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红酒博 www.RedWineBlog.net葡萄酒基础知识版本号:10.6.12 (持续更新 )红酒博 www.RedWineBlog.net内容概述 Table of Contents葡萄酒的种类 Wine Varieties 葡萄酒的起源 Origins of Wine葡萄酒的酿造 Vinification红白葡萄品种 Red volatile aroma molecules also reach the olfactory mucosa through the back of the oral cavity葡萄酒的香气直接通过鼻孔吸入 Direct route taken by aroma molecules via the nostrils香气分子通过口腔后端,从而人体 能够感觉到 Route taken by aroma molecules via the nasopharynx红酒博 www.RedWineBlog.net5. 葡萄酒品尝 Wine Tasting口感 Palate 甜味 SweetnessDry, off-dry or sweet 酸味 AcidityTingling sensation on sides of tongueSour tasteLow, medium or high红酒博 www.RedWineBlog.net5. 葡萄酒品尝 Wine Tasting单宁 TenninsOnly necessary in a red tasting noteDrying sensation on palate and gumsLow, medium and high 酒精 AlcoholHeat in the mouth and throatlow, medium and high 回味 Finish红酒博 www.RedWineBlog.net5. 葡萄酒品尝 Wine Tasting1-怎么品酒 How to taste a wine抿一小口葡萄酒在口中, 让口腔中的每一个部位都接触到葡萄酒,吸 几口空气, 以带出葡萄酒的香味,并细细品味 Sip the wine and let it go around in your mouth,then take in some air to oxygenate the wine and feel the nuances of the flavor2-品什么 What to taste1 - Attack given by acidity 感受葡萄酒特有的酸味给你的第一感觉 红酒博 www.RedWineBlog.net5. 葡萄酒品尝 Wine Tasting2 Balance感觉葡萄酒是否平衡3 Body感觉葡萄酒的酒体4 - End of mouth感受葡萄酒在嘴里的回味5 - Length Stops感觉回味在口中的延伸感红酒博 www.RedWineBlog.net5. 葡萄酒品尝 Wine Tasting结论 Conclusion 平衡度 BalanceHarmony of flavor and other elements 成熟 MaturityRequires aging, ready-to-drink or over-the-hill 品质 QualityAssessed using length, balance and range of flavor characteristics红酒博 www.RedWineBlog.net6. 葡萄酒与美食 Wine & Food基本原则 Basics 葡萄酒可以清口Wine refreshes the palate between bites 食物和葡萄酒中的成分相辅相克Elements in food and wine can complement or detract from each other 红配红, 白配白Red to red, white to white红酒博 www.RedWineBlog.net6. 葡萄酒与美食 Wine & Food基本原则 Basics 葡萄酒的酒体与食物的食体搭配Weight of wine matches weight of dish 葡萄酒的风味与食物的风味相得益彰Wine flavor may echo with food flavor 葡萄酒的风味可以与食物形成对比Wine flavor may contrast with food flavor 复杂的菜配简单的酒, 简单的酒配复杂的菜Complex wines with simple dishes, simple wine with more complicated dishes红酒博 www.RedWineBlog.net6. 葡萄酒与美食 Wine & Food 各种成分的互相作用 Components the interact 酒精显热 Alcohol accentuates heat 甜显酸 Sweetness accentuates acidity 甜可以降低另外一种甜味 Sweetness reduces perception of tannin 脂肪和蛋白质减少单宁带来的感觉Fat and protein reduce perception of tannin 食盐减少单宁带来的感觉Salt reduces perception of tannin红酒博 www.RedWineBlog.net6. 葡萄酒与美食 Wine & Foodv 一般来说,葡萄酒都可以用来配菜,而且葡萄酒行业有句俗话叫“红酒配 红肉,白酒配白肉。”讲的就是葡萄酒和菜肴的搭配。 v Generally speaking, we can pare food with wines and theres a saying: Red Meat goes with Red Wine while White Meat goes with White Wine所谓的红肉就是指那些味道比较浓 的肉类 Red Meat refers to those kinds of meat with strong flavor 牛肉 Beef/Steak羊肉 Lamb 猪肉 Pork鹿肉 Deer 兔肉 Rabbit狗肉 Dog 鸭肉 Duck白肉则是一些口味稍微清淡的肉类和 其他的一些菜肴: White meat means those plain meat and other kinds of food 海鲜 Seafood鸡肉 Chicken 水果 Fruit 蔬菜 Vegetable 色拉 Salad 奶酪 Cheese 面食 Pasta/Noodles红酒博 www.RedWineBlog.net6. 葡萄酒与美食 Wine & Foodv 葡萄酒有很多的种类,侍酒温度的选择对于品尝葡萄酒是至关重要的。一 般来说,红葡萄酒可直接在室温下饮用,而白葡萄酒冰镇一下口味更佳。 以下是一些葡萄酒的参考饮用温度: v The appropriate serving temperature is of great importance to wine tasting. The serving temperatures of wine are as follows:葡萄汽酒葡萄汽酒 Sparkling WineSparkling Wine 4 4 66 香槟酒香槟酒 ChampagneChampagne 69 69 酒体清淡的白葡萄酒酒体清淡的白葡萄酒 Light Bodied White WineLight Bodied White Wine69 69 酒体适中的白葡萄酒酒体适中的白葡萄酒 Medium Bodied White WineMedium Bodied White Wine810 810 酒体丰厚的白葡萄酒酒体丰厚的白葡萄酒 Full Bodied White WineFull Bodied White Wine1416 1416 桃红酒桃红酒 Rose WineRose Wine 6 9 6 9 酒体清淡的红葡萄酒酒体清淡的红葡萄酒 Light Bodied Red WineLight Bodied Red Wine1214 1214 酒体适中的红葡萄酒酒体适中的红葡萄酒 Medium Bodied Red WineMedium Bodied Red Wine16 16 酒体浑厚的红葡萄酒酒体浑厚的红葡萄酒 Full Bodied Red WineFull Bodied Red Wine18 18 红酒博 www.RedWineBlog.net6. 葡萄酒与美食 Wine & Food李子味 Plum薄荷味 Mint烟草和香料味 Tobacco and Spicy口感顺滑 Velvety草莓味 Strawberry黑梅味 Blackberry胡椒味 Pepper黑胡椒味 Black PepperSome White Wine Descriptors青苹果味 Green Apple甜瓜味 Melon无花果味 Fig桃子味 peach菠萝味 Pine apple柠檬味 Lemon热带水果味 Tropical Fruit爽脆感 Crisp
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