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Module4 Unit1I am making Damings birthday card学习目标1.掌握新单词和词组。2.学会讲述正在发生的事情,并向 他人寻求帮助。3.培养学生乐于助人的好习惯。单词大比拼Be carefulfly awaybirthday cardballoonat the supermarketcarryfall飘走生日卡片当心 小心气球gamegameWhat is he doing?Hes playing football.What is he doing?Hes playing basketball.What is he doing?Hes playing table tennis.What is he doing?Hes swimming.What is he doing? Hes doing morning exercises .What is he doing?Hes watching TV.Answer the questions 1.What is Simons Mum doing? She is buying things for Damings birthday. 2.Who can help Simons mum? Daming can. 3.Who cant help Simons mum? Simon cant.Because he is making Damings birthday card. 4.Are the balloons flying away? Yes,they are.the newspaper is .A: My balloons are flying away.Who can help me ?B: Sorry , I cant .C: I can help you.1234看图片,小组成员组成 对话,小组展示2345167同桌对话练习。A:What is he doing?B: He is looking for看图填空1.-What is he doing ?- He _(clean)the blackboard2.-What is the boy doing ?-He _(carry) a bag.3.-What are they doing?-They _4.-What are the boys doing?-They _is cleaningis carryingare buying thingsare playing basketball( )1.Who can help _?A.he B.we C.my D. me( )2.Mum is _ in the kitchen.A.cooks B.cooking C.cook( )3.What is _doing?A.you B.they C.he( )4.Listen! A boy _behind the wall.A.singing B.is sing C. sings D.is singing ( )5.The kite is _.A.flying away B.fly away C.flies awayDBCDA写5个现在进行时的句子.
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