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The tourist attractionsOf the USA林肯纪念堂(Lincoln Memorial)It is seen as the United States Permanent statue and Washington city landmark, built to commemorate the sixteenth president of the United States Abraham lincoln.- “Lincoln will go down to posterity, and peoples hearts forever” 它被视为美国永恒的塑像及华盛顿市标志,为纪念美国第十六届 总统亚伯拉罕林肯而建。“林肯将永垂不朽,永存人民心里”Lincoln Memorial Lincoln Memorial夏威夷(Hawaii)Honolulu as a tourist attraction, the attraction is the Waikiki Beach. The wind and the Lishui blue sky blue, suitable for swimming, surfing, can, can also be fishing. Hawaii to the East and west culture interweave together, the northern and southern hemispheres civilization together, so it is known as the crossroads of the world culture.檀香山(火奴鲁鲁)为旅游胜地,最引人 的地方是威基基海滩(Waikiki Beach)。 全年风和日丽水蓝天青,宜游泳、冲浪、可以荡 舟,也可以捕鱼。 夏威夷把东西方的文化交织在一起,把南北半球 的文明连结在一起,所以被人们称之为世界十字 路口的文化。HAWAIIHAWAII科罗拉多大峡谷(the Grand Canyon) Horizontal rock canyon walls are clear, this is deposits hundreds of millions of years ago, like tree rings, provide a sufficient basis for understanding the geological changes.峡谷岩壁的水平岩层清晰明了,这是亿万年 前的地质沉积物,如同 树木的年轮一样,为人们认识地质变化提供 了充分的依据。科罗拉多大峡谷(the Grand Canyon)岩拱公园一向有家庭公园(familypark)之名:“报 纸岩(NewspaperRock)”, 绘满了印第安人的岩画,有动物和其他奇异的图 形。纪念谷(MonumentValley)。 Rock arch park has been home park (familypark): in thename of “newspaper rock (NewspaperRock)“, painted in the Indian rock paintings, animal and other strange graphics.Monument Valley (MonumentValley).科罗拉多大峡(the Grand Canyon)科罗拉多大峡(the Grand Canyon )科罗拉多大峡(the Grand Canyon )加州优山美地国家公园(Yosemite National Park)Is one of the three national park is the most beautiful of the United States of America (the other two are Huangshi National Park and the GrandCanyon National Park), is Californias most famous tourist attractions.是美国最美的三个国家公园之一(另两个是黄石国家公园和大峡谷国家公园), 是加州最着名的旅游景点。YOSEMITE VALLEY: 里面可以看到非常漂亮的瀑布,以及悬崖。 MARIPOSA GROVE OF GIANT SEQUOIAS: 这里能看到很多 巨大的红杉树,其中最老的一棵叫做GRIZZLY GIANT, 有2700年的历史,最高第一棵叫做COLUMBIA。YOSEMITE VALLEY: inside can see very beautiful waterfalls, as well as the cliff.MARIPOSA GROVE OF GIANT SEQUOIAS: I can see many huge Redwood,the oldest tree called GRIZZLY GIANT, has a history of 2700 years, the first treecalled COLUMBIA.黄石国家公园(Yellowstone National Park) 简称黄石公园,是世界第一座国家公园,地处素有号称“美洲脊梁”的落基山脉 老忠实间歇泉(Old Faithful Geyser),五彩斑斓的大棱镜(Grand Prismatic Spring), 宁静的黄石湖(Yellowstone Lake),奔流直下的黄石瀑布, 壮丽的黄石大峡谷(Grand Canyon of the Yellowstone), 美丽的巨象温泉(Mammoth Hot Spring,亦译-猛犸象温泉 Referred to as the Yellowstone National Park, is the worlds first National Park, located in the Rocky Mountains is known as “the backbone of America“Old Faithful Geyser (Old Faithful Geyser), Grand Prismatic colorful (Grand Prismatic Spring), the quiet lake Huangshi (Yellowstone Lake),torrents of Huangshi falls, Huangshi grand canyon grand (Grand Canyon of the Yellowstone), Mammoth Hot Springs beautiful (Mammoth Hot Spring,also translated - Mammoth Hot Springs)(Yellowstone National Park) 自由女神铜像国家纪念碑“Liberty Enlightening the world“ - in the October 28, 1886 freeIsland standsin the American city of New York harbour in the Hudson estuary, knownas the United States of Americas symbol.For more than a century, stands a bronze statue of liberty on Liberty Islandin the United States and the United States national law has become asymbol of friendship between the people, always an expression of loftyideals of American people for democracy, freedom. “照耀世界的自由女神”-于1886年10月28日矗立在美国 纽约市海港内 的自由岛的哈德逊河口附近,被誉为美国的象征。 一个多世纪以来,耸立在自由岛上的自由女神铜像已成为 美利坚民族 和美法人民友谊的象征,永远表达着美国人民争取民主、 向往自由的崇高理想。自1886年落成之后,自由女神被闪电击中约600次 加州洛杉矶迪斯尼乐园(Disneyland Park in California)是世界上第一个迪斯尼主题乐园,被人们誉为地球上最快乐的地方。 米老鼠卡通城(Mickeys Toontown)就是米老鼠和他所有好朋友的家园 动物天地(Critter Country) 新奥尔良广场(New Orleans Square) “明日世界”(Tomorrowland)以超越想象的主题呈现明日世界的未来 美国大街(Main Street USA) 仿造100多年前的美国景观所建 边域乐园(Frontierland)背景设定在美国早期刚开垦的时代 梦幻王国(Fantasyland)与童话故事最密不可分 探险世界(Adventureland) Is the first Disney theme park, known as the happiest place on earth. Mickey Mouse cartoon city (Mickeys Toontown) is Mickey Mouse andall his friends home animal world (Critter Country) New Orleans square (New Orleans Square) “the world of tomorrow“ (Tomorrowland) to beyond the imagination of theme presentation tomorrowthe future of the world the United States Avenue (Main Street USA)copy 100 years ago the American landscape edge domainPark (Frontierland) is set in the early era of the United Statesof America just cleared the Magic Kingdom (Fantasyland) and the fairy taleworld adventure (Adventureland) most closelyDisneyland Park in CaliforniaDisneyland Park in CaliforniaDisneyland Park塞班岛(Saipan) 世界第一潜水圣地 Saipan金门大桥(The Golden Gate )是世界著名大桥之一,被誉为近代桥梁工程的一项奇迹 金门大桥是世界上最著名的自杀场所之一Is one of the world-famous bridge, a bridge project as
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