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高一寒假工程 练习三(Module 1 Unit 3 )主讲:扬中市新坝中学 孙廷松审稿:镇江市教育局教研室 王明霞一 单项选择1. We didnt plan our art exhibition like that but it _ very well.A. worked on B. worked out C. tried out D. carried on 选B work out意为“解决”,“产生结果”。 work on后接宾语表示“从事”;try out意为“ 试验”;carry on意为“继续进行”。本题意 思为“我们没有像那样计划我们的艺术展 览会,但结果却很好”。 2. He was worried, because he lost his bag _ his passport, ID card and a lot of money.A. included B. including C. contained D. containing 选D 从句子结构判断,选项为分词短语作定语, 相当于定语从句which contained his passport, ID card and a lot of money,由于bag与contain 有逻辑上的主动关系,因此用containing。 Contain包含全部东西,include包括其中的一部 分。 3. No matter how much money you have, it cannot _ a healthy body. A. match B. fit C. defeat D. compare 选A match意为“与相比/匹敌”。全句 译为“无论你有多少钱,它都不能与健康 的身体相比”。 4. Our new teachers English is difficult for me to _.Why dont you ask your brother _ help? A. understand; with B. follow; for C. speak; for D. pick up; by 选B 解本题时应该首先从第二个空入手。依据 ask sb. for排除A、D两项。对我来说老师的英 语只能是听得懂或听不懂,不能是speak,排除 C。 5. In the damaged house the firefighters saved a lot of _ people, but they couldnt be sent to hospital because of the _ road. A. blocked; injured B. damaged; blocking C. injured; blocked D. wounded; injured 选C 两个空格都用过去分词作前置定语。injured 作“受伤的”解,指外伤。blocked作“阻塞的”解, 都是过去分词作前置定语,都有完成、被动的 意思。Damaged表示破坏了的,wounded表示 战斗中受伤的,都不符合题意。 6. Though he was _ out of breath when he got there, he thought it was _ worth the effort. A. quite; well B. well; quite C. quite; quite D. well; well 选A “很值得”用be well worth,因此 第二空用well,排除B、C;out of breath 应该用quite修饰,故选A。7. Is this TV set _ you wish to have _? A. the one; repaired B. which; it repaired C. the one; it repaired D. which; repaired 选A 把题干写成肯定句为This TV set is _ you wish to have _.第 一个空格应该填上先行词the one;第二 个空格其实是考查短语haverepaired, 但是定语从句中不能出现指代先行词的 that了。8. The Turners consider _ a computer, which is commonly considered _ a great help in our work and study. A. to buy; to be B. buying; to be C. to buy; being D. buying; being 选B consider作“考虑;细想”解时,后接动名词 作宾语,不可用被动式。作“当作;当成;认为” 解时,常用于consider sb / sth as / to be。 9. When youve finished with that book, dont forget to put it back on the shelf, _?A. do you B. dont you C. will you D. wont you选C 祈使句后一般加上will you构成反意疑 问句,用will you 多表示“请求”。 10. _ is the top player in this football team? A. Who do you think B. Do you think whom C. Whom do you think D. Do you think whose else 选A do you think为插入语,去掉do you think 后,不难看出,疑问词作主语 ,故选A。 11. Tian Dong, together with his classmates, _ punished because of _ the school rules. A. was; obeyingB. were; breaking C. were; obeyingD. was; breaking 选D 从句意看,首先排除A、C两项。因为遵守 学校的规章制度是不应该受到惩罚的。together with his classmates 是状语,真正的主语为Tian Dong,谓语动词应用单数形式,故选D。 12. Im tired of the city life now.Why not try _ to the countryside for a change?A. to move B. moving C. to have move D. be moving 选B try to do表示“试图做某事”;try doing表示“试着做某事”。从句意看,应该 选B项。 13. In the office I never seem to have time until 5:30 p.m., _ many people have gone home. A. whose time B. that C. on which D. by which time 选D 根据从句中的完成时态,常与by连用 ,by which time相当于when的作用。 14. You neednt take the _ to take the weight-loss pills. Exercise would work out well for you.A. chance B. risk C. turn D. time选B take the risk of /to do 冒的风险 。 15. Mom, I have felt good these days.Dear, if you want to keep fit, youd better _ more _.A. take; exercises B. take; exercise C. do; exercises D. attend; exercise 选B take exercise参加锻炼;do exercises 做练习。 二 完形填空16. 选B rain. 第18题后面的we saw some rain soon有本题的提示。 17. 选C tried. try to do理解为努力,尽力干某事 ,反映出作者的丈夫挽救庄稼的急切心理。 18. 选D unless. 要根据句意来理解,“如果马上我 们还看不到一些雨的话,我们将会失去所有的 东西 19. 选B sharing. 理解为“分享的意义”。本题在理 解了下文中作者的儿子Billy取水挽救小鹿的生命 的事情后方可选出答案。 20. 选B never. 本文所指的奇迹,也就是下文中作 者的儿子所做的事情是作者以前从未见过的。21. 选C walking. 本题在紧接着的22题前面有明确 的提示:He was walking 22. 选A slowly. 根据状语部分:trying to be as still as possible(尽量做到悄无声息)可判断他 走的很慢。 23. 选D woods. 本题在上文21题后面有明确的提 示: toward the woods. 24. 选A thinking. 根据前面一句话he came running back可知作者认为儿子的事情做完了, 而不是用“想知道”wondering这个选项。 25. 选C however. 本题与上题形成转折关系,作 者认为儿子的事情做完了,然而,儿子又向森 林里走去。26. 选B following. 本题考查了固定短语cant help doing 忍不住干某事。作者忍不住跟着儿子,所 以用following这个答案。 27. 选D scene. scene理解为“场景”。 28. 选A almost. 表示作者几乎要尖叫起来,因为 她觉得儿子可能有危险。 29. 选C close. 作者认为有一头鹿离儿子已经太 近,肯能会对儿子造成危险。 30. 选D deer. 通过下文,我们知道作者的儿子救 的是一只小鹿。31. 选A thirst. 根据文章开头提到的干旱,可以 知道小鹿遭受的是口渴的折磨。 32. 选C gone. 根据前面一句话,我们可以知道 小鹿喝的是Billy用手捧过来的水,所以当水喝光 了以后,Billy就又去捧来更多的水。 33. 选B clear. 看到这里,作者对于儿子所做的事 情已经很清楚了。 34. 选A kind. 作者这时候给儿子的一个评价是“ 心地善良的”,所有用kind这个形容词。 35. 选D crying. 很戏剧性的结尾。仿佛上帝也被 儿子的善举所感动,自豪地哭泣起来,也就是 指天下起了雨,而作
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