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7B Unit1 7B Unit1 Dream HomesDream HomesFree talk: Did you have fun in the winter holiday? What did you do in the winter holiday? Where did you go ? Did you go to some places of interest (名胜古迹)? Do you want to go abroad(出国)? Which country do you want to go?Mount Fuji (富士山) Japansome beautiful pictures:The Eiffel Tower (埃菲尔铁塔)FranceThe White House the USABig Ben(大本钟)The UKRussiaRed Squarethe CN TowerCanadaFinish P7 AFinish P7 AMake a sentence like this:Mount Fuji is in Japan.Tiananmen Square Beijing is the capital of China.Match the two partscountriesThe USA The UK France Japan Russia Canada Chinacapitals Tokyo OttawaMoscowWashington D.C. London ParisBeijingWhat city is the capital of ? is the capital of .DiscussionDiscussion Suppose(假设) you have enough money and time, which country would you like to visit? Introduce(介绍) the places of interest and the capital city of this country to your partner.Example:Example:A: Which country would you like to visit ? B: Id like to visit Japan. A: Do you know the capital of it? B: Yes, I know, its Tokyo. And I want to visit Mount Fuji.Where would you like to live?palace n. 宫殿The Summer Palace(颐和园 )Read &AnswerRead &Answer Where would Eddie like to live? Why would Eddie like to live there?Would likesome to do 他想住在哪个首都?来些茶怎么样?Which capital would he like tolive in?Would like some tea?next to =beside 在 旁边隔壁我学校隔壁的购物中心他坐在我旁边the shopping mall next to my schoolHe sits next to me.big-big-原级原级 bigbiggerger-比较级比较级 bigbiggestgest-最高级最高级无比较对象,very, quite, too 两者比较,than三者或三者以上,通常和 the 连用Talk about EddieTalk about Eddie s s dream homedream home Eddie would like _ next to a _.He _ the biggest _ in _ best. He likes it because he_.Speak UpSpeak Up Make a dialogue after the model above. Work in pairs and act out the dialogue. Tips: -Which city would you like to live in?-Id like to live in Qingdao, because I like to live near the sea and have the seafood.- Which is your favorite city?- I like Hangzhou best, because its very beautiful.
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