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ADMIRALTY LAW Fall Semester of 2010 Professor: Hongjun Shan1Comprehensive Introduction of Admiralty LawGeneral Definition Admiralty Law? The system of jurisprudence that has grown out of the practice of admiralty courts; The rules governing contract, tort, and workers-compensation claims arising out of commerce on or over navigable water.- Blacks Law Dictionary What the course covers? Collision Salvage at Sea General Average Wreck Removal Vessel Source Marine Pollution Personal Injury & Death Liability Limitation for Maritime Claims2Ship CollisionBow Starboard3Salvage at SeaInclining to the starboard(at risk)Tow 4General AverageTipped overShip damage Cargo damage5Wreck RemovalFloating Crane Bridge6Vessel-Source Marine PollutionCargo oil Bunker oil Chemical Substances7Personal Injury & Death at SeaA seamaninjured8Liability Limitation for Maritime ClaimsSpecial regime Only available in Admiralty Law9Independent or Interrelated?- Interrelated!10
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