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Text AText BBasic translation techniquePractical readingPart A Listening ten math questions require students to “grid in” the answer. By design, the test is “speeded” which means that many test takers are unable to finish all the questions. The SAT II, formerly “achievement tests”, are one hour subject oriented(导导向的;定向的) exams, entirely in a multiple choice format (except for the SAT II “writing” test, which includes one 20-minute essay). The Educational Testing Service (ETS), under contract to the College Board, produces and administers(管理;执行) all SAT tests. A direct descendant of the racist anti-immigrant Army Mental Tests of the 1920s, the SAT was first administered in 1926 but did not become a fully multiple-choice exam until after World War II. The test is designed to be independent of high school curricula(课程) (unlike the SATs main competitor, the ACT). It now consists of analogies, sentence completion, reading comprehension, standard math and quantitative(定量的;量的,数量的) comparison items. The SAT I does not include advanced mathematics topics or does it attempt to assess higher order thinking or reasoning skills. Though a “Verbal” score is provided, test takers do not write a single word. http:/www. fairtest. org/facts/satfact. htm2. University of TorontoUniversity of Toronto is an institution of higher learning in Toronto, Ontario. Founded in 1827 as Kings College, in close connection with the Church of England, the college was secularized(使与宗教分离) in 1850 and renamed the University of Toronto. The largest university in Canada, the University of Toronto has about 55,000 students and 12,000 faculty and staff members. Its faculty of arts and science offers more than 2,000 courses, and the broad range of professional faculties and schools includes applied science and engineering, architecture and landscape architecture, dentistry, education, forestry, law, library and information science, management, medicine, music, nursing, pharmacy, physical and health education, and social work. There are 66 distinct doctoral specializations in the School of Graduate Studies. Microsoft Encarta Encyclopedia 2004.3. Hasty PuddingIn 1795, twenty-one Harvard students crowded into a dorm room to celebrate the establishment of a new on- campus society. Members pledged(保证证) to maintain the clubs secrecy and “to cultivate the social affections and cherish the feelings of friendship and patriotism”. Most importantly, they mandated that “the members in alphabetical order shall provide a pot of hastypudding for every meeting”. With this ritual, the Hasty Pudding club found its namesake, and the theatrical organization of today found its simpler roots. The modern Pudding show has evolved into a spectacle beyond anything ever envisioned by the founders of the original secret society. Undergraduates are now provided guidance by theatrical veterans in all aspects of the production, while sets and costumes rival those of many professional shows. Still, the show remains in its essence a no-holds-barred burlesque, with men playing both the male and female roles. Women are involved in all other aspects of the show, from technical staff, to the band, to authoring and producing the show. With the introduction of the Woman of the Year celebration in1951, and the Man of the Year in 1967, the Pudding has gained a truly international audience. Despite these factors, the Pudding remains at its heart an organization driven by the enthusiasm and exuberance of its undergraduates. The Hasty Pudding Theatricals have presented their unique brand of student written theater every year since 1891, the only exceptions being for World Wars and . Source: http:/www.hastypudding.org/pages/about/history. shtmlGetting In I applied to college one evening, after dinner, in the fall of my senior year in high school. College applicants in Ontario, in those days, were given a single sheet of paper which listed all the universities in the province. It was my job to rank them in order of preference. Then I had to mail the sheet of paper to a central college-admissions office. The whole process probably took ten minutes. My school sent in my grades separately. I vaguely remember filling out a supplementary two-page form listing my interests and activities. There were no S.A.T. scores to worry about, because in Canada we didnt have to take the S.A.T.s. I don know whether anyone wrote me a recommendation. I certainly never asked anyone to. Why would I? It wasnt as if I were applying to a private club.Malcolm GladwellT高三那年的秋季,一天傍晚吃过晚餐后,我开始填 写入读高校的申请表。那时候,加拿大安大略省的学生 申请高校时,都会得到一张全省大学的清单。我的工作 就是按自己的意愿排列想入读的学校。然后,我把这张 “选校名单”寄回高校联合招生办公室。整个过程大概 只需十分钟。我就读的高中会自行寄出成绩单。我依稀 记得,当时我填写了一份两页纸的补充表格,列出我的 兴趣爱好和参加过的活动。我们不必担心S.A.T.成绩,因 为在加拿大,学生是不需要参加S.A.T.考试。我不知道是 否有人为我写了推荐信,可以肯定的是,我从没请人写 推荐信。我为什么要那样做呢? 我又不是在申请加入高级 私人俱乐部。入学Getting in1) gain access to; be admitted into somewhe
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