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Translating Methods lLiteral translation , Free translation, TransliterationlDomestication/Adaptation or Foreignization / AlienationLiteral translationlLiteral translation: In the course of translation, not alter the original sentence pattern, structure, image, figures of speech. It takes sentences as its basic units and takes the whole text into consideration. It strives to reproduce both the ideological content and the style of the original works.The translation should be smooth, natural and acceptable.l直译是指翻译时要尽量保持原作的语言 形式,包括用词、句子结构、比喻手段 等等,同时要求语言流畅易懂。 Free translationlFree translation: translate the content, without paying attention to the formal correspondence and the translation should be smooth, natural and acceptable.It is a supplementary means to mainly convey thing and spirit of the original without trying to reproduce its sentence patterns or figures of speech, images,etc.l意译则从意义出发,只要求将原文大意 表达出来,不注意细节,译文自然流畅 即可。 Comparel- It means killing 2 birds with one stone. (1)这意味着一石二鸟。 (2)这意味着一举两得。l-Dont display your axe at Lu Bans door./Dont teach your grandmother to suck eggs./ Never offer to teach a fish to swim.l-There is no pot so ugly that cant find a lid. 1) 再丑的罐儿也不愁配个盖儿。 2)再丑的姑娘也不愁找不到婆家。l-Dont lock the stable door after the horse has been stolen. 不要等马被盗以后,才去锁厩门 。/不要贼走关门。 l- Barbara was born with a silver spoon in her mouth. 芭芭拉是衔着银勺子出生的。 /芭 芭拉生长在富贵之家。l- Cast pearls before swine. 把珍珠扔到猪面前。 /对牛弹琴。Examples of literal translationcrocodile tears/armed to the teeth/chain reaction /gentlemens agreement 鳄鱼的眼泪/ 武装到牙齿/连锁反应/君子协定Chinese English Examples: Paper tiger, the Four Books and the Five Classics, the three religions and the nine schools of thought, gentlemens agreement, 死: breathe ones last, go to ones eternal rest, the long sleep, pass away, see God, see Marx, see ones ancestors, go west, go to heaven, kick the bucket.Translate literally, if possible, or, appeal to free translation. When applying literal translation, if the version is not acceptable to the readers, or unreadable in expression,we may adopt compensation or free translation.lLiteral translation- compensation ( change the image, or add explanation) -free translationlE.g.: -You can take a horse to the water but can not make it drink.不能强人所难( compensation)Examples of free translationlI gave my youth to the sea and I came home and gave my wife my old age. l直译:我把青春献给海洋,我回家的时候便把 老年给了我的妻子。l意译:我把青春献给海洋,等我回到家里见到 我妻子的时候,已经是白发苍苍了。 lWhen Jean graduated from high school, she looked at the world through rose-colored glasses. l直译:吉茵高中毕业的时候,是戴着玫瑰色的 眼镜看周围的一切的。l意译:吉茵高中毕业的时候,她把一切事情看 得太简单太容易了。lBut no one forces you to go to sea. It gets in your blood.l直译:但是谁也没有强迫你出海,它进到你的血液里了。l意译:但是谁也没有强迫你出海,是你心甘情愿的嘛。lAfter so much bad blood between us, how generous can I expect him to be? l直译:我们之间有这么多坏血之后,我还能指望他待l我怎么宽厚呢?l意译:我们之间既然仇恨这么大,他还能待我宽厚吗?lThe burning question of my childhood had been richly answered. l直译:我儿童时代在心中燃烧的问题,终于得到了充分的 回答。l意译:我小时候梦寐以求想得到答案的问题,终于得到了 圆满的回答。 避免死译 Avoid word-for-word translationl死译也叫逐词翻译,翻译时是以词为单位 进行考虑的,力求原文中的每一个词都能 与译文的词对等。从形式上看非常忠实, 行文也算通畅,实际上在意义和风格上相 去甚远。读者常常感到费解,甚至不知所 云。 lIt was an old and ragged moon. l原译:这是一个又老又破的月亮。l改译:这是一弯下弦残月。 lEvery atom of your flesh is as dear to me as my own; in pain and sickness it would still be dear. l原译:你的肉中的每一个原子,对我来说,都 像我自己的一样亲;它既是在病痛中,仍然是 亲的。 l改译:在我看来,你身上的每一个细胞都像我 自己的细胞一样亲;即使你痛苦你有病,也还 是一样亲。 lBeing a teacher is being present at the creation, when the clay begins to breathe. l原译:当一名教师意味着是创造的见证人,他 目睹泥土开始呼吸,开始了生命。 l改译:当一名教师就意味着目睹上帝造人的过 程,目睹用泥土捏成的人体开始呼吸,开始了 生命。 Dynamic equivalence translationl活译指翻译时力求达到灵活对等,使译文读 者能得到与原文读者大致相同的感受。 lI want to hit the sack and get some Zs. l我要去睡会觉。 lIs this seat taken? l这里有人吗? Domestication/Adaptation or Foreignization / AlienationlDomesticating method: understand and translate in the light of the target languages culture.l归化的翻译在理论上是把语言看作交际工具;在 实践上,强调通俗易懂,避免多义或歧义。习惯 认为,当原文与译文之间因文化差异而出现不能 通达的情况时,“要用译语文化替代原语文化”即 把在译语中找不到对等的外语词汇改头换面,或 套用译语中与之相似的现成的表达法,把它们变 成读者熟悉的译语文化形象。l归化派代表人物尤金奈达(Eugene A. Nida)异化Foreignization / AlienationlForeignizing method: accept the original and translate in the light of the original culture.lThe advantages of foreignization : be faithful to the original ; enrich the target language; reproduce the foreign culture better.l异化派代表人物韦努蒂(Lawrence Venuti )l翻译负有文化交流的使命,即尽可能把一个 民族的语言和文化习惯介绍给另一个民族。l读者读异国文学是为了欣赏异国作品特有的 韵味和语言风格。l从促进世界文化交流这个角度上讲,我们在 处理英译汉或汉译英时,都应着力于全面、 完整地向译语读者介绍对方(己方)的全部意 蕴,包括文化。异化的翻译起了巨大的作用 。Functional Equivalence l“The receptors of the translated text could respond to it with comprehension and appreciation in essentially the same manner and to the same degree as the original receptors of the message”;l“Translation should arouse the same feeling in its receptors as the feeling of the readers of the original”- NidalFor instance: as white as snow 白如雪 / 白如白鹭毛lSpring up like mushrooms-雨后春笋lEverybodys business is nobodys business. 三个和尚无 水
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