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关于大学英语四级考试中的 句子翻译2007年1月真题分析87. Specialists in intercultural studies say that it is not easy to adjust /adapt to life in a different culture (适应不同文化中的生活 ).词汇:适应 adjust /adapt to结构:形式主语句中真正的主语由to+动 词(词组)原形构成2007年1月真题分析88. Since my childhood I have found that nothing is more attractive to me than reading / nothing attracts me more than reading (没有什么比读书对我更有吸引 力).词汇:对某人有吸引力be attractive to sb. / attract sb. 结构:含比较级的句子的构成(morethan)时态:主句用现在完成时,其宾语从句要用一 般现在时,后一种表达形式中动词必须是第三 人称单数形式2007年1月真题分析89. The victim would have had a chance of surviving / would have been able to survive / would have survived (本来有机会活下 来) if he had been taken to hospital in time. 词汇: 活下来survive有机会活下来have a chance of surviving / be able to survive结构:虚拟语气中对过去的假设,其主 句的构成是would + have + 过去分词,从 句的构成是had + 过去分词 2007年1月真题分析90. Some psychologists claim that people are likely to / may / might feel lonely when (they are) away from home (出门在外时可 能会感到孤独).词汇:出门在外 away from home可能 be likely to / may / might感到孤独 feel lonely 结构:时间状语从句,其中与主句相同的主语 和系动词可省略 一致性:时间状语从句的人称与数量必须与其 主句一致2007年1月真题分析91. The nations population continues to rise at a rate of 12 million per / a / each year (以 每年1200万人的速度).词汇:以速度 at a rate of 每年 per / a / each year 1200万人 12 million(hundred,thousand, million, billion等词前若有数字修饰,则该词本 身不用复数形式)结构:介词短语作状语模拟试题(一)87. For further details you should apply to Susan, who has made special study of (她 曾经专门研究过) this subject.词汇: 专门研究 make special study of结构:非限制性定语从句时态: 现在完成时(或一般过去时)模拟试题(一)88. Although he was faced with many difficulties (尽管面临着诸多困难), Peter still decided to go abroad for further study.词汇:面临 be faced with结构:让步状语从句时态:一般过去时,与主句呼应一致性:人称、性、数、格模拟试题(一)89. Compared with many others (与许多其 他学校相比), this college has good teaching facilities and a beautiful environment.词汇:与相比 compared with结构:分词短语作状语一致性:代词需用复数形式模拟试题(一)90. Unless a new assemble line is installed, it is impossible to raise output (否则提高产 量是不可能的).词汇:提高产量 raise output结构:形式主语句,及含有条件状语从 句的主句模拟试题(一)91. Bad weather prevented them from carrying out the experiments in the open field (使他们无法继续在野外进行实验).词汇:在野外 in the open field进行实验 carry out experiments使 无法做某事 / 妨碍某人做某 事 prevent sb. from doing sth.结构:简单句模拟试题(二)87. The author hopes that his book may rouse the interest of those (foreigners) who are not familiar with Chinese history (他的书能引起那些对中国 历史不很了解的外国人的兴趣).词汇:引起某人的兴趣 rouse the interest of sb.对某事(不)了解 be (not) familiar with sth.结构:宾语从句,定语从句时态:一般现在时模拟试题(二)88. (昨天他如果坐出租车去) If he had gone by taxi yesterday , he might have caught the train.词汇:坐出租车去 go by taxi结构:虚拟语气中与过去事实相反的情 况,其条件句谓语动词的构成为had+过 去分词模拟试题(二)89. Even if you should fail to persuade him, dont lose hope / dont be disappointed (也 不要失望).词汇:失望 lose hope / be disappointed结构:祈使句模拟试题(二)90. What he said at the meeting this morning ( 没有把年轻人的具体需要考虑进去) did not take the youths concrete needs into consideration .词汇:把考虑进去 take sth. into consideration具体需要 concrete needs时态:一般过去时,前后呼应模拟试题(二)91. The fog that has accumulated over the night made it difficult to drive safely / made safe driving difficult (使得安全驾驶 有很大困难).词汇:安全驾驶 safe driving使得做某事很困难 make it difficult to do sth.结构:it 作为形式宾语的句型
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