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1东区高三第一次月考英语试卷东区高三第一次月考英语试卷第一部分:阅读理解第一部分:阅读理解 (共共 20 小题;每小题小题;每小题 2 分分, 满分满分 40 分分)(A)The Lies of George W. BushBy David CornImprint: Three Rivers PressTrade Paperback: 368 pagesPub Date: May 2004Price: US $ 12.195ISBN: 1400050677All American presidents have lied, but George W. Bush has seriously abused the truth, this book tells us. Its full of sharp accusations against the US president and his inner circle. David Corn, the Washington editor of “The Nation”, details the many times the Bush administration knowingly and intentionally misled the American public to advance its own interests and plan. These include: Unclear reports and presenting misleading arguments to gain public support for the war against Iraq. Misleading explanations, instead of telling the full truth, about the 9/11 attacks.The Family: The Real Story of the Bush DynastyBy Kitty KelleyImprint: DoubledayHardcover: 736 PagesPub Date: September 2004Price: US $ 29.95ISBN: 0385503245They have got huge financial power and controlled world politics for more than half a century. They have been elected as governors, congressmen, senators and presidents. They have shaped Americas past and, with the country at war under the leadership of their No. 1 son, they are, shaping Americas future. As the Bush family has risen to power, they have been masters of their own public image. They act and operate under the protection of privacy their money and status has afforded them.2Americas Secret WarBy George FriedmanImprint: DoubledayHardcover: 368 pagesPub Date: October 2004Price: US $ 25.95ISBN: 0385512457Friedman tells the surprising truth behind Americas foreign policy and war in Afghanuistan and Iraq. In “Americas Secret War”, George Friedman identifies the Untied States most dangerous enemies. He also examines presidential strategies of the last quarter century, and reveals the real reasons behind the attack of 9/11 and the Bush administrations reasons for the war in Iraq.He describes in detail Americas secret and open efforts in the global war against terrorism.1Which of the two books are published by the same publisher?AAmericas Secret War and The Nation.BThe Family: The Real Story of the Bush Dynasty and The Lies of George W. Bush.CThe Family: The Real Story of the Bush Dynasty and Americas Secret War.DAmericas Secret War and The Lies of George W. Bush.2In the three books introduced above, the readers can learn .Ahow George W. Bush lied to the American peopleBhow the Bush family came to powerCthe real truth behind the war on terrorismDthe truth about Bush3In which book is Bush criticized by the author?AAmericas Secret War.BThe Lies of George W. Bush.CThe Family: The Real Story of the Bush Dynasty.DThe Nation.4If you are an official from the department of foreign affairs, which book will most interest you?AAmericas Secret War.3BThe Lies of George W. BushCThe Family: The Real Story of the Bush Dynasty.DThe Nation. (B)Kenyan President Uhuru Kenyatta has made an ambitious offer to the countrys schoolchildrenfree lap tops (便携式电脑) for every first-year student. But some question whether the country is ready and whether the presidents plans can really happen.Head teacher Bernadette Owino, at the Muthaiga primary school outside Nairobi, said the new technology could really open doors for her students. “The world is becoming a small village and you need to connect with the rest of the world, only if you are computer literate,” she said. “And it will also give the children a chance as they progress and grow to be able to research and have more knowledge. I think its a great idea if it works. Its beautiful. ”Although students and educators are excited about the governments laptop program, others say Kenya isnt ready. Many teachers still arent computer literate themselves and a lot of schools are in disrepair or even lack electricity.The post-primary teachers union said it supports the plan in theory, but Secretary General Akelo MMisori said bringing teachers and students up to speed should be the first.“If skills of math and reading are still a challenge in our primary schools, then it means, therefore, that the introduction of technology in schools through laptops may not be practical for our learning circumstances now,” he noted.But Suleman Okech, from the Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and technology, leads a team planning ways to carry out the program, from providing the solar powered laptops to training teachers. “Every new project or program has challenges to be dealt with.” Okech stated.Okech said to produce half a million laptops by January, they would have to employ 12,000 people, And the biggest remaining burden is cost, because the program is estimated to (估计) cost hundreds of millions of dollars.5. What does the underlined put “youre computer literate“ probably mean in paragraph 2?A. you can afford a computer B. you are good at computerC. you like using computer D. you know
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