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Heres a little astronomy to help you put this into perspective HubbleHubbleThe Hubble telescope is located outside our atmosphere and is orbiting around the Earth at 593 km above sea level with an orbital period of about 96 to 97 minutes at a speed of 28,000 km/h.Its name is in honor of astronomer Edwin Hubble, it was placed in orbit on April 24, 1990. It weighs about 11000 kg in a cylindrical form with a 13.2 m length and a diameter of 4.2 m. This telescope can obtain images of the cosmos at an 0.1 arc second of resolution. View from inside the Space StationView from inside the Space StationHubbles bestHubbles bestThis is the Sombraro Galaxie also called M104 in Messiers catalog at a This is the Sombraro Galaxie also called M104 in Messiers catalog at a distance of 28 millions light years. This is considered one of the best distance of 28 millions light years. This is considered one of the best pictures Hubble took. pictures Hubble took. Then we have the Ants Nebula so called because of its shape Then we have the Ants Nebula so called because of its shape and located 3000 and 6000 light years. and located 3000 and 6000 light years. Then here is the Esquimo Nebula at 5000 light years.Then here is the Esquimo Nebula at 5000 light years.In fourth place the Cats Eye Nebula.In fourth place the Cats Eye Nebula.Fifth place the Hour Glass Nebula located 8000 light years Fifth place the Hour Glass Nebula located 8000 light years the result of an exploding star. the result of an exploding star. In 6th place, we have a part of the Cone Nebula at 2.5 light years In 6th place, we have a part of the Cone Nebula at 2.5 light years In Seventh position, we find a protion of the Swan In Seventh position, we find a protion of the Swan Nebula located 5,500 light years described as an ocean Nebula located 5,500 light years described as an ocean of hydrogen with small quantities of oxygen, sulfur and of hydrogen with small quantities of oxygen, sulfur and other elements. other elements. In 8th place, this beautiful image called “Starry night”In 8th place, this beautiful image called “Starry night” And also know as Light Echo.And also know as Light Echo.In 9th place, two galaxies merging NGC 2207 and IC 2163 located In 9th place, two galaxies merging NGC 2207 and IC 2163 located 114 millions light years.114 millions light years.Tenth place, a fragment of the Trifid Nebula with Tenth place, a fragment of the Trifid Nebula with many stars at 9000 light years.many stars at 9000 light years.Other images from HubbleOther images from HubbleHalleys comet Halleys comet M16: The Eagle Nebula NGC 2237: Rosette NebulaM42: Orion NebulaProto StarA Black Hole SHOWING ALL OF SHOWING ALL OF THIS IN THIS THIS IN THIS FASHION IS REALLY FASHION IS REALLY FACINATING, FACINATING, DEEPLY MOVING DEEPLY MOVING AND DAZZLING.AND DAZZLING.EarthPlutoMarsMercuryEarthPlutoSunEarthPlutoI HOPE THIS HAS I HOPE THIS HAS ENLIGHTENED YOU .ENLIGHTENED YOU .BEYON OUR SUN, BEYON OUR SUN, THERE IS A VAST UNIVERSE THERE IS A VAST UNIVERSEOur SunSiriusArturusJupiter at 1 pixel at the point of the arrow.The Earth is not visible at this scale.Antares is the 15th most brilliant star in the night sky. It is located at more then 1000 light years. Sun 1 pixelBeetlejuiceAND NOW HOW BIG AND TALL ARE YOU ?AND NOW HOW BIG AND TALL ARE YOU ?AND, ALL THOSE PROBLEMS THAT YOU AND, ALL THOSE PROBLEMS THAT YOU HAVE TODAY ?HAVE TODAY ? WHAT ARE THE THINGS THAT ARE WHAT ARE THE THINGS THAT ARE IMPORTANT TO YOU SO THAT YOU IMPORTANT TO YOU SO THAT YOU SQUABBLE ABOUT OR PICK FIGHTS?SQUABBLE ABOUT OR PICK FIGHTS? KEEP YOUR LIFE IN KEEP YOUR LIFE IN PERSPECTIVEPERSPECTIVE! !NIGHT LIGHTSNow you will see a picture for those Now you will see a picture for those moments when you feel life is moments when you feel life is overwhelming.overwhelming.When you think your problems are When you think your problems are enormousenormousand when you think there is a immense and when you think there is a immense difference between the things you do and difference between the things you do and those you dont,those you dont,And finallyAnd finally a picture for those moments when you think a picture for those moments when you think the world is so big where you live that it is the world is so big where you live that it is indestructible.indestructible.With its great cities, all the oceans, mountain With its great cities, all the oceans, mountain ranges and continentsranges and continentsInvulnerable PlanetInvulnerable Planet insensitive, with its size and greatness,insensitive, with its size and greatness, With our actions as men accomplishing or With our actions as men accomplishing or not. not. Insensitive Insensitive Because, Earth has five hundred millions Because, Earth has five hundred millions square kilometres of surface!square kilometres of surface!Six thousands quadrillions tons of r
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