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l CET-4 Listeningl l - April June, 2009l Lecture Onel l Section AlI. Problemsl走神;注意力不集中;没听到/清/出;l没理解;理解错;l选项太长,来不及看;做题时犹豫;l词汇量小;发音听不清(有连读等);l不太注意细节;l能听明白,但不知如何选答案 (相近选项难以 区分);l单词拼写;句子太长,记不下来等l不知如何作出正确判断; 缺乏更有效的做题方法lII. General techniques for handling Listening comprehensionlA. Making full use of the written information available (before + while listening), leg. Section A/ B: lChoices - focus/ topic noun (from sth in common or words used to describe the same situation in the choices)- general idea - - possible question to be asked so as to concentrate on the related information -lChoice reading:lShort choices: horizontal reading (水平读题法 )lLong choices: vertical reading (竖直读题法)l找出同(大概内容),异(极有可能是考点)之处lSection C: Passage with blanks - general ideas (before + while the first reading) -context:lWord dictation: spelling, capitalization, tense, number etc.lSentence dictation: lThe 1st reading - general idealThe 2nd reading - key words/ structurelThe 3rd reading - checking by making use of your grammar and context comprehensionlGet more practice on sentence dictation outside class!lB. Memorizing + Taking notes (while listening) - short-term memory (effective esp. in handling numbers, names): lany marks you understand leg. , , , (plus), lg (language), peo (people), 1c (1 cup) etc.lC. Deciding on the right ONE (among the four, esp. among the similar choicesl1) voc + structure (words, idioms, set phrases, structures etc.)lEg. trade sth in for sth else (Q12, T4);lfeel like a fish out of water (Q18, T4);lnext/ second to sth/ nothing (Q16, T5);lI like nothing better than going to the movies (Q16, T4);lGet/ start off on the wrong/ right foot with sb (Q22, T7)l2) logical relation between supporting details (Q14, T10) lA. Because the tuition next term will be too much for her parents to afford.lB. Because she has to pay her room and board herself.lC. Because her parents cant help her financially.D. Because her parents want her to acquire more social experience. (The tuition will go up again next term. My parents cant pay my room and board this year. I have to take a part-time job now. Q. Why does the woman have to take a part-time job?) l3) tenses eg. l (Q11, Ex 1, Lecture 1)lA. The man enjoys travelling by car.lB. The man lives far from the subway.lC. The man is good at driving.lD. The man used to own a car.l- D l (Q 27, T2)lA. They dress up as witches.lB. They play the game of “trick or treat”.lC. They have a big supper.lD. They walk around the fields singing old songs.l(Q. In recent times, what do children not do on Halloween?l- D (used to do D)l4) facts vs opinions (stories, legends etc.)lFacts: objectivel likely to change as time passes;l usu. based on experiments, studies, observation, true happenings etc.lOpinions: subjectivel unable to be proven to everyones satisfaction;l usu. referring to ones belief, feeling, judgment about sth;l legends, fairy tales, fables etc.lEg. (Q26, T2)l5) information stated directly vs indirectly - listening between the lines (words such as only, but, yet etc. + subjunctive mood, tag questions + intonation etc.lEg. Q13, T6; Q25, T5; + L13, B3上 外 )l6) sth specific vs sth general (eg. Q16 B, T5)l7) information matched correctly vs wrongly (eg. Q30+31, the Dec. 2007 Paper)l8) contextIII. 听力试题的命题规律和解题技巧l四六级英语听力测试的-l 模式特点、l 命题规律、l 测试重点l 和应对策略。 一、 四六级英语听力的考查模式 1 对话 该部分一般是 15 个小题。Q11-18是 8 个短对 话,只听一遍,只听一遍,间隔做题间隔做题1515秒秒,每题一分,共,每题一分,共8 8分分。每个对 话设一个小题,要求同学们根据对话内容从四个选 项中选择正确答案。Q19-25是两个长对话.2 短文 B 部分是听短文。一般是三篇 120-140 字之间 的短文,每篇短文后有三到四个问题,共 10 道小题 。该部分主要测试同学们的整体理解能力。 3 复合式听写 复合式听写由两部分组成。一是单词 听写,要求同学们毫无差错地填出短文所 缺单词。另一种是补全信息。一般是,每 段的第一句主题句已经给出,要求填出具 体细节内容说明主题,可以使用听到的原 话,也可以使用自己的语言。 二、四六级英语听力的命题规律和测试重点 1 短对话: A. 考查的重点有: 1 )数字计算题: 时间,价格等 2 )同义转换题: 对words, set phrases, idioms等的 理解以及英文典型句型的理解,如:虚拟语态,部分 否定等3 )地点场景,职业身份 等的判断:应抓住能表达地 点/职业的典型词汇4 )言外之意、弦外之音 题(尤其应注意说话者的口吻 及措词)lB. 短对话中常用到的表达肯定(赞同),否定 等的短语及句式:lYou said it. You can say that again. You are telling me. You may/might well say so. Ill say. I couldnt agree more. lFail to do sthlBe the last person to seelBe the last thing to do .lCan hardly do .l be more than sb can bear/ read/ expresslBeyond repair; beyond reach; without l部分否定:总括词( all, both, every, always, altogether, entirely, wholly )+ 否定词如:lAll that glitters is not gold.lThe good and the beautiful do not always go together.lI dont wholly agree.lMuch less, still less, let alone; to say nothing of, not to speak of, not to mention等表示追加否定:更不用说,更别 提 如:lHe doesnt like music, still/ much less dancing.lI didnt even see him, still/ much less shake hands with him.lAt that time he could not afford the ordinary comforts of life, not to speak of luxuries.lC. Some dialogues for practice:(见上外听力 B4,3)l1) Numbersl2) Idioms/ set phraseslBeat about/ around the bushlTake it easy; spotles
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