends. 四、听短文,选择正确的答案。(每小题 1 分,共计 5 分) 听力材料: GoodGood morningmorning,boysboys andand girls.Thisgirls.This FridayFriday,wewe areare goinggoing toto havehave a a schoolschool trip.Wetrip.We willwill visitvisit thethe spacespace museum.Pleasemuseum.Please getget toto schoolschool beforebefore 7 7:4545 a am.Wem.We areare goinggoing toto meetmeet atat thethe schoolschool gate.Allgate.All thethe schoolschool busesbuses willwill leaveleave atat 8 8:1515 a am.m. InIn thethe museummuseum,wewe willwill learnlearn aboutabout space.Dontspace.Dont forgetforget toto taketake a a notebooknotebook andand a a penpen toto taketake notes.Whennotes.When wewe visitvisit thethe museummuseum,wewe mustmust keepkeep quietquiet andand listenlisten carefully.Aftercarefully.After thethe triptrip,wewe willwill gogo backback toto schoolschool forfor lunch.lunch. WishWish allall ofof youyou a a goodgood triptrip!ThatsThats all.Thankall.Thank you.you.(A A)16.When will the students have the school trip?3AThis Friday. BThis Saturday. CThis Sunday.(C C)17.Where will the students meet before they start out? AOn the playground. BIn front of the library. CAt the school gate.(
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