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五一劳动节英语资料五一劳动节英语资料“My father will bundle up to the battlements“父亲将一捆稻举到垛上,My father will bundle up to the battlements,微曲的腰像拉满的弓。Slightly curved waist like to pull the full bow.一年 或者若干年,A year or several years,他的双臂像缀满果实的稻杆。His arms like affix straw laden with fruit.因负重而不颤抖,While not tremble because of weight,这一瞬被我定格纸上。This moment I was fixed on paper.成为我记忆中闪耀的灯塔,Be a lighthouse shining in my memory,一棵水稻 或者。A rice or.一缕秋天的阳光,A wisp of autumn sunshine,这些质朴的词汇。These simple words.使我贫瘠的诗歌 找到了,I found the barren poetry,生活的血脉 民族的根。Lifes blood ethnic roots.他的背影里还有末收割的田垄,At the end of the ridge and harvest of his back,沉甸甸的稻穗压迫着禾杆,The heavy rice compressing straw,一株连着一株 一遍连着一遍,A implicate a strain again again,金黄的风向九月的天际铺陈。Golden wind direction presented the September sky.国际劳动节是为了纪念全世界劳动人民团结战斗的节日,世界各国一般都会举行相应的庆祝活动。不过,并不是所有国家都将 5 月 1 日定为劳动节,即使是在同一天,具体的庆祝方式和习惯也大不相同,让我们一起来看看其他国家是怎么度过劳动节的。International Labor Day is to commemorate the labor people of the whole world unity fight Festival, the world will generally held the celebration. However, not all countries will May 1st as labor day, even on the same day, specific ways to celebrate and habits are not the same, let us have a look the other countries are going through labor day.泰国在“五一”全国统一放假一天,在首都以及一些大城市会有相关的庆祝活动,不过规模一般都不会太大。今年泰国 1 日放假,2 日补休。Thailand - in the “five one“ National Day holiday, in the capital as well as some big city will have related celebrations, but the general scale is not too large. This year Thailand 1 days holiday, 2 days off.俄罗斯 5 月 1-3 日全国放假,届时各政党都会齐聚红场进行演讲等,普通市民会举行游行。Russia - May 1-3 day national holiday, then the parties will gather in Red Square speech, ordinary citizens will be held march.德国 1 日放假一天,今年周末和五一节重合,但德国也只休一天,并不会补休。据悉,每年德国很多人都会借五一这个机会闹事,抗议政府,要求减税。今年也不例外,从 30 日就有骚乱发生持续到 1 日,很多超市被抢,汽车被砸、烧。Germany - the 1 day off, this weekend and five one coincidence, but Germany will only take a day off, and not. It is reported, the annual German many people would borrow five one this opportunity to make trouble, to protest against the government, calling for tax cuts. This year is no exception, from the 30 day there is rioting continued to 1 days, many supermarket robbed, car smashed, burn.秘鲁 1 日放假,2 日补休。没有什么庆祝活动。Peru - 1 days holiday, 2 days off. No celebration.波兰 1 日放假,由于 3 日是波兰国庆节,有的单位会从 1 日休到 3 日。5 月 1 日时,波兰全国工会协议会、民主左派联盟党、社会民主党、劳动联盟等左派团体和政党举行了庆祝“五一”群众游行活动,游行队伍打着“8 小时工作日”等标语。Poland - 1 days holiday, because 3 is the Poland national day, some units will be from 1 days to 3 days off. In May 1st, Poland national trade union agreement, democratic left Alliance Party, the Social Democratic Party, the labor union and other leftist groups and party was held to celebrate the “five one“ the parade, the parade under the banner of “8 hours of work a day“ and other slogans.美国恰逢周末,美国 30 日、1 日都休假,但以往都只在 1 日休假一天,没什么庆祝活动。The United States of America - the United States of America coincides with the weekend, 30 days, 1 days holiday, but in the past only in 1 days a day off, no celebration.意大利 意大利尽管承认“五一”国际劳动节,政府也表示尊重劳工,但一般人并不举行专门的庆祝活动,也没有全国性的“五一”假期。Italy - Italy while acknowledging that “five one“ International Labor Day, the government also expressed respect for labor, but most people do not hold a special celebration, also does not have the national “five one“ holiday.墨西哥墨西哥没有全国性的休假。以前有过在五一这天工人罢工或游行等活动。Mexico - Mexico has no national holiday. Ever been in five one day strike and demonstrations and other activities.Special five one五月劳动节的起源,除欧洲之外,也有“劳动节”这一节日。比如美国,但美国的劳动节不是五一,而是每年的 9 月第一个周一 ,即所谓的 Labour Day Origin of May labor day, except Europe, there are also “Labor Day“ this holiday. For example, the United States, but the United States of Americas Labor Day is not five one, but every year the first Monday in September, which is called Labour Day,直译的话应该是“工人节”或“劳工节” ,虽然, “五一劳动节”的起源是在 19 世纪的美国。那是 1886 年,美国工潮的中心是芝加哥。5 月 1 日的全国性大罢工使美国的经济陷于瘫痪。3 年后,也就是 1889 年,在巴黎召开的国际工人大会将 5 月 1 日定为“国际劳动节” ,以纪念以芝加哥为主导的美国工人大罢工。此后, 5 月 1 日 便成了全球性工人团结的象征。it should be “working day“ or “Labor Day“, though, “the origin of international workers Day“ in nineteenth Century the United States of america. That was in 1886, the United States of America strikes is the center of Chicago. A national strike in May 1st to the United States of Americas economy is crippled. 3 years later, is also in 1889, held in Paris International Workers Congress declared May 1st as “International Labor Day“, to commemorate the United States workers strike in Chicago as the dominant. Then, in May 1st, became a symbol of the unity of global workers.离五一劳动节原意最近的莫过于亚洲一些国家工会组织的争取劳工权利的五月集会。在菲律宾和泰国,每当 5 月 1 日 ,工会便组织人们上街游行为提高工资和争取基本权利而斗争。From the international workers day like recent than some Asian countries trade union organizations for labor rights of the May rally. In Philippines and Thailand, every May 1st, the Union will organize people to Shangjie travel behavior to raise wages and strive for the basic rights of the struggle.再来看南美巴西的“五月劳动节” 。工会出面组织游行集会,但参与的人却多半是普通老百姓。这一节日持续一周之久。人们身着色彩鲜艳的服装,情绪昂扬,载歌载舞。知情者,知道这是
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