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Book1 Module 1MariaPart 1 word fromsphrasesimportant sentences1 Behave v. -behavior n. 2 method-way-approach 3 amaze v. -amazing/ amazed adj. - amazement n.4 Enthusiastic adj. - enthusiasm n.5 Inform v. - information n.【u】 6 Impress v. - impression (of) n. - impressive adj.7 instruct v. - instruction n.8 embarrass v. - embarrassed adj.- embassessment n. 9 technology n. - technological adj.10 Disappear vi. - appear vi.11 introduce v. - introduction n.12 assist v. - assistant n.令人赞叹的1 Behave v. - n. 2 method- - 3 amaze v. - adj. - n.4 Enthusiastic adj. - n.5 Inform v. - n.【u】 6 Impress v. - ( ) n. - adj.7 instruct v. - n.8 embarrass v. - adj. - n. 9 technology n. - adj.10 Disappear vi. - 反 vi.11 introduce v. - n.12 assist v. - n.令人赞叹的1 by oneself2 in other words3 look forward to doing4 divided into separate from5 be similar to6 ones attitude to/towards7 be nothing like8 far from (反)near to9 take part in / join/ join in10 to ones amazement11 sth. amaze sb.12. be amazed at/ by 1. 单独地,独自的2. 换句话说3. 期待,盼望4. 划分成(若干部分)分隔开,分手5. 和相似6. 某人对待的态度7 毫不相似,完全不像8 远离,远不是 (反)接近9 参加10 令人惊奇的是11使某人惊奇12 对大为惊奇13 impress sb. with sth. impress sth. on sb.14 leave/ make/ have an impression on sb.15 introduce sth. Into16 a brief introduction to17 cover an area of18 cover sth. up19 cover the event 20 cover the expenses21 be covered by/with22 under the cover of23 from cover to cover13 给某人留下印象使某人铭记14 给某人留下的印象15 引进、引入16 简介17 占面积18 遮盖、隐瞒(某事、某物)19 采访这事件20 够支付费用21 覆盖着(强调动作/状态)22 在的掩护下,趁着23 (书)从头到尾24 Far from pleased/ happy25 far from richfar from being a rich person26 in a/ one word27 have a word withhave words with28 keep/break ones word29 Word came that24 一点儿也不高兴25 一点儿不富有26 简言之(word单)27 谈话(word单)吵架( word复)28 遵守/违背 诺言(word单)29 消息传来(word不可数)1 Behave v. -behavior n. 2 method-way-approach 3 amaze v. -amazing/ amazed adj. - amazement n.4 Enthusiastic adj. - enthusiasm n.5 Inform v. - information n.【u】 6 Impress v. - impression (of) n. - impressive adj.7 instruct v. - instruction n.8 embarrass v. - embarrassed adj.- embassessment n. 9 technology n. - technological adj.10 Disappear vi. - appear vi.11 introduce v. - introduction n.12 assist v. - assistant n.令人赞叹的1 by oneself2 in other words3 look forward to doing4 divided into separate from5 be similar to6 ones attitude to/towards7 be nothing like8 far from (反)near to9 take part in / join/ join in10 to ones amazement11 sth. amaze sb.12. be amazed at/ by 1. 单独地,独自的2. 换句话说3. 期待,盼望4. 划分成(若干部分)分隔开,分手5. 和相似6. 某人对待的态度7 毫不相似,完全不像8 远离,远不是 (反)接近9 参加10 令人惊奇的是11使某人惊奇12 对大为惊奇13 impress sb. with sth. impress sth. on sb.14 leave/ make/ have an impression on sb.15 introduce sth. Into16 a brief introduction to17 cover an area of18 cover sth. up19 cover the event 20 cover the expenses21 be covered by/with22 under the cover of23 from cover to cover13 给某人留下印象使某人铭记14 给某人留下的印象15 引进、引入16 简介17 占面积18 遮盖、隐瞒(某事、某物)19 采访这事件20 够支付费用21 覆盖着(强调动作/状态)22 在的掩护下,趁着23 (书)从头到尾24 Far from pleased/ happy25 far from richfar from being a rich person26 in a/ one word27 have a word withhave words with28 keep/break ones word29 Word came that24 一点儿也不高兴25 一点儿不富有26 简言之(word单)27 谈话(word单)吵架( word复)28 遵守/违背 诺言(word单)29 消息传来(word不可数)1. 单独地,独自的2. 换句话说3. 期待,盼望4. 划分成(若干部分)分隔开,分手5. 和相似6. 某人对待的态度7 毫不相似,完全不像8 远离,远不是 (反)接近9 参加10 令人惊奇的是11使某人惊奇12 对大为惊奇13 给某人留下印象使某人铭记14 给某人留下的印象15 引进、引入16 简介17 占面积18 遮盖、隐瞒19 采访这事件20 够支付费用21 覆盖着(强调动作/状态)22 在的掩护下,趁着23 (书)从头到尾24 一点儿也不高兴25 一点儿不富有26 简言之27 谈话吵架28 遵守/违背 诺言29 消息传来1 I dont think they will be bored in Ms Shens class, will they?我认为上沈老师的可他们不会感到无聊。(否定前移,反义疑问) (第一人称 + suppose, imagine, believe, expect,think)I dont expect anyone will take part in the activity.我预料没人会来参加这项活动。(anyone)2. So have/ do/ am I.So it is with me. / It is the same with me.我也一样。(so, same)Neither has Tom.Tom 也一样(不)。 3. There are three times as many girls as boys.女孩儿的数量是男孩儿的三倍。(There)4. I find it amazing that he can play the violin.他会拉小提琴使我们大为惊讶。(find it)5. We were amazed by the change in his appearance.他相貌的变化使我们大为惊讶。(amazed, appear)(修饰人的情感的词face,look,smile,voice,scream,expression)6. The sights of the city never fail to impress foreign tourists.外国游客无一不对该市的风景留有深刻印象。(fail, impress)7. This bridge is five times as long as / longer than / the length of that one.这座桥长是那座的5倍(比那座长4倍) 8. Secondary school in the US usually covers seven years, grade six to twelve. 美国的中学通常包括6至12年级在内的7年。(second, cover)9. The photographer has caught him in the attitude of prayer.摄影者捕捉到了他祈祷的姿势。(catch, attitude, pray)10 Fifteen divided three is/ gives/ equals five.15 除以3等于5. (divide)11 He is far from a fool.他绝不是个傻瓜。(far)12 I live in Shijiazhuang, a city not far fr
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