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astronautdetectiveprofessorpresidentprincipalsunmooncloudrobotearthMarsspaceshipastronaut 宇航员 detective 侦 professor 教授 president 院长 principal校长 sun太阳 moon月亮 ocean 海洋 cloud云彩 robot机器人 housework家务 pollution 污染 pill 药片 peace 和平 earth地球 spaceship 宇宙飞船 Mars火星I will be a astronaut.What will you be in the future?Where will you live in the future?I will live in a house on the moon.What will you be in the future?I will be a detective.Where will you live in the future?I will live in a house on the ocean.What will you be in the future?I will be a famous singer.What will you do in the future?I will travel all over the world.
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