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单元能力提升训练一、单项选择。(CC )1.Hwewant to go on living on earth , we |should care abonut enviromnment .二天 B:theiyC.theithe D. an;an( C )2. There a soccer game in our schooltomorrow aftemoon.上. was B. hasC. will be D. will have ( CC )3.一He got an A in last weeks math test.一It is 1 His math is always the|WOTIst.A. possible B. simpleC. impossible D. bored( D )4. Last sunday Jack invited some classmates to cometo his party ,but came.A.a little B. httleC.a few 了. few 忆 )S. II donmt agree you. I think she hassomething to do it.A.to;abonut B. with ;withC. with ;to D. to abonut( B )6. There areVisitors here every day.A.hundred B. humndreds ofC.hundred of 卫. hundredsD )7. 一We should plant more trees-一Yes. Every one of us shouldprotecting our environment-A. play pa 卫. take PartC.take a part 了D. play a patt ( A )8. Most of the students like to study at homecomputers.A. on B. in C. for D. as( C )9.I will work hard at English.I believe I willleam it well soon.A.can B: couldC.be able to D. am able to( A )10. The clouds are in different.Some arelike sheep and some are like horses.A. shapesC. heights也. sizesD. colors 河和让esA)根据句意及汉语提示完成单词。11. We can visit many museums _ during 【 在-期间) the vacation to Beiiing. Mary found a job as a Servant (仆人) in a big一hihouse.13. Bob is smart. He can ”even (甚至) work out the中也cult math problem.14. Can you spell this ”word (单词)?15. Il probably (大概) be free tomorrow-. B) 用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空。 danger,factory ,agree ,possible ,apartment16. 一I think we should go there by bus;一 _disagree ”with you. We hould take 了be train,17.Hs apartment is far from the school,so he goesto school by bike.人1让18His dangerous forustio chmb 了be 下中mountains. We should stay at home.19. 一There will be more big ear factories im也future.一Ithink so.0. His impossible to make more money 也 也village. Thats too 由cult, 三根据汉语意思完成句子。21. 下周我要飞往澳大利亚。I vi 作 to 。 Australia mext week.22. 那个老太太在街上跌侠六坏了瞪。Theold jad 二| doWn 下 the street am hroke her leg. 23. 如特将不能参加运动会。Kate wont “be able to take part in the sports meeting.24. 10 年后将会有更多汽车There will be ”more cars _in ”10 years.25. 你认为未来的气候将会怎么样?What do you think the chmate will be likein _ the future ? 四、从方框中选择适当的句子补全对话。( 其中有两项多余)A:Morning ,boys and girls! Today we are goimg to talkabout things in the future. I want to listen to youpredictions.B:Well,Miss Creen:Ithink students womt go to school i50 years.A: 26 B:Theyl study on computers at home.A:Good. There will be more free time for students to ddwhat they WwWant.
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