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四级作文高分策略Kelly 主讲大学英语四级考试大纲对写作的要 求n教育部(2006修订版)明确规定写作部 分要求考生达到大学英语课程教学要 求中的一般要求,即“能完成一般性 写作任务,能描述个人经历、观感、情 感和发生的事件等,能写常见的应用文 ,能就一般性话题或提纲在半小时内写 出至少120词的短文,内容基本完整,用 词恰当,语意连贯。能掌握基本的写作 技巧。” 评分标准n短文写作要求考生在30分钟内根据提纲写出一篇 120词以上的短文,本部分的得分占总分的15%, 采用总分评分法(Global Scoring),从内容和语 言两个方面对作文进行综合评判。满分为15分, 共分五等:14分、11分、8分、5分及2分(注:四 级作文在试卷总分中占15%,改卷时按照作文总分 15分来评改,然后经过处理转化为710分中的作文 分数)。各个分数档的标准如下:评评分依据(1. 主题题、2. 表达、3. 文字、4. 语语言)14分切题题,表达思想清楚,文字通顺,连贯性较好。基 本上无语语言错误,仅有个别拼写错误。 11分切题题,表达思想清楚,文字通顺,但有少量语语言错 误。 8分基本切题题,有些地方表达思想不够清楚,文字勉强 连贯;语语言错误相当多,其中有一些是严重错误。 5分基本切题题,表达思想不清楚,连贯性差。有较多的 严重错误。 2分条理不清,思路紊乱,语言支离破碎或大部分句子 均有错误,且多数为严重错误。 0分白卷;文不对题,或只有几个孤立的词而无法表达 思想。 四六级高分要求n1 切题(不跑题)n2 脉络清晰,模式明确n3 字体美观n4 语法和拼写错误n5 不要有废话n6 结构句型和闪光词汇n7 字数120180之间二、纵观历年大学英语四级考试作文题目,我们不 难发现,近年来的四级作文凸显三大趋势:1实实用性增强从体裁上看,议论文、说明文、应用文写作占绝大多 数,记叙文偶尔也会涉及。到目前为止,虽然议论议论 文占绝对优势 ,但 近年来应应用文上升的势头很猛,书信、欢迎词、祝贺词、招聘书、解说 词、见证书 、竞选演说等频频出现,集中体现了大纲对实际 运用语言 能力的要求。 2主要考核三大主题题从内容上看,所考题型都与考生熟悉的生活事 件与现象有关。就话题话题 而言,四级作文主要有三类:社会热门话题、 校园生活话题和日常生活话题,如教师节、英语口试、计算机的使 用、求职面试、上大学的费用等等,因此,平时应尽量偏向这几方面的 主题进行练习。 3注重综综合能力的考核四级作文从倾向于单纯考查某一文体,逐 渐过渡到几种文体的结结合。如:2004年6月的A Brief Introduction to a Tourist Attraction是一篇解说词,属应用文,但同时要求说明和描写。 这说明作文命题越来越灵活。 七类常见的写作类型n. 对比选择型n. 现象解释型n. 原因阐释型n. 问题解决型n. 应用型n. 综合叙事型n. 图表型四级写作基本模式三段式文章引言段主题句 (Topic Sentence)扩展句1 (Developing Sentence 1) 扩展句2 (Developing Sentence 1) 结尾句 (Concluding Sentence) 发展段主题句 (TS) 扩展句1 (DS1) 扩展句2 (DS2) 结尾句 (CS) 结尾段主题句 (TS) 扩展句1 (DS1) 扩展句2 (DS2) 结尾句 (CS). 现象解释型写作流程特点及写 作要求n第一段:概述。(简要描述某一现象或某一观点 。)n第二段:具体阐述。(具体阐释现象或观点的正 确性或危害性等。)n第三段:个人见解。(表明自己的态度或看法。 )n或者n第一段:概述。(简单描述某一现象或观点。)n第二段:具体阐述。(具体阐述引起这种现象的 或持有这种观点考虑的主要因素。)n第三段:个人评价。(对现象或者观点进行评价 。). 现象解释型句子模板(1)1. 分析原因:n There are many/plenty of/ a number of/ numerous reasons explaining/ for .n The reasons of lie in several aspects .n Many factors contribute to . n There are many reasons that many account for .n The reasons for/why are as follows:.n There are many reasons for it, but generally, they come down in three major ones. 现象解释型句子模板(2)n1. 分析原因:n is mainly caused by .n What caused these changes? .n There are many factors that have stimulated this huge change.n The reasons that caused changes are diverse. On the one hand, . On the other hand, .n The rapid growth of owes much to . 现象解释型句子模板n2. 总结归纳 / 说明影响 / 表明作者态度 / 以作者 个人为例:n Through the analysis, we can draw a conclusion that .n In short/ In brief, .n To solve the problem of , we .n From all the facts given above, we can see .n Considering all these /Taking all these into consideration/account, I believe .n As to/for me, I believe .n Take me as an example/In my own case, I . 现象解释型作文模板(1)n1 In recent years, (描写现状或趋势). 2 This has caused a lot of problems.n 3 First, (结果1). 4 For example, (细节,说明结果1). 5 Second, (结果2). (细节,说明结果2). 6 Finally, (结果 3). (细节,说明结果3).n 7 Since is such a serious problem, we should take effective measures to . 8 First, we should (措施1). 9 Besides, (措施2). 10 And finally, (措施3). 2008年12月份作文解析n1、一次性塑料袋曾经广泛使用 n2、由此带来的问题n3、限制一次性塑料袋的意义分析中.n1 从选题意义n2 从文章结构n3 从文章构思上提纲Limiting the use of disposable plastic bags现象描述带来的问题限制的意义对比和欣赏n题目:BicyclesAn Important Means of Transport in Chinan提纲:n(1)为什么自行车在中国这样普及n(2)和汽车的比较n(3)自行车在中国的前途8分作文nBicycle is an important means of transport in China. The important reason of it is the economy of Chinese. The use of bicycle in China is widely because people in China have not high wage. They can only afford a bicycle, and they have no money to buy a car which is too expensive. So Chinese usually buy a bicycle, and use it to go to work, or go to travel and so on. The other reason is the large population of China. All these made the bicycle become the important means of transport. n The bicycle, compared to the car, is not too expensive and it is easy to learn and to use and it can save the surface of putting it. It doesnt ask to build the garage like car. This point is very important to China, because of the lack of land. It isnt too expensive, so Chinese can afford it. It doesnt need any oil, and it cant cause the pollution. All of these are the good needs compared to the car.n In the future, bicycle will be widely used. And it will be in good demand. People will produce much more modern bicycles.15分作文nBicycles are very popular in China. Almost every family in the city has two or three bicycles. During the rush hour, you can see that thousands of people - men and women, old and young - ride their bicycles to work and study. That is why
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