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Lesson 27 Jenny Comes HomeNew wordsTextThink about it Lets do itNew words second num. 第二 third num. 第三 study v. 学习 if conj. 如果 homework n. 家庭作业 sandwich n. 三明治 last adj. 上一个;最后的sandwichThink about it What things do you do everyday? What did you do last week? What things would you like to do differently? Why did Jenny like Beijing?Dialogue J: Hi, Mum! Did you miss me? M: Yes. I missed you! Did you have fun in Beijing? J: Yes, I had fun! M: What did you do? J: The first day, we went to Tinanmen Square. It is so big, Mum! We saw people faying kites there. The second day, we went to the Palace Museum. The third day, we went to the Great Wall. M: Did you go shopping? J: Yes! We went to Wangfujiang. I have a gift for you. Here! M: Thank you, Jenny!. These chopsticks are beautiful! J: AndMum? Can Li Ming come to Canada to study? M: I dont know, Jenny. If his parents say yes, its okay with me. J: Ill write to Li Ming.What do you do everyday? I go to school every day. I see Mr. Wood every day I have homework every day I eat sandwich every day I am happy!What did you do last week? I went to a restaurant last week. I saw Li Ming last week. I had fun last week. I ate dumplings last week. I was happy!Lets do it Work with a partner and write a dialogue. Talk about what you do every day and what you did last week. Was last week the same or different? The first day, we went to Tiananmen Square. 第一天,我们去了天安门广场。 first 是序数词,序数词表示事物的顺序,往往与定冠词 the连 用。 first 1st twentieth 20th second 2nd twenty-first 21st third 3rd thirtieth 30th fourth 4th thirty- nine 39th fifth 5th fortieth 40th sixth 6th fiftieth 50th seventh 7th sixtieth 60th eighth 8th seventieth 70th ninth 9th eightieth 80th tenth 10th ninetieth 90th eleventh 11th hundredth 100th twelfth 12th one hundred and first 101st 基数词变序数词的规律: 1,2,3 特殊记;8去t, 9去e; 5、12 去ve加fth;整十数字把y 变i再加eth。 We saw people flying kites there. 我们在那里看到人们在 放风筝。 flying 现在分词用在 see 后作宾语补足语。在 see, hear, feel, watch, notice 等动词后,常可用现在分词作补足语 。例如: He saw people coming and going. 他看见人们来来往往。 We heard him singing in his room. 我们听见他在房间里 唱歌。 注意:在 see, hear, feel, watch, notice 等动词后,既可以 用现在分词构成复合宾语,也可用不定式构成复合宾 语。两者的差别在于:用现在分词时,表示动作正在 发生或进行,其含义相当于进行时态;用不定式表示 动作已经发生,动作的过程已经结束。 I saw him going upstairs. 我看见他走上楼。(看见他正 在向楼上走去,说明他上楼的情景。) I saw him go upstairs. 我看见他上楼去了。(看见他上 楼整个过程,说明他上楼这件事。) I have homework every day. 我每天都有家庭作业。 homework是一个复合词:home +workhomework 家庭 作业(不可数名词)。 判断正误:我在做作业。 Im doing my homework. (T) Im doing my homeworks. (F) 注意:不可数名词不能变复数形式。 every adj. 所有的,每一。例如: She knows every student of the class. 她认识班里的所有同 学。 2)every +数词或 +other, 意为 “每,每隔”。例如: He comes every three days. 他每三天来一次。 every other day 每隔一天 拓展: everyday adj. 日常的。例如: Everyday English 英语日常用语 The everyday world 人世间 everyday clothes 便服 I saw Li Ming last week. 上周我看到了李明 。 saw 是see的过去式,看见;看到;知道。 例如: Can you see that man? 你能看见那个男人 吗? I looked but saw nothing. 我看了,可是什 么也没有看见。 I see. You are on holiday. 我明白了,你是 在度假。 I ate dumplings last week. 上周我吃水饺了 。 ate 是 eat 的过去式,“吃;喝”。例如: He ate a banana after lunch. 午饭后他吃了 一根香蕉。 拓展:eat 组成的词组有: eat up 吃光 eat ones word 收回某人说的 话 last week 上一周, last +week/year/month/term 上一周/去年/上 一个月/上一学期;three years ago 三年前 ;yesterday 昨天;the day before yesterday 前天。这些时间状语出现时,句子用一般 过去时。 I was happy! 我很快乐! was 是 am, is 的过去式;were 是 are 的过去式, 意为 “是”。例如: She was a student last. 去年她是一个学生。 They were in Beijing yesterday. 昨天他们在北京 。 特别提醒; I /He /She /It was We /You /They were happy adj. 快乐的 (反义词:sad 难过的);happily adv. 快乐地。例如: Lily is a happy girl. 莉莉是个快乐的女孩。 They are talking happily. 他们正在开心地交谈。
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