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12well-liked; well-received; well-connecteddress (vt) oneself in sth She dressed herself and the children in their best clothes. sb be dressed in sth 新娘穿一身白色的礼服 The bride was dressed in white. dress vi Do they expect us to dress for dinner? Dont bother to dress up.3他热情地跟我打招呼 She greeted us with a smile.笑着和我们打招呼vt If something is greeted in a particular way, people react to it in that way. His research was greeted with skepticism by advocates for children.4a junior employee A senior employerinferior superiorinterviewee interviewer trainee trainer testee tester5我愿意步行, 不愿意骑自行车. 她宁愿独自一人. She prefers to be alone.preference n (for sth) Employees who have worked here for many years will be given preference over newcomers.preferential a6They grinned at her in a friendly way.他们友好地 向她笑了一下 Its not what you say, its the way 【in which 省 略 that you say it】.communicate vi (with sb) The police communicate (with each other) by radio.vt sth (to sb/sth) your appearance communicates things to us. 军官向士兵下达命令 Officer communicated order to soldiers.7He gestured (to me) that it was time to go.面部表情8impression n他的演讲给听众留下了深刻的印象 His speech made left a strongdeep impression on his audience.impress vt sb (with sth) 你的高效率给我们留下了深刻的印象 We were most impressed with by your efficiency.9seem v He seem nice.V adj He seems (to be) a nice man. VNV to inf It seems (that) he is a nice man. V (that)work vi (on sb/sth) have the desired result or effect, to function The pills the doctor gave me arent working.他的魅力对我不起作用 His charm doesnt work on me. 10hesitation n 她毫不犹豫地同意了.hesitate v 他在犹豫是否要参加探险. He is still hesitating about joining/over whether to join the expedition.hesitant a Shes hesitant about signing the contract. Doctors are hesitant to comment on the new treatment.11remind v Remind me to phone Alan before I go out.这个故事让我想起了我的童年。 This story reminds me of my childhood. Remind sb to do Remind sb of sth/ that12131.Throughout the history of mankind2.The way you say sth is far/ much/ a lot more important than what you say.3.Eye contact is sometimes the key to communication.4.I dont have much contact with my uncle. lost contact with make contact with keep in contact with14signal vt/n信号 sign n/v标志 symbol n象征,符号hostility n 对某人某事物表示敌意 show hostility sb/sth Be hostile (a) sb/ sthconfuse vt =baffle, puzzle, bewilder Youre confusing me with my sister.15totoBecause you lack (vt) working experience, you fail to get the job. His lack (n) of working experience made him lose the job.western (a) westerner (n) eastern southern northernconsider v Were considering buying a new car. The company is being actively considered as a potential partner. This award is considered (to be) a great honour. VN-N VN to inf Winning this award is considered honorable. VN-ADJ16In Spain, Italy and Greece, 【where people stand close together talking to each other,】 eye contact is more frequent and lasts longer.He used to frequent the towns cybercafe and night-clubs.last v.: to exist or to function well The marriage had lasted for less than two years. The games lasted only half the normal time. These shoes should last you till next year.17avoid vt I just avoided running over the cat.我刚才开车差点辗到一只猫 *Avoidable unavoidablerespect nvt I show respect for you. I respect for you.respectable respectful respective listen in respectful silence He came from a perfectly respectable middle-class family. the respective roles of men and women in society 18Talk with sb in authority authorize vt authoritative aAvoiding eye contact might be considered impolite, but staring at others is also considered rude.1920Barber Hairdresser Beauty salon21suit vt This dress suits you well. This dress suits for you well. This dress is suitable for you. Suit yourself.suit n a spacesuit a business suit file a lawsuit a divorce/ criminal/ civil suit22Her shoes _ her dress; they look very well together. A. suitB. fitC. compareD. matchHer coat fits (her) perfectly. The key doesnt fit the lock. Do you think that this style suits me? Red and black are colours that suit me very well. This dress doesnt fit me. Have you got a larger size? This dress doesnt suit me. Have you got another style? fit v. a for sb23guarantee n/ v We provide a 5-year guarantee against rust.The ticket will guarantee you free entry. VNN We guarantee to deliver your goods within a week. V to inf公司的老字号并不一定能保证质量。 A famous old name on a firm is not necessarily a guarantee of quality.feel on top of the world feel on the top of the worldexpert (n/a) in/ on/ at sth24It is wise for you to shampoo your hair often. It is wise of youIts good of you to lend me money. Its good for you to have a balanced diet.25If you apply pressure to a cut its meant to stop the bleeding. Weve applied to a charitable organization for a grant for the project.apply vi
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