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UNIT 13 ExaminationsUnited we pass; divided we fail.Dictationl讨厌的人,麻烦的事l预算,做预算l存款,押金,存放,沉淀l领事馆,领事职位l诉诸,采取,胜地,手段l垄断,垄断企业l狂欢节,嘉年华l破裂,断裂,骨折l相互矛盾的,对立的l葡萄牙人,葡萄牙语1.nuisance2.budget3.deposit4.consulate5.resort6.monopoly7.carnival8.fracture9.contradictory10.PortugueseWord PretestKeys:1. He had an aptitude for journalism.1. A 2. C 3. A 4. B 5. C 6. A 7. B 8. B1. 他有从事新闻工作的才能。2. The map shows the of this species across the world.2. 地图上标明了这一物种在全世界的分布情况。3. The article gave a distorted picture of his childhood.3. 这篇文章对他的童年作了歪曲的描述。Reading Skill: OutliningObjective examinationsPart IObjectivity: equal chance, impartial scoringA Reliability: not so reliableBSubjective examinationsPart IISubjectivityATitle: Types of ExaminationsExposition of types of examinationsMain IdeaFreedomB OrganizationC Language DStandard examsCReading ComprehensionKeys: 1. multiple choice1. B 2. C 3. C 4. A 5. C 6. B1. 多项选择2. Graduate Record Examination2. GRE3. standard score3. 标准分4. wild guessing4. 乱猜,瞎猜5. verbal communication5. 语言交际Word Searchlassimilatelpresentationldeductlreinforcelstatisticsloffenderlthwartlimpunitylplagiarizelreprimandlcribldivisive1.吸收,消化,同化2.陈述,介绍,外观,赠送3.扣除,减去,演绎4.加强,充实,加固,增兵5.统计学,统计数字6.犯罪者,违法者,冒犯者7.使受挫,阻碍,阻挠8.不受惩罚,免罚,不受损失9.剽窃,抄袭10.训斥,斥责,谴责11.栅栏,食槽,抄袭,夹带12.造成不和的,引起分歧的Semantic Variation1. Free press can check corruption. 2. Check the accuracy of everything in your CV. 3. Styles include stripes and checks.1. This has not been raised as an issue by the West. 2. I read Germaine Greers article in the March issue. 3. Last night he issued a statement denying the allegations.1. Will she yield to growing pressure for her to retire? 2. This study has yielded a great number of positive results. 3. Polluted water lessens crop yields.1. B 2. B 3. A 4. C 5. C 6. BKeys:Stemse.g. contribute, attribute, tribute, tributary 1. distribution 给予 givee.g. deceive, conceive, perceive, captive2. receive, capture 拿 抓 take holde.g. tort, retort, torture, torment, torturous3. distort 扭曲 twiste.g. pedal, impede, expedient, bipod, pedicure 4. pedestrian, tripod 脚 footSynonyms & ClozeKeys to Synonyms:thwart encourage help tiny huge insignificant conform observe break obvious doubtful ambiguous abandon fail accomplishKeys to Cloze:advantage meaningful disadvantages subject expressing reading unsatisfactory giving arise picture1. frustrate 2. tremendou s 3. breach 4. apparent 5. attainSection B & CKeys to Section B:1-3 CDB 4-5 BC 6-8 TTF 9-11 FTT 12-14 BABKeys to Section C:1-5 FFTTT 6-10 TTTTT
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