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假设你的一位外国朋友来参观 你的校园, 题目一:Suppose a foreign friend of yours is coming to visit your campus, what is the most interesting place you would like to take him/her to see and why? 假设你的一位外国朋友来参观你的校园,你最感兴趣的地方想 带他/她去看?为什么? 题目二:Suppose a foreign friend of yours is coming to visit your hometown, what is the most interesting place you would like to take him/her to see and why? 假设你的一位外国朋友来参观你的家乡,你最感兴趣的地方想 带他/她去看?为什么? 题目三:Suppose a foreign friend of yours is coming to visit China, what is the most interesting place you would like to take him/her to see and why? 假设你的一位外国朋友来参观中国,你最感兴趣的地方想带他 /她去看?为什么? 题目一:Suppose a foreign friend of yours is coming to visit your campus, what is the most interesting place you would like to take him/her to see and why? 假设你的一位外国朋友来参观你的校园,你 最感兴趣的地方想带他/她去看?为什么? 2014年6月的四级作文题三套题已火热出炉: Suppose a foreign friend of yours is coming to visit your hometown/campus/China, what is the place you would like to show him and why? 这个题目乍一看非常类似于2001年12月的四级书信真题, 欢迎 朋友来参观并且给出行程安排, 但是其实不然。据刚刚下战场 的同学们回忆,考的文体要求仍然是课上反复强调的“essay” ,即常规议论说明文体。虽然今年爆冷没有考察大纲样题中的 图画类型,但是这种常规的议论文还是大家比较好掌控的。 所以这个时候,大家是否应该静下心来构思文章的三 段落outline: 1.What is the place? A brief description. 2.Why do I recommend this place? Reason 1 2 3 3.Summary/Personal opinion Student Pavilion Were I supposed to introduce one place in my campus for my foreign friend, the first place come up to my mind automatically is the student pavilion. The reason why I am in favor of it is that student pavilion plays a positive role in improving students studies. Due to their heavy schedules, students are often busy with textbooks and seldom expose themselves to a colorful life. But the place which holds a variety of activities from time to time range from academic to recreational, such as academic reports, speech contests, paintings clubs, etc. All these activities provide opportunities for students to enrich their knowledge and relax themselves. All in all, student pavilion opens the door for students to develop and enjoy themselves. I am sure if you come to the student pavilion, youll be bound to love it.The Cherry Avenue If Im the guide of my foreign friends visit to our campus, I will choose the Cherry Avenue as our first destination. As the name implies, the Cherry Avenue is lined with hundreds of neatly-placed cherry blossom trees. It is about 200 meters long and a major scenic spot in our campus. In spring when the cherry trees bloom, the flowers are so dense that looking from a distance, it seems as if the road were surrounded by pink-hued clouds. Especially when there is a breeze, petals of cherry blossoms flutter and fall gently like a drizzle. Such breath-taking scene will put visitors into a kind of trance. Whats more special is the buildings along the avenue. Built in early 1900s, they are now called “cherry blossom castle“. Theyve witnessed the history of our school and even our country. You can learn a lot about our school there. In a word, a tour to the Cherry Avenue is both an amazing sight-seeing and a great opportunity to know about the culture of our school. If a foreign friend of mine is coming to my hometown Xiamen, the very place I would like to recommend is, definitely, Gulangyu. It is an island located in the southwest to the Xiamen Island. It is nearly impossible to find a tourist coming to Xiamen without spending a day or two in Gulangyu to enjoy its beauty. Why would I consider Gulangyu a place of interest which one should never miss? Actually, there are several reasons accounting for it. Firstly, you can enjoy the view of the sea, the golden beaches, and also the magnificent landscape covered by all kinds of plants. That is why the island is called “a garden on the sea“. Also, various cafs and restaurants providing local cuisines and snacks will amaze you for sure. What is more, you can learn about the history of the city and of arts after a trip to the historical sites and museums. Personally, Gulangyu is my favorite place to go whenever I need to relax myself or have fun with friends. So I highly recommend this place to my dear foreign friend and I am sure he or she will fall in love with it at the first sight.
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