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动词动词 不定式的时时 态态1. I opened the door to enter the room. 3. Mr. Smith is going to attend the meeting to be held tomorrow. 一般式( to do ).不定式的一般式所 表示的动动作(状 态态)同时时(或几 乎同时时)发发生, 或之后发发生。2.saw her enter the room.进进行式( to be doing)1. I am very glad to be working with you.2.He pretended to be reading when his mother came into his room.不定式的进进行式表示正 在进进行的动动作,和谓语谓语 动词动词 所表示的动动作同时时 进进行。 。动词动词 不定式的时时 态态动词动词 不定式的时时 态态.完成式(to have done)1. I am sorry to have kept you waiting so long. 2. You seemed to have read the novel written by Mr. Smith.不定式的完成 式表示的动动作 在谓语谓语 表示的 动动作之前发发生 。
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