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lesson12How many are there?Lead-in: Play the game “Simon says” show numbers with hands用手指数字Whats this?What are these?Its a book.These are books.ruler.rulers.pen.pens.bag.bags.How many books are there?There are three books.rulersfour rulerspensnine pens.How many dogs are there?There are fourteen dogs.How many cats are there?There are sixteen cats.How many pigs are there?There are eighteen pigs.How many buses are there?There are four buses .How many dishes are there?There are nine dishes .How many are there?There are .你们发现了吗?一般 的名词变复数直接加s以s, x, sh, ch结 尾的单词变复数 加es1.用How many are there?There are 句型造五组句 子2.活动手册12课做完Thank you for coming!
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