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Unit5 BirdwatchersIntegrated skillsWhat birds are they?Where do they live?Red-crowned cranesIn Zhalong Nature ReserveWhere is Zhalong Nature Reserve?It is in Heilongjiang in north-east China.Zhalong north-eastNatural disasters(自然灾害)snowstormfloodWhat kind of place is Zhalong in the world? Its one of the worlds most important wetlands.What can it provide for wildlife?It can provide food and shelter for themWhat kinds of animals live there? Many fish and birds.Do many birds live there all year round? Yes. Some of them stay there for a short time.What do the birds in the reserve eat?Fish / plants / worms and so on.Why are more and more birds in danger?Because they do not have enough living space.? Page 86 Part A1Q1In _, Zhalong Nature Reserve became one of the worlds important wetlands. A 1990 B 2002 C 1992Q2 The reserve has an area of more than _. A 210,000 hectares B 21,000 hectares C 120,000 hectares1 hectare=10,000 square metres()Q3 The birds eat _. A bird food that people feed them B worms, fish and plants C other smaller birdsQ4 Birdwatchers can see _ in Zhalong. A red swans B red-crowned parrots C red-crowned cranesQ5World Wetlands Day is on _. A 20th February B 2nd January C 2nd FebruaryListen and Check out! 1. C 2. A 3. B 4. C 5. CAnswer the questions:1.Do you know how many hectares are there in Zhalong ?2.What do the birds eat?3.When is the World Wetlands Day?4. Wetlands can provide food and shelter for birds. Do you think it is the only reason for us to protect wetlands?Wetlands can prevent floods.Page 87 PartA3Listen and complete the report for Sandy.A report on Zhalong _(Zhalong, Heilongjiang )Nature Reserve is in _(north-east, south-east ) China. It has an area of _(more, less ) than 210,000 hectares .It is one of the worlds most _(important, unimportant ) wetlands. Zhalong is the home of a lot of plants and animals, including different kinds of birds. It provides _( food, fruit ) and _(shells, shelter ) for the birds. There are not many red-crowned _ (cranes, swans ) in the world, but there are some in Zhalong. It is a very_ (good, well) place to go birdwatching. Wetlands are important because they provide food and shelter for _ (endangered, danger ) birds. They are also important because they help prevent _ (snowstorms, flood ). We should protect the home of plants, animals and birds in Zhalong. endangeredZhalong north-eastimportantfoodgoodcranessheltermoreflood Complete the sentences:1 Heilongjiang is in _(东北部) China.Fujian is in _(东南部) China.2 The f_ covers(覆盖) the city and all the houses are in water.3 Hongshan Zoo is the home of a lot of plants and animals, _(包括) different kinds of birds.south-eastflood includingnorth-east4) We will go _(观鸟) this summer holiday. 5) We must do something to _ (防 止) the weather from getting hotter and hotter. 6) There is going to be a _ (暴 风雪) tonight.birdwatchingpreventsnowstormCan you find out the following phrases in the report ? 1.占地超过21万公顷 _2. 世界最重要湿地之一_ 3.包括不同种类的鸟_ 4.一个考察鸟类的好地方 _ 5.帮助防止洪水_have an area of more than 210, 000 hectaresone of the worlds most important wetlandsincluding different kinds of birdsa good place to go birdwatchinghelp prevent flood1 湿地能阻止洪水.Wetlands_ 2 那个城市占地2公顷.That city_ 3 南京是江苏最重要的城市之一。Nanjing _4 这家店有许多东西,包括不同种类的饮 料。There are many things in the shop, _can prevent flood.has an area of 2 hectares.is one of the most important cities in Jiangsu.including different kinds of drinks. We are r_ , we live in Zhalong N_ R_ in n_ China. It has an area of more than 210,000 h_. It is one of the worlds most i_wetlands. Zhalong is the home of a lot of plants and animals, i_ different kinds of birds. It p_ food and s_ for the birds. There are not many red -crowned cranes in the world, but there are some in Zhalong. It is a very good place to go b_. We should p_ the home of plants, animals and birds in Zhalong. However, providing food and shelter for e_ birds is not the only reason for us to protect wetlands. Wetlands are important because they also p_ flood.ed-crowned cranesature eserveorth-east ectaresmportantncludingrovides helterirdwatching rotectndangeredrevent Retell Can you say something about Zhalong? Where is Zhalong? How many hectares? Who lives in Zhalong? What can it provide for wildlife? Useful words and phrases for you:in north-east china, has an area of, one of the worlds most important, including different kinds of, provide for,
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