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第十三章 标点符号的处理如同汉语一样,英语中的标点符号也是一种很重要的语言结 构信号。因此,正确理解和掌握标点符号的用法,对于正确 理解原文和准确翻译成汉语是很有帮助的。英语中的标点符号也有逗号、句号、冒号、分号、惊叹号、 破折号、引号、删节号之分。但在科技英语中,对我们正确 分析原文结构与正确翻译影响最大的可能是逗号、分号、冒 号和破折号。现将这四种标点符号的用法及处理介绍如下。一、逗号1逗号用在同等成分的情况英语中,同等成分除了用and、but等词连接外,也用逗号连 接。翻译时,直接将它们译成并列成分。现列举几类用“,”连接并列成分的情况。(1) 用逗号连接两个以上的并列成分,而最后两个并列成分之 间通常用and 或or连接。翻译时,常用“、”将其分开。1) Aluminium, copper, bronze and brass are common non-ferrous metals.铝、铜、青铜和黄铜是普通的有色金属。2) He often writes, reports and lectures in English.比较:He often writes reports and lectures in English.( 句中writes reports中间没有“,”,表示他们不是两个并列 的成份。)他经常用英语写作、报告和讲演。他经常用英语写报告和作讲演。3) We can measure the weight of water, vapour and air.比较:We can measure the weight of water vapour and air. (water与vapour之间没有“,”,表示它们不是两个并列的成 份。)我们能测量水、蒸汽和空气的重量。我们能测量水蒸气和空气的重量。4) One material can be distinguished from another by their physical properties: color, density, specific heat,coefficient of thermal expansion, thermal and electrical conductivity, strength, and hardness. 可按以下物理性能来把材料加以区分,即:颜色、密度、比热、热膨胀系数、导电性和导热性、强度以及硬度。(2) 在and 以及but连接的并列复合句之间常用逗号。1) The sun is shining, and everything looks very bright.阳光照耀,万物显得格外明亮。2) They asked me a question, but I could not answer it.他们问了我一个问题,但我未能回答。(3) 用“,”分开无连词的并列句。1) These atoms are extremely small, it is impossible toconvey an idea of their size in any ordinary simpleterms.2) The unit of electric current is the ampere, the unit ofresistance is the ohm, the unit of voltage is the volt. 这些原子极小,用任何一般简单的语言都不可能表达出 原子大小的概念。电流的单位是安培,电阻是欧姆,电压是伏特。(4) 当两个或两个以上并列的动词共用一个宾语时,并列动词 之后用“,”连接。1) Force is that which changes, or trends to change,the state of rest of a body, or its uniform motion in a straight line.(state即是changes的宾语,也是trends to change的宾语)。力就是改变或趋使改变某一物体的静止状态或匀速直线运 动状态的作用。电视机以及许多其它类型的电子设备,正在使用或即将使 用晶体管来代替电子管。2) Television sets and many other types of electronicequipment are using, or soon will be using, transistors instead of electron tubes.(transistors即是are using的宾语,也是will be using的宾语)。(5) 两个或两个以上并列的介词共用一个宾语时, 在这两个并列介 词之后用“,”连接1) A piece of iron or steel becomes a magnet by induction when brought in contact with, or close to, a magnetic pole.(with和to共有一个宾语a magnetic pole)。当一块铁或钢与磁极接触或靠近磁极时,由于感应作用,它就会变成磁铁。2) Oxidation is the addition of oxygen to, or the removalof hydrogen from, a substance.(substance是介词to和from的共同宾词)。氧化作用就是经某一物质增加氧或从该物质中除去氢。 2用“,”分开分词短语、独立分词结构以及位于句首或插在 句中的某些状语时,可译成相应的状语。1) Speaking on this subject, he answered lots of questions. (现在分词短语作状语)这个课题讲演时,他回答了许多问题。2) Alloyed with other metals, steel may become stainless steel, which contains chromium and sometimes nickel and manganese and can resist heat and corrosion.(过去分词语作状语)。如果和其它金属一起制成合金,就可把钢练成不锈钢,它 含有铬,有时还含有镍和锰,能够耐热和耐腐蚀。3) All other conditions being equal, we should first adjust the instrument to “zero”.(独立分词结构)。在其它条件相同的情况下,我们应先把仪表调整到“零位”。4) To prolong the tool life, we may reduce the cutting speed. 为了延长刀具寿命,我们可以降低切削速度。5) In order to calculate the amount of power, work is dividedby time.(In order to ,在句中作目的状语) 为了计算功率的大小,要把功除以时间。6) The sugar molecules, by their movements, wouldfinally become scattered throughout the water. (介词短语by,插在句中作方式状语)。凭借本身的分子运动,糖分子最终会在整个水中扩散开。 那年冬天,我连这种机器的操作原理都不懂,更不用说设计 这种机器了。7) That winter, I did not know the principles of work of this machine, not to speak of designing it.(时间状语位于句首,用逗号与主句分开)。3用“,”将插入语或插入句与句子其它成分分开。翻译时,根据汉语的习惯,将插入部分放在适当的位置。1) The most important of the forces around us is, ofcourse, gravity. 我们周围最重要的作用力当然是重力。2) In other words, any conductor, such as a wire, offerssome resistance to an electric current. 换言之,任何导体,譬如导线,对电流都会产生某种阻力。3) China, in fact, has caught up with and surpassed theworld advanced levels in many respects. 事实上中国已经在许多方面赶上和超过了世界先进水平。 4) To sum up, success results from hard work.概况地说,成功是艰苦工作的结果。5) This book, I think, is useful, not to say important.我想,这本书虽说不上重要,但还是有用的。6) We left our university last month, that is to say, in Maythis year.我们上月离开学校,也就是说,今年五月。7) The design will result in success, I suppose.我猜想,这项设计终于会成功的。4非限定性定语从句与修饰的名词之间用“,”这种情况说明两者关系不太密切,有时可译成两句。1) Friction produces heat, which may cause metal to melt.摩擦产生热量。这种热量可能会使金属熔化。2) Hot gas is fed to the cooler, where its temperature drops to 20。热气体加到冷却器,在那儿气体温度降到20。5分开状语从句用逗号将放在句首或插在句中的状语从句与主句隔开。1) Experiments also show that an electrified body, whether it positively or negatively charged, attracts an unelectrified body.实验也表明,带电的物体不论是带正电还是带负电,均吸引不带电的物体。2) Water is a liquid, but, if we make it cold enough, it becomes a solid, ice.水是液体,但是,如果使它变得足够冷,它就会变成固体 冰。 6“,”分开同位语1) Some metals, such as copper and silver, are called good conductors.某些金属,例如铜和银,都称为良导体。 2) It is said that mathematics is the base of all other science, and that arithmetic, the science of numbers,is the base of mathematics.(the science of numbers 是arithmetic的同位语)。据说,数学是所有其它科学的基础,而算术即数字学又是数学的基础。7“,”引出直接引语,而汉语引出直接引语时用冒号This evidence supports the part of the molecular theory that says, “There is space between the molecules.”这一事实证实了分子论的下述论断:“分子之间是有空隙的”。 8“,”表示省
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