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2008年5月26日 国家英语课程标准(实验稿)第五级对“说”也提出了7 条具体的要求:1、能就简单的话题提供信息,表达简单的观点和意见,参与 讨论;2、能与他人沟通信息,合作完成任务;3、能在口头表达中进行适当的自我修正;4、能有效地询问信息和请求帮助; 5、能根据话题进行情景对话;6、能用英语表演短剧;7、能在以上口语活动中语音、语调自然,语气恰当。通过书面测试“说”的能力,“补全对话”就是首选的形式之一 。2008年齐齐哈尔市中考情景交际的 题型及赋分A. Choose the best response from A to F according to the sentences given. Each choice should be used only once. 5道小题, 分值为5分。B.Complete the dialogue with proper sentences. 5道小题,分值为10 分。 对第一小题的分析(A)题是侧重于对交际功能运用能力的考查,所涉及 的日常交际用语贴近考生生活,采用了生活中常用的 话题,增强了语言的实践性。 例题分析( ) 1. If you smoke here, youll have to leave the room. ( ) 2. Could you please show how to use this type of MP4? ( ) 3. I heard more than 5,000 people was killed in a powerful earthquake on May 12. ( ) 4. Our government announced a three-day national mourning for the people killed in a powerful earthquake on May 12. ( ) 5. Why dont we go to Beijing Amusement Park?A. Sorry, I dont have time. B. So do I. C. With pleasure. D. Sorry, I didnt notice the sign. E. What a great idea! F. Im sorry to hear that. G. All the people in China felt sad during these days. D C FGE解题技巧二十四个字口诀纵览全局,弄清形式;上下联系,理清关系;分析语境,文化差异纵览全局,弄清形式解题时,首先要浏览一下整个对话,弄清楚 对话双方是在何种情景与场合下进行的。对 话表达的是什么话题。然后有针对性地判断 和分析对话,如打电话,看病,购物,就餐 等,以便采用恰当的套语,也就是英语中的 习惯表达。询问询问 生病 情况 1.Whats wrong with you?/ Whats the matter?/ Whats your trouble? 2. Is there anything wrong with you? 介绍绍病情 1.Theres somehting wrong with 2. Ive got a cough/ headache. 3. I feel terrible/ bad 4. This place hurts. 5. Ive got a pain here.医生就诊诊 1. Take ones temperature 2. Take this medicine three times a day. 3. Drink plenty of water and have a good rest. 医生安慰 病人 1. Its nothing serious. 2. Youll be all right / well soon. A: (1)_? B: Yes, I want a table for two, do you have one near the window? A: This way, please.(2)_ ? B: (3)_? C: Id like a hamburger with lettuce and tomato. A: (4)_? C: A Coke, please. A: OK. Two hamburgers and two cups of coke. (5)_? B: Thats all. Can I help youMay I have an order now What would you like to eatHow about something to drinkIs that all上下联系,理清关系注意对话中上下句之间的联系,根据问句写出 答语,根据答语写出问句。要注意理清四种关 系:人物之间的关系事件之间的关系句式之间的关系语法及时态之间的关系分析人物间的关系,有助于帮助我们弄清 楚对话中人物的身份和关系,这样可以 判断人物说话的语气和语句式。 例如,下级对上级,学生对教师,不太熟 悉的人之间多使用较委婉语气的句子。分析事件之间的关系:使我们理清 不同事件之间的相互联系,便于我 们选择不的我语言来表达。 例如: A:Id like go shopping on Sunday, What about you? B: . I think its too noisy in the market. 分析句式间的关系,可以使我们更好的,更准确的 填补对话中所缺的句子。 B-Bill LMr. Lee MMaria TTom B: Were ready to do some volunteer work for our city during our weekend. But we dont know what to do. (1)_, Mr. Lee?L: Sure. You could help pick up trash beside the streets.B: I could do that! (2) _?M: I dont like to work outside.L: (3) _, Maria?M: I like to play with children. L: You could visit sick children at the hospital. You could play games with them. M:(4) _! And you, Tom? T: Id liketo help homeless people. L: You could collect some clothes. Or you could give out food at the food bank. T: I think Id like to give out food at the food bank. L: You will have a wonderful weekend. B: Sure, we will. (5) _. L: Thats OK. 分析语法之间的关系及时态之间的关系,帮助我们更 加准确的完成所填句子。 例如: A:Hi, Bill! Youre reading the acticle again. B: Yes, Tom. Ill never be tired of it. A: _? B: Three times. Every times I read it, I can always learn something new.A:You dont look well, Gina. (1) _? B: I have a headache and a cold. A: Do you have a fever? B: Yes, I do. A: (2) _? B: Yes, I think so. A: (3) _? B: About two days ago. A: Oh, thats too bad. (4) _. B; Yes, Ill go at once. Thank you. A: (5) _. I hope you will be better soon. 例题分析分析语境,文化差异 补全对话主要考查学生在特定的情景中运用语 言的能力。任何文化都带有自己民族的特征, 英语和汉语这两种语言在用词和表达上有很大 的差异,注意不同的语题和语境有各自不同的 习惯表达法。例题分析1 A: (1)_, sir? B: Yes, please. (2) _a pair of sports shoes. A: What size do you want, please? B: Size ten or eleven. A: OK! What about this pair? B: Sorry! I (3) _black shoes. A: Oh, we”ve also got blue ones. B: Can I (4) _on? A: Yes, please. B: (5) _each pair? A: Thirty-five yuan. B: All right. I”ll take it.例题分析2 (Ann-A, Tom-T) T: Hi, Ann. You look unhappy. 1_? A: My brother cant come back for the Spring Festival. T: Why? 2._? A: Because of the snowfalls. He is in Gangzhou. He works in a company there. He polanned to return home on January 29, but now T: 3_. Snowfalls have been hitting our countrys southern, central and eastern areas since mid-January. Heavy snows have led to expressway closures, flight cancellations, and caused serious el
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