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Lou Miranda Estate卢马兰达酒庄始于1939年的家族传统品牌This is the story of how a proud Italian family became one of the most famous names in Australian wine. This is the Miranda wine dynasty.来自于意大利的马兰达家族,世代秉承“世界上最重要的事物,除了家 人与挚友之外,就是好酒”的观念,怀着对葡萄酒的无限热爱用心酿制美酒 ,跻身于澳大利亚最知名葡萄酒品牌之列!让我们仔细聆听马兰达葡萄酒 王朝的故事When a young Francesco Miranda followed his brother Tony out to Australia in 1938 he had a dream to make good wine. His Neapolitan origins taught him that good food and wine came second only to a loving family, so when he set foot on Tonys market garden in Griffith, he immediately went about realising his dream of making wine and raising a family with his wife Caterina.马兰达酒庄创始人Francesco Miranda怀揣酿制好酒的梦想,于1938 年跟随弟弟Tony抵达澳洲大陆。出生于 意大利那不勒斯的Francesco深深的明 白:美食美酒对于人生的意义就如同幸 福的家庭一般重要。所以,当他来到澳 洲格里菲斯后,立即投身于实现梦想的 征途中,他迫切地想要酿造好酒,并与 妻子Caterina共筑美满家庭!葡萄酒家族故事 The Wine Family StoryWhen war broke out Francesco was interned for five years because he had served in the Italian Army, but he spent that time judiciously reading books about winemaking and even making wine from sultana grapes. And when he returned to Griffith in 1944 Miranda Wines began in earnest.Over time, Francesco and Caterinas family grew and their sons Sam, Jim and Lou became part of Miranda Wines, overseeing a remarkable growth that saw them produce over two million cases a year and become the seventh largest family-owned wine company in Australia.Lou Miranda, who is patriarch and founder of Lou Miranda Estate says that he doesnt think he ever seriously considered doing anything else. He was drawn to the family business as it had started to expand and his Dads enthusiasm for it was contagious. Lou was exposed to every aspects of the winery and as soon as he was old enough, he was on the road selling, supplying bottle shops and pubs. He didnt come home until the wines were all sold.第二次世界大战爆发后, Francesco在意大利军营里拘禁了五 年,明智的他在这段时间阅读了许多 葡萄酒酿造的书籍,甚至还用葡萄干 酿酒给士兵们饮用。直到1944年战争 结束后,他才回到格里菲斯,正式开 始经营马兰达酒庄。岁月如梭,这段光辉的岁月见证了 Francesco和Caterina的儿子们 (Sam, Jim和Lou)的相继出生,也见 证了马兰达酒庄惊人的成就年产 量达两百万箱,成为澳洲第七大家族 经营的酒庄。卢马兰达酒庄的创始人卢马兰达 先生曾说:除了酿酒,我从未认真想 过自己要做其他的事业!酿酒不仅是 他的家族事业,对葡萄酒的热爱更是 受父亲与生俱来的影响。Griffith was a mecca for mass-produced fruit and wine, but when the Australian wine industry began to change, with a strong focus on terroir and developing premium wines, the decision was made in 2003 to sell Miranda Wines. That was a very tough time for Lou Miranda. That led to the development of the boutique winery Lou Miranda Estate, in the Barossa Valley, South Australia, because the Barossa holds a special attraction for him, a place that is truly unique.格里菲斯位于澳洲新南威尔士州,这里经济繁荣 ,是水果和葡萄酒的集散中心。当年,澳洲葡萄酒产 业发生变革,重视葡萄种植的风土情况和发展优质葡 萄酒越来越受推崇。发展壮大后的卢马兰达酒庄,也 引起许多上市公司的关注,考虑到各方面的因素,马 兰达家族于2003年做出艰难的决定:出售酒庄。之后,卢马兰达先生举家搬迁到巴罗萨谷,他的 两个兄弟搬到了国王谷。2004年的圣诞夜,卢马兰 达决定成立卢马兰达精品酒庄,在这块他看到无限潜 力的土地上,继续完成他的伟大梦想。The Winery and cellar of Lou Miranda Estate has all the character of early Mediterranean architecture but was only built in 1999. The colour of the building was matched as closely as possible to the neighboring Lutheran Church. The interior detail gives an impression of space and warmth. The Winery and cellar is also the Miranda Restaurant which is open for lunch 7 days a week from 11:00am until 3:00pm and is situated in the beautiful Cellar Door. The menu reflects the seasons with its modern interpretation of classic Italian cuisine.卢马兰达品酒窖和餐厅 Lou Miranda Estate Winery & Cellar & Restaurant卢马兰达酒庄和酒窖所在的这座楼建于1999年 ,却展现出了早期地中海式建筑风格。这座楼的基 本色调与紧挨其旁的路德教堂十分相似、协调。内 部的装饰细节也无不体现空间感,营造出一种温暖 安心的氛围。这里也是卢马兰达酒庄的餐厅,每周七天11点- 15点对外营业,顾客可以在这里享用午餐和葡萄酒 。在酒庄漂亮的餐厅里,人们可以享用到地道正宗 的意大利美食,以及卢马兰达酒庄酿造的美酒。幼狮系列 The CubThe Cub is the Lou Miranda Estates youngest lovely lion. It is a range that refers together with the Leone range. It symbolize the relationship of Miranda family.Lou has spent a lifetime building on his fathers passion while adding his own unique style. And the blending of tradition and innovation doesnt end there. Theres now a new generation of Miranda at the helm - the third since Francesco Miranda crushed those first grapes in 1939. Daughters Lisa and Victoria hope to take the Lou Miranda Estate brand to new heights and into new markets, both in Australia and around the world.卢马兰达酒庄幼狮系列葡萄酒与雄狮系列密不可分。幼狮表示卢马兰达酒庄最年幼的可爱狮子,这也暗示着马兰达家族长幼之间的亲密关系。卢马兰达先生倾其一生延续父亲的酿酒精神和理念,也逐渐形成自己的独特风格,完美结合了家族传统 和自我创新的技艺。如今马兰达葡萄酒世家已发展到第 三代,卢的女儿丽莎和维多利亚将卢马兰达酒庄提升到新的品牌高度,延伸到新的市场,让这个家族品牌享 誉国内和全球!葡萄酒:幼狮赤霞珠 The Cub Cabernet Sauvignon Wine葡萄种类:赤霞珠 年份:2008年 酒精度:14%vol 产区:巴罗萨谷(Barossa Valley) 特点:口感丰富,充满成熟浆果风味,口 感柔和绵顺。适合与酱炒类的菜肴搭配。 现在即可与家人朋友共同把盏,也可窖藏 数年后享用。 Grape Variety: Cabernet Sauvignon Vintage: 2008 Alcohol Content: 14% Vol Appellation: South Australia-Barossa Valley Store in a cool dark place, this wine can be drunk now with your family and friends or cellar for a few years to come. To enjoy this wine serve at room temperature. Drink this wine with savoury foods, pair with soy based dishes, or ric
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