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INTERNATIONAL MARKETINGSchool of international business Taught by chen-liliWhats your hope for this course?Course outlineObjective : this International Marketing course was develop to provide students with background for making marketing decision in the international business environment and to develop their capacity to assess and solve international marketing problems. This course will provide a basis for evaluating opportunities existing in the international markets and learning how to write a marketing plan. Through lecture, discussion, and research, students will develop the ability to prepare marketing programs, which effectively reduce risk and take advantage of opportunities in the marketplaces of the world.Approach : this course will be taught using lectures, discussions and case studying. Student participation is a key element in the learning situation and your active involvement in course activities is expected.Market research paper and presentation : you will select a country you believe exhibits significant market potential and gather information about that country .Oral presentations based on this information will be made in class. The most promising markets will be selected for further analysis and discussion. This marketing opportunities will be examined by small groups of students, and each group will hand out a marketing plan .Your strategic plans and analysis will be presented in class and submitted in writing.Final grade:Case Analysis:15Research paper and presentation: 60(10 for PPT)Class participation : 25 introduction to international marketing The environment of international marketing international market segmentation and how to entry into international market International product strategy International pricing strategy International promotion strategy International place strategy International market planningIntroduction to international marketingReference text : 国际市场营销学,菲利普 R 凯 特奥拉 约翰 L 格雷厄姆等,机械工业出 版社P2-37国际市场营销管理 薛求知 复旦大学 出版社第一章Three DiscussionsThe international marketing taskThe three stages of international marketing involvementThree Discussions:NO.1 : Whats the market(n.)?市场是商品交换的场所市场是商品交换和流通的领域市场是商品供求关系的总和 Market consists ofMarket consists ofConsumerPurchasing powerdemandFor right consumer we need market segmentationDiscussion :Market segmentationThree Discussions:NO.2 : Marketing(v.) & sellThe definition of Marketing : it is the performance of business activities designed to plan , price, promotion for a profit.The definition of international marketing : It is the performance of business activities designed to plan , price, promotion. And direct the flow of a companygoods and services to consumers or users in more than one nation for a profit.Three Discussions:NO.3 : Marketed is found or created?The international marketing taskControllable factorsUncontrollable factors可控因素 价格、产品、 促销、分销渠道国内不可控因素政治经济竞争力量技术水平国外不可控因素经济政治文化法律分销结构地理和基础设施How to adapt to the new environment?An obstacle is Self-reference criterion(SCR)Please give some examplesHow to avoid SCR:Define the business problem according to culture, habits,norms in home market.Define the business problem according to culture, habits,norms in foreign market.Isolate the SCR influence in the problem and examine it carefully to see how it complicates the problem.Refine the problem without the SCR influence and solve for the optimum business goal situation.思考:按照上述步骤来分析如何把中国的自行 车打入美国市场。The three stages of international marketing involvementExportingInternational marketingGlobal marketingInternationalize marketingAt this stage, company views the world as a series of country markets(including their home market)with unique sets of market characteristics for which marketing strategies must be developed.Global marketingAt this stage, company views the world as one market. A global company develops a strategy to reflect the existing commonalties of market needs among many countries to maximize returns through global standardization of its business activities-whenever it is cost effective and culturally possible The environment of international marketingReference text 国际市场营销学,菲利普 R 凯特 奥拉 约翰 L 格雷厄姆等,机械工业出版 社P42-104张景智,国际营销学教程,对外 经济贸易大学出版社Economic environmentCulture environmentPolitical environmentLegal systemEconomic environmentWhat information shall we like to collect for economic environment?GeographyAs elements of geography,the climate and physical terrain of a country are important environmental considerations when appraising a market.Please give some examples for the relationship between geography and international marketingresourcepopulation人口规模(其中人口超过1亿的国家有 ?)人口增长率人口分布人口结构人口变动趋势Rank 排名Country 國家Population人口 (millions) (百萬)1China中國1,2892India 印度1,0693United States 美國2924Indonesia 印尼2205Brazil 巴西176Rank 排名Country 國家Population人口 (millions) (百萬) 6Pakistan 巴基斯坦1497Bangladesh 孟加拉
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