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18 春福师大学英语(一)在线作业二1、D 2、D 3、C 4、A 5、A 一、单选题共 50 题,100 分1、The dog _ the rabbit but could not catch it. Aceased Bchained Cchecked Dchased 正确答案是:D2、( ) forget to write back home as soon as you reach New York. ABe sure to BNot be sure to CBe sure to not DBe sure not to 正确答案是:D3、Do you think I could borrow your dictionary? _. AYes, you may borrow BYes, go on CYes, help yourself DIt doesnt matter 正确答案是:C4、We didnt know his telephone number, otherwise we_him. Awould have telephoned Bmust have telephoned Cwould telephone Dhad telephoned 正确答案是:A5、Would you please give him the paper the moment he _? No problem. Aarrives Bwill arrive Carrived Dis arriving 正确答案是:A6、For more than 20 years, weve been supporting educational programs that _ from kindergartens to colleges. Amove Bshift CrangeDspread 正确答案是:B7、If you ask why I plan to study in the United States, the only answer is that it is a _ for me . Achapter Bceremony Cchamber Dchallenge 正确答案是:D8、Hi, havent seen you for ages! You look fine._. You look well, too. AGreat BThanks COh, no DNot at all 正确答案是:B9、How was the televised debate last night? Super! Rarely _ so much media attention. Aa debate attracted Bdid a debate attract Ca debate did attract Dattracted a debate 正确答案是:B10、Human facial expressions differ from those of animals in the degree _ they can be controlled on purpose. Awith which Bto which Cof which Dfor which 正确答案是:B11、_,we will set off as we planned. AWere it good or bad BBe it good or bad CBeing good or bad DWhether good or bad 正确答案是:B12、I dont like to see people _ the nights when Ive been working late. Aat Bon CinD/ 正确答案是:B13、Women workers wear hats _their hair gets caught in the machinery. Aif Bin case Cunless Dbecause 正确答案是:B14、My aunt has lived in New York _ 1995. Afor Bduring Cin Dsince 正确答案是:D15、I have no doubt _ he will overcome all his difficulties Awhich Bwhat Cthat Dif 正确答案是:C16、The news you told me_ surprising. Ais Bare Cwill Dshould 正确答案是:A17、The big flood is coming but the old man still _in the village. Aremains Bstays Cremained Dstayed 正确答案是:A18、I am _ to believe that he wont come back to see his wife again. Ainclined Bpuzzled Caccompanied Dperformed 正确答案是:A19、I didnt remember his name_after I had greeted him. Awhen Bas Cuntil Dwhile 正确答案是:C20、Most of the stones are_ a man and weigh about two and a half tons each. Amore high Bmuch more high Chigher more Dhigher than 正确答案是:D21、Id like to _ him to you for the job. He is a very clever and industrious boy. Arefer Bsuggest Crecommend Dpropose 正确答案是:C22、Do you know _? Awhen does the party start Bwhether the party starts Cwhat time the party starts Dif the party starts 正确答案是:C23、Knowledge is more precious than _. Aeverything Banything else Canything Dany other things 正确答案是:B24、There was a large box behind the door and Peter couldnt _ falling over it in the darkness. Ahelp Bresist Cavoid Dprevent 正确答案是:C25、Rather than _to see the film he would prefer_stay at home.Ago . to Bto go . to Cwent . to Dwould go . to 正确答案是:A26、In a typhoon, winds _ a speed greater than 120 kilometers per hour. Aassume Baccomplish Cattain Dassess 正确答案是:C27、What are you going to do this weekend?I _ yet. Ahavent decided Bwont decide Chave decided Ddidnt decide 正确答案是:A28、This is not my bikeIts _. AMary BMarys Cof Mary Dthe bike of Mary 正确答案是:B29、I wanted to study physics, but my teacher said I wasnt_ enough. Abright Bpretty Creal Dpolite 正确答案是:A30、After her husband died, she _ another man in 1964. Amarried Bmarried with Cmarried to Dwas married to 正确答案是:A31、He is very_.He often comes first in shot putting. Asimple BstrongCstrict Dsmall 正确答案是:B32、The crime was discovered till 48 hours later,_gave the criminal plenty of time to get away. Awhich Bthat Cso Dwhat 正确答案是:A33、_he is absent, what shall we do? ANow that BSeeing that CWhether DSupposing that 正确答案是:A34、We look _ to receiving a prompt reply to our letter. Around Bthrough Cafter Dforward 正确答案是:D35、She did not even look up when I took my seat _ her. Abeside Bbesides Cexcept Dto 正确答案是:A36、My aunt _ a restaurant in America. Aworks Boperates Cruns Dorganizes 正确答案是:C37、It was _fun to play on the beach that it attracted countless children. Asuch great Bso great Csuch a greatDso great a 正确答案是:A38、 What was his performance like? Oh, it couldnt have been_. Amuch wonderful Bmore wonderful Cless wonderful Dthe most wonderful 正确答案是:B39、I am leaving in an hour but I havent _ my clothes into my trunk. Apaced Bpacked Csent Dcarried 正确答案是:B40、Could I speak to_ is in charge of International Sales ,please? Aanyone Bsomeone Cwhoever Dno matter who 正确答案是:B41、We dont doubt _ he can make a good job of it. Aif Bthat Cwhat Dwhy 正确答案是:B42、The red rose is her _. Afavor Bfavorite
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