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高三非谓语动词练习1.在完成了英语作文以后, 他开始读那天的中国日 报。Translation:Having finished his English composition, he started to read the China Daily of that day. After having finished English writings, he began to read After he had finished his English composition, he started to read the China Daily of that day. 2.那位退休的老人坐在窗前,眺望着远方的太阳下山。 The retired old man was seated / was sitting by the window, looking at the sun setting/sinking in the west little by little.After he _ his English composition, he started to read the China Daily of that day.A finished B have finished C finishes D had finished _ his English composition, he started to read the China Daily of that day. A Having finished B Finishing C Finished D To finishThe retired old man was seated / was sitting by the window, _the sun _in the west little by little. A looking at; setting B looked at; setting C looked at; set D looking at; set3.他走进了那间办公室,并不知道那里发生了什么。He went into the office, not knowing what had happened.4. 由于都知道他是这个镇上的名人,他一露面人 们就围着他,让他签名。Known as a famous person in the town, he was surrounded by the people and asked to sign up his name for them as soon as he turned up. Because he was known as a famous person in the town, he was surrounded by the people and asked to sign up his name for them as soon as he turned up. _as a famous person in the town, he was surrounded by the people and asked to sign up his name for them as soon as he turned up. A Known B Knowing C To know D know 5. 当他醒来时,他发现自己被锁在一间黑屋子里。When he woke up (Waking up), he found himself shut up / locked in a dark room.6. 随着太阳在地平线上升起,天空变得明亮起来,空气变得温暖起来。With the sun rising on the horizon, the sky was becoming brighter and the air was becoming warmer. 7.多年来,他一直把在国外的趣闻传递 给我,这使我很快乐。For many years, he has kept me informed of the interesting things happening in the other countries, which has brought me a lot of pleasure. For many years, he has sent me the interesting things happening in the other countries, which made me happy. 8.他从座位上站起来,似乎要说些什么。He rose from his seat, as if to say something. 9.他把所有的业余时间花费在设计软件上, 而不是在网上与人聊天。He spent all his spare time designing some software, instead of chatting with the people on the Internet.10.由于没有充足的雨水,那些植物相继死去。There being not enough rainfalls, the plants died off. As there was not enough rainfalls, the plants died off.11.每天早晨在早锻炼后,我感觉自己充满了活力。Every morning, I feel myself filled with energy after doing the morning exercises.12. 为了炫耀他的天赋,他不停的问那位老师一些关于高等数学的问题。To show off his talent, he kept on asking the teacher some questions as to advanced mathematics.13. 看到正在发生的一切,我简直不敢相信自己的眼睛。Seeing what was happening, I could hardly believe my own eyes. 14. 由于遭遇到一场大雨,她得了重感冒。Caught in a big rain, she suffered from a bad cold. 15.制作这么大一个风筝需要多长时间?How long did it take to make such a big kite?16. 如果问到你,你就说你与那事无关。If (you are) asked, you must say that you have nothing to do with the matter. 17.因为没有按时完成工作,他被公司 老板解雇了。Not having finished his work on time,( Because he hadnt finished his work,) he was dismissed/fired/unemployed by his boss. 18. 参观了博物馆以后,外国朋友去了当地一家有名的餐馆就餐。Having been showed around / Having visited the museum, the foreign friends went to a local restaurant for dinner. 19. 沉醉于电子游戏,那个孩子开始厌学。Addicted to playing video games, the child began to be tired of his studies. 20.由于在修理电脑方面很有经验,他在那个公司担任重要角色, Having experienced in repairing/mending/fixing the computer, he holds an important position in the company. 21.大街上人来人往,他在人群中挤来挤去 ,最终他还是和父母走散了。With so many people coming and going on the street, he got separated from his parents in the end. There being so many people on the street, he .Because there are so many people coming and going on the street, he got separated from his parents in the end. 22.到那个国家去旅游的最佳时间是5月, 那时天气温暖、树木茂盛、鲜花盛开。The best time to visit that country is May, when the weather is mild; trees turn green, and flowers are in blossom.23. 在打球过程中,孩子们学会了怎样与他人合作。While playing basketball, the children learnt how to cooperate with others. 24. 图书馆里有大量的书籍,从故事书,小说到科普书等。There are a lot of books in the library, ranging from story books to novels and science books and so on. 25. 带着谋求进一步发展的目的,他去了 一个西方国家,并且在那里度过了五年的 学习时间。With the purpose of seeking for further promotion, he went a certain western country and spent five years on his studies there. 26.时常外出远足有利于我们的身心健 康,这一点是众所周知的。Going hiking as often as possible contributes to both our physical and mental health, as is seen by all.27.从他的表情来判断,他一定是有什 么好消息要告诉我们。Judging from his looks, we know that he must have some good news to tell us.28. 与你所取得的进步相比,我还得继续努力。Compared with the progress you have made, I must continue to work hard. 29.他很惊奇的听到他将被派往西藏工作的 消息。He was very surprised to hear the news that he would be sent to work in Tibet. 30.他闭着眼睛坐在沙发上打盹儿。他昨 天晚上一定是熬夜了。With the eyes closed, he napped on the sofa. He must have stayed up last night.31.据说那个房间一直是锁着的,任何人 都不知道是为什么。It is said that the ro
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