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高一寒假作业第六讲(Module 2 Unit 3)主讲主讲: : 倪新民倪新民 江苏省大港中学江苏省大港中学 审稿:王明霞审稿:王明霞 镇江市教育局教研室镇江市教育局教研室1. The great London fire, which began on 2nd September 1666, _ huge damage to London.A. resulted from B. resulted in C. brought from D. brought inresult in 和result from 是一对反义词,意思 分别是 “导致,造成”和“原因在于”,本句意思 为伦敦大火对伦敦造成了巨大的破坏。一、单项选择2. I _ my uncle, because he is an excellent teacher. A. look up B. have honour to C. look up to D. show respectlook up 查询 look up to 钦佩;尊敬 show respect for sb 对某人表示尊敬3. It isnt quite _ that he will be present at the meeting.A. sure B. exact C. afraid D. certainsure 和 afraid主语一般是人,此句it 为形式主语,故选D.4. We had thought that the English exam would be more difficult than last one, but it _ easier. A. proved B. made C. kept D. considered此句 prove 为连系动词,它和 turn out 意 思相似,后面常跟 (to be )+adj./n, 意为: 结果证明,原来是。5. John shut everybody out of the kitchen _ he could prepare his grand surprise for the party.A. which B. whenC. so thatD. as if注意 so that 和 sothat 的区别 。前者 有两种用法,分别是引导目的状语从句 和结果状语从句。后者意为如此 以至于 。6. What _ the boy to take up the study of English?To go abroad for further studies.A. comfortsB. demandsC. forcesD. inspirescomfort 安慰 demand 要求 force 强迫 inspire 激励,鼓舞7. Oh, its you! I _ you. Ive just had my hair cut, and Imwearing new glasses.A. didnt recognize B. hadnt recognized C. havent recognized D. dont recognize 考查时态,根据句意,应该是刚才没有认 出你,现在认出了。所以用一般过去时。8. _ with what he _ used to be, he is much better now. A. Compared; 不填 B. Comparing; is C. Compared; is D. Comparing; 不填我们可以把 compared to/with 当作固定 短语来记,意为: 和相比。9. Dont be too _ about things youre not supposed to know. A. strange B. amusing C. curious D. conscious根据句意及后面的介词about判断不难看出应 该选curious 。该句意思是:不要对你不该知 道的事情太好奇。 10. Do you think that housing price will keep _ up in the years to come?Sorry, I have no idea.A. lifting B. going C. bringing D. growing 本题考查含有up的动词短语的用法,四个意 思分别为“举起” “上升” “抚养” “长大”,房价 当然是“上升/上涨”。11. As _ as 70 people lost their lives in the accident, sixteen children _.A. many; including B. much; included C. more; have includedD. many; included peoplepeople是复数名词,又是复数名词,又asasasas 之间须用原形,故填之间须用原形,故填many many 。 including including = = included . included .12. The question now _ at the meeting is very important.A. discussed B. to be discussed C. being discussed D. discussing非谓语动词作后置定语(被动含义)三种形 式:过去(done ) 现在(being done) 将来(to be done )13. Can you explain _ having done such a thing?A. me the reason for B. the reason to me whyC. me the reason why D. to me the reason forexplain to sb sth =explain sth to sb向某人解释。 又后面是动名词,所以该用介词 。14. To work honestly _ in the long run.A. pays off B. takes up C. holds back D. pays forpay off 翻译成“得到回报;还清”,take up 占据(时间,空间);从事 (作为爱好 ) hold back 抑制住,pay for 付的款。本 句意为:从长远看,诚实劳动最终是有好 结果的。 15. I _ him a second letterbefore I _ from him.A. wrote; heard B. wrote; had heard C. had written; heard D. have written; hearwrite him a second letter这个过去动作 发生在hear from him 这个过去动作之前 ,表示过去的过去,应该用过去完成时。这篇文章讲述了一位从小喜欢篮球的女 生曾经一度受不了舆论的偏见,被迫放弃了打 篮球。因为在大多数人看来,打篮球只是男孩 子做的事。后来一个偶然的机会,她受到别人 的鼓励又重新回到了球场,自信和热情又一次 被点燃。通过打篮球,她对人生有了进一步的 认识。二、完形填空16. A. ever B. often C. never D. always【分析】上文silently watch和really envied暗示了该空应填never. 下文介绍的 成长过程中“我”无法享受对篮球的爱也是选 择线索。 17. A. when B. before C. after D. since【分析】本句主句是现在完成时,从句是一 般过去时,不难判断该用连词since。 18. A. struggled B. cared C. enjoyed D. joined 【分析】 一开始“我”可以自由打篮球,因为我 只是个小孩,没有人会介意。19. A. only B. almost C. hardly D. never【分析】 与上文it was always the boys who played basketball形成对照,应填only,表 示人们对男女生学校活动的性别刻板化印象。20. A. encourage B. agree C. let D. permit【分析】在家里父母也不让“我”打篮球. A项 搭配不对。 21. A. Still B. Yet C. Just D. Even【分析】根据上下文,该句意思是:甚 至当“我”去和朋友们打篮球时,男孩们 也盯着“我”看(不理解),就好像“我”是 外星人似的。22. A. looked B. glared C. glanced D. stared23. A. up B. downC. excited D. satisfied【分析】stare at“盯着”。Glare at “怒视”, 不妥。glance at“瞥一眼”。根据语境,文中 要表达的意思应是其他男孩不解地盯着自己 看。 【分析】学校不谁、家庭不让、男孩不理解 使“我”打篮球的梦想根本无法实现,“我”感 到心情沮丧。feel down引申为“感觉沮丧的” 。24. A. Unluckily B. Naturally C. Unexpectedly D. Clearly【分析】下文交待“我”新交的朋友鼓励“我”重 新回到篮球场,这一转机在当时是无法预料的 ,故填Unexpectedly. 25. A. encouraged B. forbade C. ensured D. explored【分析】他们鼓励“我回到篮球场。 26. A. effort B. way C. business D. direction【分析】走你自己的路,让别人去说吧。27. A. basketball B. sports C. interests D. dreams【分析】本文话题是篮球与女生,因此该 空应填basketball。 28. A. stuck B. referred C. turned D. returned【分析】在朋友们的鼓励与引导下,自信 、激情又回到“我”心中。 29. A. but
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