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Unit 5Koalas are sleeping . Kangaroos are leaping .Two bears are fighting .The small bear is biting .A monkey is climbing .A bird is flying ! A lion is snoring. The zoo is never boring .What is the elephant doing?It is walking.What are the elephants doing?They are walking.What are the rabbits doing ?They are jumping.What are the birds doing ?They are flying.What are they doing?They are fightingsleepingclimbingswingingdrinking waterWhat are they doing? They are .Lets Chant!What are they doing ?They are fighting .What are they doing ?They are sleeping .What are they doing ?They are swinging.What are they doing ?They are climbing.What are they doing ?They are drinking water.Race to Answer (抢答). run run _ jump jump _swim swim _write write _sleep sleep _ fight fight _drink drink _swing swing _climb climb _runningjumpingswimming writingsleepingfightingdrinkingswingingclimbingThey are climbing.They are drinking water.They are sleeping.They are jumping.It is sleeping.It is climbing.Look and say!Listen ,write and say!What are the tigers doing?They are _.What are the cats doing?They are _.What are the monkeys doing?They are _.What are the bears doing?They are _.What are the pandas doing?They are _.sleepingclimbingswingingfighting drinking waterFree Talk!What have you learned?
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