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Unit three Art and architectureReading: Modern ArchitecturePictures on Page 19Pre-reading: 1.The text is about classical Chinese architecture. 2. Some modern architecture takes examples from nature. 3. The text is about parks and gardens.Scanning while Listening 1. Who invented modernism? Why did they invent it? 2.What different materials are used in traditional architecture and modern architecture? 3. Why do many people dislike modern buildings?Answers:1.Modernism was invented in the 1920sby a group of architects who wantedto change society with buildings thatwent against peoples feeling of beauty. 2. While in traditional architecture materials such as earth, stone, brick,and wood are used, the materials of modern architecture are steel, glass, and concrete.3. Because modern buildings go againstpeoples feeling of beauty. They areconstructed in a way to look unnatural The buildings look like boxes with flat roofs, sharp corners and glass wallsthat act as mirrors. You do not feelinvited to enter them. Everything aboutthese buildings seem hard and unfriendly.4. In what way does ancientarchitecture stand close to nature? 5. Are there modern architects thatuse designs from nature? Who are they? 6. What does the 2008 OlympicStadium in Beijing look like?4. Both in the choice of materials andshape of buildings, ancient architecture stand close to nature.5. In fact there are modern architects who use designs from nature whenthey create their buildings. They areAntonio Gaudi and Frank Lloyd Wright. 6. Seen from the top, it looks as thestadium is covered by a gray net ofsteel, and it looks just like a birdsnest made of tree branches. The flowing lines and round shapesmake the building look warm andfriendly.The structure of the textWhich paragraphs are about the following topics?1.Every great culture in the past had its own ideas expressed in art and architecture.2. Examples of famous architects and great buildings that take examples from nature.3. How and when modernism came intobeing? 4.The difference between traditional architecture and modern architecture, and why ancient architecture had many beautiful things.Useful expression 1. living environment2. earth, stone, brick and wood 4. flat roofs, sharp corners, andglass walls3. steel, glass and concrete5. fantastic colours and shapes6. ship sails7.flowing lines and round shapes ; http:/www.zcaijing.com/ztbfp/ 涨停板复盘 ioq617fgk 钟,又说:“你饿不饿?锅里有鸡汤。”老史已经从地上起来了,尴尬地望了望儿子:“不就喝点啤酒吗,今天和哥几个约了 喝小麦啤酒,那酒香得奇怪,和女人用的香水差不多,结果你妈楞说我有小三。”“妈,我爸说的是真的,我的同学看见我爸 跟一伙人在一起喝酒。爸,你今后少喝点酒,小心身体!”听儿子一说,老史老婆才扔掉了手里的鸡毛掸子,走到厨房给儿子 舀鸡汤。对于中国消费者不接受小麦啤酒这种局面,高鼻子大眼睛的亨利纱布擦屁股果然露了一手。他耸耸肩膀、无奈地 调侃道:“中国人不懂小麦啤酒!不知道浪漫情调!”而对中国人英语的普及程度亨利却是大加称赞,他在饭店看到一个老农 民对跑进来的一条狗大声地喊:“狗!”(与Go!同音)狗转身撒蹦地跑了。消费者不接受小麦啤酒,总不可能给消费者强硬 往嘴里灌吧!可发酵大罐里还有240多吨小麦啤酒怎么办?赵树春、吴明、马启明在一起商量对策。“把小麦啤酒加热,味道 能不能去掉?” 赵树春说道。“我们做小试已经加热过了,味道还是去不掉,这恐怕是娘胎里带来的,发酵过程中产生的酯 香味后期是没有办法消除的。”吴明苦笑着说,“在正常花开啤酒里面勾兑10%的小麦啤酒,口感还好,有点轻微的酯香味, 不知道消费者认不认可?”“马主任,你有什么好办法?” 赵树春希望马启明能有孙悟空的七十二变,把小麦啤酒变成正常 的啤酒,马启明也多么希望能擦亮阿拉丁神灯时许下的第一个愿望,能解决好这个难题。但马启明愁眉苦脸地望了一下赵树春 ,无奈地说道:“我们能想到的所有方法都试过了,把小麦啤酒勾兑、加热、冷冻、加Na2CO3等方法都试过了,还是去不掉那 股女人味,真没什么更好的办法。不过少量勾兑后酯香会淡很多。方法只有两个:一是倒掉,二是吴经理说的勾兑。倒掉3灌 酒损失太大,我估计上面不同意。”赵树春想了一下,无奈地说道:“那只好这样了!按吴经理说的办。”职工把这种小麦啤 酒戏称为“女人啤酒”。虽然经历了小麦啤酒销售不畅的挫折,却并未影响到销售市场增长的势头,当年年销量4.4万吨,每 一位花开人脸上又都充满了喜悦。可就在大家信心满满准备再振雄风的时候,大银马投资无限单位与中方就投资回报事宜却开 始出现分岐、矛盾。由于大银马投资无限单位是投资单位,并不是专业的啤酒单位,他们追求的是最大化的利润,虽然实现了 不亏不赢,却没有收益。这种高投入没有回报让总部董事长非常不满意。他指责花开啤酒单位管理不善,前雷声大,后期雨点 小,最明显的问题是铺张浪费相当严重。有个别人一有转机便恶习难改,铁证如山:其一:对出差人员的费用没有规定,乱花 钱。一日,牛主任拿来一张就餐发票,财务总监一看发票金额以为看
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