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31. 我们当时急切地等待着那位歌手在舞台上出现。 有些歌迷甚至等着有机会与他握手。(await, wait) 31. At that time we were eagerly awaiting the singers appearance on the stage. Even some fans were waiting for the chance to shake hands with her. 32. 他只是班上的一个普通学生,但他的学业远在平 均水准之上。(average) 32. He is just an average student in class but his school work is well above (the) average 33. 我们时常为贫困地区的人们募集钱款。( backward) 33. We often raise money for the people living in backward districts/areas.34. 他在桌上用双臂保持平衡。几分钟后,他突然失去平 衡,跌倒在地。(balance)34. He kept his balance with his arms on top of the desk. A few minutes later, he suddenly lost his balance and fell down to the ground.35. 冬天,所有的树叶都掉了,展现在我们面前的唯有光 秃的山脉。(bare)35. In winter, all the trees are bare. Before us only stand the bare mountains. 36. 因为这件外套售价实在便宜。我抵不住诱惑买了下来 。(bargain)36. As the coat was a bargain at such a low price. I couldnt resist the temptation to buy it.37. 他对我咆哮地说:“我受不了一个人独居。”(bear)37. He barked (out) at me, “ I cant bear to live alone./ I cant bear living alone.”38. 老师上课前先讲了一个笑话。我们每个人都忍不住爆 发出笑声。(begin) 38. The teacher began the lesson with a joke/by telling a joke. Every one of us couldnt help bursting out laughing. 39. 她对她孩子的良好行为感到欣慰。她孩子整天都很守 规矩。(behave, behavior)39. She is pleased with her childs good behavior, because he behaves (himself) all day.40. 信不信由你,大多数人相信慢跑对健康有益。( believe) 40. Believe it or not, most people believe in jogging for the health.41. 他不属于任何党派,因此显得在此有点格格不入。 (belong) 41. He doesnt belong to any party, and thus he seems not to belong here.42. 我看见地上放着一本书,就弯腰把它捡了起来。( bend) 42. I saw a book lying on the ground and then I bent (down/over) to pick it up.43. -电脑使我得益很多。 -是的。我们从中获益不少 。(benefit) 43. -The computer benefits us a lot! -Yes. We benefit a lot from/by it.44. 人人抱怨这些题目远远超出他们的能力(理解力)外 。(beyond) 44. Everybody complained that the problems were far beyond them/their comprehension.45. 人们为了纪念那些为国流血牺牲的英雄建立了纪念碑 。(bleed) 45. People erected/set up a monument in honor of those who bled for our country.46. Jack获得了就读美国州立大学的奖学金,但他的母亲 阻止他出国留学的计划。(block) 46. Jack won a scholarship to the state university in America, but his mother blocked his plan to study abroad. 47. 据报道那次台风刮走了一些店家的招牌,大量大树被 风刮倒。(blow) 47. It is reported that the typhoon has blown some signboards out of the shops and a lot of big trees are blown down. 48. 他常自夸擅长数学,最近老是因得高分而洋洋得意。 (boast) 48. He often boasts that he is good at maths. Nowadays he is always boasting of having got high scores.49. 你最好立刻去售票处,早些预购周末那场电影票。( book) 49. Youd better go to the booking office at once to book early for the film for the weekend.50. 那位小男孩经常一会儿问他母亲一些愚蠢问题来烦她;一会儿 又吵着要他父亲买玩具。其父母常为此事烦恼。(bother) 50. The little boy sometimes bothers his mother with some stupid questions and sometimes bothers his father for the toys. His parents often bother about/with it.51. 学校要求我们每天早晨在校门口,向老师点头鞠躬打招呼。但 有些同学常因害羞而低头(不语)。(bow) 51. Every morning, we are required to bow politely before /to the teachers. However, some students often bows their heads (down) in shyness.52. 她因才貌双全受到广泛尊敬。她喜欢动脑,遇(危难) 事常保持清晰头脑。(brain) 52. She gains/wins broad respect because of her good brain and beauty. She likes to use her brain(s) and often has /keeps a clear brain in face of any difficulty or dander. 53. 他被当成贼而遭到痛打。(brand) 53. He was branded (as) a thief and was given a good beating. 54. 据说他们的婚姻破裂了。她于上月与她丈夫分手了。 (break) 54. Their marriage is said to have broken up. She broke with her husband last month.55. 他试图用钱贿赂警察,结果却为此被处以重罚。( bribe) 55. He tried to bribe the policeman with money, only to be fined heavily for it.56. 那是一个晴朗的明媚的日子,海水在清晨阳光照射下 闪烁发光。(bright, brilliant) 56. It was a bright and clear day, the sea was brilliant in the morning sun. 57. 那位老人有逛旧货店,捡便宜货的习惯。(browse)57. The old man has the habit of browsing around/about some second-hand shops to pick up some bargains.58. 你有没有闻到东西烧焦的味道? 肉肯定烧焦了。( burn) 58. Do you smell something burning? The meat must have burned.59. 在营业时间, 电话很忙;每个人都忙于所有事务,甚 至无暇吃饭。(busy) 59. During the business hours, the lines are very busy; every one of us are all busy with everything, too busy to eat.60. 圣诞节,他化了两百圆为他妻子买了一只包,而他妻 子化了三百圆买了一条领带给他。(buy, spend)60. At Christmas, he bought a bag for 200 dollars for his wife while his wife spent 300 dollars on a tie/in buying a tie for him.
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