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1 新编大学英语第二版第五册练习答案新编大学英语第二版第五册第一单元练习答案Vocabulary1. Fill in the blanks Directions: Fill in the blanks with the words and phrases given below. Change the form if necessary. 1)They stood in a semi-circle round the teacher s chair and answered questions. 【译文】他们半圆形围坐在老师椅子旁边回答问题。2) The lady we visited the other day lived in a semi-detached country house, which she liked very much. 【译文】我们前几天拜访的那位女士住在她非常喜欢的乡下半独立式别墅内。3) The two winners of the semi-finals will play against each other for the championship. 【译文】这两个半决赛的赢家将要互相比赛争夺冠军。4) I met an old friend of mine at he semi-annual conference held in Birmingham. 【译文】我在伯明翰的半年度会议上遇到了一个老朋友。5) She is semi-retired; she still works two days a week. 【译文】她现在半退休了;她每周仍然工作两天。6) In my parents time, even a semi-automatic washing machine was a luxury. 【译文】在我父母生活的时代,连半自动洗衣机都是奢侈品。7) I played semi-professional soccer for Walsall. 【译文】我为沃尔索耳英国英格兰中部城市足球队踢半职业赛。8) When he was taken too the hospital, he was semi-conscious. 【译文】当他被送到医院的时候,他是半昏迷状态。9) Semi-tropical regions are cooler than equatorial regions. 【译文】亚热带地区要比热带地区凉爽一些。10) There live a large number of semi-literate people in that village. 【译文】在那个村子,很多人至今仍是半文盲。3. 句子译文:1)I was still working on and off as a waitress to support myself. 【译文】我仍然从事服务员的工作以养活自己。2) She meets her old boyfriend for a drink now and then. 【译文】她不时见一次前男友, 喝上一杯。3) There are a few books here and there, but apart from that the room is quite bare. 【译文】房间里只有零零落落的一点书,此外空空的什么也没有。4) Like most married couples we ve had our ups and downs, but lifes like that. 【译文】像大多数的夫妻到一样,我俩的婚姻波折迭起,但生活就是这样。5) When the terrible fire happened, volunteers came from far and near to help put it out. 【译文】当火灾发生时,志愿者们从四面八方赶来帮忙。6) I still see her for lunch now and then, but not as I used to. 【译文】我仍然能在午饭时间时不时看到她,但是不像以前那么频繁了。7) He continued to jump up and down like a boy at a football game. 2 【译文】他一直跳来跳去,像一个孩子在足球场的表现一样。8) The noise is absolutely dreadful- you can hear the traffic day and night. 【译文】这种噪声真是怕人,日夜都能听到这种来来往往的车辆声。9) These factories were working continuously day and night throughout the year . 【译文】这些工厂全年不分昼夜地开工。10) Because it rained on and off all day, we cancelled the picnic. 【译文】因为一天来时不时地老下雨,我们取消了野餐聚会。新编大学英语第二版第五册第二单元练习答案2. Fill in the blanks Directions: Fill in the blanks with the words and phrases given below. Change the form if necessary. commit gather up acknowledge help out inhabit be destined to indication chase derive from observe 1) After he received the phone call, John gathered up his papers and left the room. 【译文 】接了一个电话之后,约翰收起他的论文离开了房间。2) He was obviously in some kind of trouble, but I didn t know how I could help him out. 【译文】他显然是碰到了某种麻烦,但我不知道该怎样帮助他解决。3) Tim felt he had committed a faux pas and left quietly. 【译文】提姆觉得他犯了失礼的错误,悄悄地离开了。4) We must not fail to acknowledge his services to the town. 【译文】我们一定不要忘了感谢他为镇上所做的事情。5) You can certainly derive a considerable amount of information from that picture. 【译文】你当然能够从那张照片中知道很多的事情。6) Thomas Brown had always felt that he was destined to lead his country. 【译文】托马斯布朗总觉得他注定是国家的领头人。7) No one has inhabited that island for over 100 years. 【译文】 100 多年来从没有人在那个岛上居住过。8) This law has been faithfully observed by the Italian government. 【译文】这项法律为意大利政府忠实地奉行。9) There are indications that the weather is changing. 【译文】有迹象表明天气正发生变化。10) The police car was going so fast, it must have been chasing someone. 【译文】警车跑得这么快,一定是在追什么人。新编大学英语第二版第五册第三课练习答案Vocabulary 1. Match the verbsA B 1) pursue 6) opponents 2) adopt 2) a new management system 3) reduce 1) opportunities 4) fulfill 8) profits 5) retain 4) social needs 3 6) excel 5) independence 7) consume 3) costs 8) earn 7) resources 2. Complete each of the following sentences Directions: Complete each of the following sentences with the appropriate form of a word in the box. Add a preposition where necessary. vital impact substitute adapt excel conflict 1) The resignation of the president has made a significant impact on government policy. 【译文 】总统的辞职对政府的政策造成了显著的影响。2) Can you adapt your way of thinking to the new life-style? 【译文 】你能让你的思维方式适应新的生活方式吗?3) Andrew and Rebecca are in conflict over who should be responsible for the accident. 【译文 】安德鲁和丽贝卡在谁应该对事故负责上存在分歧。4) If you cannot go yourself, please find someone to substitute for you. 【译文 】如果你自己不能去,请你找人代你去。5) I ve never excelled in/at diving, although Ive always been a good swimmer. 【译文 】我从来不擅长潜水,尽管我一直是一个不错的游泳者。6) The directors final decision is vital to the future development of this company. 【译文 】主管的最终决定对这个公司的未来发展是至关重要的。3. Complete each of the following sentences Directions: Complete each of the following sentences with the appropriate form of a word in the box. Add a preposition where necessary. 1)He refused to give me any more money as a matter of principle. 【译文 】他拒绝给我更多的钱,这是一个原则问题Windmills differ in design, but all operate on exactly the same principle. 【译文 】风车存在不同的设计,但所有的操作原理完全相同。2)Diversity in ones diet- such as eating vegetables, fruit, fish, and grains- is important for good health. 【译文 】饮食的多样性 - 比如吃蔬菜、水果、鱼类和谷物- 都是对健康很重要的食物。Ther
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