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1河北省辛集中学河北省辛集中学 2014-20152014-2015 学年高二学年高二 8 8 月开学考试月开学考试英语试卷英语试卷1The rural environment was having a _(积极的)effect on the childrens health.2.I asked him to leave at once, but he stayed there without _(行动)3.He walked past him without a _(向后的)glance.4.He is _(热情的)about helping others.5.The Earth is only one of the numerous planets in the_(宇宙)6The suggestion put _ by Mr.Li sounded quite reasonable.7_ conclusion, he has done his best and its unfair to scold him.8There is no doubt that Lu Xun was one of the greatest writers _ his day.9Mr.Green was so absorbed _ his work that he didnt notice a man slipped into his house.10There is no need to say that everyone should be strict _himself and everyone should be strict _ his work.11To be honest, I cant make sense _ what he said just now.12Apart _ their house in Guangzhou, they also have a house in Shenzhen.13_(surprise)and_(excite), Tony stood up and accepted the prize.14When _(compare)different cultures, we often pay attention only to the differences without noticing the similarities.15Several new programmes _ (add)to the concert seem more attractive.16The _(excite)people shouted at the top of their voice, but no one knew why they stopped all the shouting and became_ (disappoint)all at once.17No matter how frequently _(perform), the works of Beethoven still attract people all over the world.18The wild mountains _ (cover)with deep snow looked charming.19Five people won the “Chinas Green Figure” award, a title _(give)to ordinary people for their contributions to environmental protection.20_(blame)for the breakdown of the school computer network, Alice was in low spirits.21The temple _(build)almost 2,000 years ago needs repairing.用与 sense 相关的词语完成下列小片段。Yesterday my boss gave me a poem and asked me to help him (22)_ its meaning.I read it over and over again.To be frank, (23)_, the poem (24)_ at all.Thats to 2say, there was (25)_ _ reading such a nonsense.So I advised the boss to throw the poem into the dustbin.二、用过去分词形式完成下列句子26我们要去看那座建于几百年前的桥。Well go to visit the bridge_.27你为什么总是看上去很疲劳?这些日子睡得好吗? Why do you always_?Do you sleep well these days?28我对昨晚看的电影很失望。我原以为它能好些。 I _ the film I saw last night,I had expected it to be better.29听说那位明星死了,人人都很惊讶。 Everybody _to hear the death of the famous film star.30要去动物园了,孩子们非常兴奋。 The children _going to the zoo.31他的伤口感染了一种新病毒。His wound _ a new virus.32我多懊悔在树林浪费的时光啊!How I regretted the hours_!33我喜欢穿这种布料做的衣服。I like wearing clothes_.34鲁迅写的书很受欢迎。The books _.35丢了钱他自责不已。He _about losing the money.语法填空Affected by the lightning, the electricity system in our school hall was out(36)_order so the ball(37)_(hold)by the Students Union had to stop. For the sake of(38)_(safe), students(39)_(tell)to remain seated,(40)_workers would soon have the(41)_(damage)system fixed. After a while,(42)_ _was ok and the students continued singing and dancing. When asked to dance, Mary felt embarrassed,(43)_(stand)there. Greatly inspired by their(44)_(encourage), Mary began to dance to the music played by the hand. Never in her life had(45)_danced so beautifully! 3参考答案7. In 8. of 9. in/into 10. with;in11. of 12. from13. Surprised;excited 14. comparing 15. added 16. excited;disappointed 17. performed 18. covered 19. given 20. Blamed 21. built 22. (to) make sense of 23. in a sense 24. made no sense 25. no sense in 26. built hundreds of years ago 27. look so tired28. was disappointed with 29. was shocked 30. are really excited about 31. became infected with 32. wasted in the woods 33. made of this kind of cloth 434. written by Lu Xun are popular 35. got blamed36of 37.held 38.safety 39.were told
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