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Unit 1 I like dogs (Period 3)I can name some animals.我能说出动物名称。 I can read and act the dialogue.我能朗读并表演文章。 I can use “Do you like” to ask questions.我能用“Do you like”来问问题 。What animal do you know?What animal do you know? 你知道哪你知道哪些动物?些动物?-Whats this/ that?-Whats this/ that? -Its a/ an-Its a/ an -Do you -Do you likeslikes? ? -Yes, I do.-Yes, I do.(No, I dont. I (No, I dont. I likeslikes.) .)I can name some animals.我能说出动物名称。?Would you like a _, Would you like a _, Bobby?Bobby?No, thanks.No, thanks.pieBobby likes _. Sam likes _.Bobby likes _. Sam likes _.cakescakesI like I like cakescakes. . Do you like cakes, Sam?Do you like cakes, Sam?Yes, I do. Yes, I do. I I havehave a cake here. a cake here.havehave 有有I have a _ here. 我这里有一个_.?Look!Look! Do you like Do you like it it? ?No, I dont.No, I dont.this cakethis cake( (特指不加特指不加s s) )Would you ?I like Do you?Look! Do you ?Read fluently 流利的朗读 Read fluently and beautifully 流利、优美的朗读 Act it out with emotions 有感情地表演I can read and act the dialogue.我能朗读并表演文章。Happy Animal FamilyHappy Animal FamilyTalk about the animals.Talk about the animals. 和你的伙伴们谈一谈你喜欢或不喜欢的和你的伙伴们谈一谈你喜欢或不喜欢的 动物吧!动物吧!Happy Animal FamilyHappy Animal FamilyHappy Animal FamilyHappy Animal Family- Would you like a , Mr ? - Yes, please./ No, thanks. - I like Do you like ? - Yes, I do./ No, I dont. I like - I have a here. Do you like it? - I can use “Do you like?” to ask questions.我能用“Do you like?”来提问。 听磁带,有感情地模仿熟读课文并尝试背诵。 做做调查,问问身边的朋友或者家长,他们喜欢 什么动物或者食物。 与同桌练一练P.11 Ask and answer的问答。Homework
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