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1 必考话题 17旅游与交通 () 写 作 必 备 基础词汇1cause v引起2cross v. 穿过3behaviour n. 行为4insurance n. 保险5break v. 违反6pe学科王destrian n. 行人7spit v. 吐痰8traffic rules 交通规则9keep.in mind 牢记1学科王0traffic lights 交通信号灯提分句型1It mustbemadeclear that students should keep the traffic rules. 必须明确的一点是,学生应遵守交通规则。2Whatweshould do is that we should not throw rubbish everywhere. 我们应该做的事情是不要到处扔垃圾。3How to solvetheproblem remains unknown. 还不知道怎样解决这个问题。4Noth学科王ing is moreprecious than your life. 再也没有什么比你的生命更珍贵了。5It is high time for ustodo something for it before it is too late.在还来得及之前我们该采取行动了。学科王6 Thesooner preventive measures are taken ,the better it would be.越早采取预防措2 施越好。美 文 赏 析 素材示例(2013安徽卷 )假设你校英语社团举办以 “讲求文明, 从我做起” 为主题的征文活动,请你以 “On the Way to School” 为题,写一篇英语短文。内学科王容主要包括: (1)遵守交通法规; (2)注意举止文明。注意: (1)词数 120 左右; (2)可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;(3)短文中不能出现与本人相关的信息;(4)短文的题目已为你拟好,不计入总词数。_ _ _ 佳作播报On the Way to SchoolThese days,brea学科王king traffic rules and littering are not uncommon ,causing serious harm to our life and the environment.Changing this situation requires considerable effort on the part of everyone.As for me,it should start on the way to school. I will keep traffic rules in mind all the way.If I ride a bicycle, Ill always keep to the right and never cross a road until the traffic light turns green.If I walk , Ill never forget to use the pedestrian crossing. Meanwhile,Ill regard it as my duty to keep our environment clean and healthy.Not only will I keep from littering and spitting anywhere, I will also help clean up the roadside litter whenever possible.I hope my behavior will make a difference .1break学科王ing traffic rules and littering 是动名词短语作主语。模拟Reading_as_much_as_possible is necessary for us to learn English well. 广泛阅读对我们学好英语是必要的。2whenever possible是状语从句的省略,其完整形式是whenever it is possible 。模拟Please come here to have a meeting as_soon_as_possible . 请尽可能快地来开会。学科王3make a difference有影响,使大不同。模拟Having a good teacher can make_a_big_difference to my daughter. 3 我女儿有个好老师后情况会完全不一样了。.核心单词1_(adv.)很少,难得 _(adj.)稀少的,罕见的2_(vi.)挨饿,饿死 _(n.)饿死3_学科王_(adj.)艰难的;不幸的;强壮的,强健的_(adv.)坚硬地_(vt.)(使)坚硬4_(n.)延误,延期5_(vt.)认可,承认 _(n.)承认;致谢6_(vt.)骂,责骂7_(vt.)禁止,不准 _(过去式 )_(过去分词 ) 8 _(vt.)逗乐,使 (某人 )笑 _(n.)娱乐,消遣,快乐的事_(adj.)娱乐的,觉得好笑的 _(adj.)逗乐的,有乐趣的,好笑的9_(n.)回答 _(vi.)回应,回答10_(n.)协调,和谐 _(adj.)和谐的,协调的11_(adj.)惊恐的,担惊受怕的 _(vt.)使恐惧12_(n.)职业,专业 _(adj.)职业的,专业的13_(vt.)抵抗,抵制 _(n.)抵抗,反抗 _(adj.)抵抗的,有抵抗力的学科王14_学科王_(n.)谨慎,小心 _(adj.)小心的,谨慎的 _(adv.)小心地,谨慎地学科王15_(vt.)使惊讶,使惊骇 _(adj.)令人惊奇的 _(adj.)感到惊讶的 _(n.)惊奇16_(adj.)不顾一切的 _(adv.)拼命地,绝望地_(n.)绝望,绝望的事17_(vt.)取得(成功),完成 (任务)_(n.)成就,完成18 _(vt.)使相信 _(adj.)相信的,确信的 _(adj.)令人信服的答案1.rarely;rare2.starve;starvation3.tough;toughly;toughen4.delay4 5.acknowledge ;acknowledgement 6.scold7.forbid;forbade;forbidden8amuse;amusement ;amused ;amusing9.response ;respond10.harmony;harmonious11.scared ; scare12 profession; professional13.resist; resistance ;resistant14.caution;cautious;cautiously15.astonish ;astonishing;astonished ;astonishment16.desperate; desperately ; desperation17.accomplish ;accomplishment学科王18.convince;convinced;convincing 词不离句,句不离段To our amusement and astonishment ,he is so forgetful about tension,being scolded ,starvation and desperatethings.He is convincedthat he cant resistthe profession of psychology .He wants to be harmonious with others. .重点短语1突然笑起来学科王_ 2兑现支票_ 3排队_ 4处理掉,摆脱_ 5胡闹,瞎弄_ 6导致,造成_ 7撞上_ 8假装_ 9turn sb off _ 10from time to time _ 11regardless of _ 12be in学科王for _ 13compensate for _ 14play around _ 15pull faces _ 16thanks to _ 答案1.burst out laughing/into laughter2.cash a cheque 3.wait in line4.get rid of5.fool around 6result in/lead to7.run into8.put on9.令人讨厌10不时地11.不管,不顾12.肯定会经历, 注定要遭受13.弥补14.四处游5 戏15.做鬼脸16.多亏,由于小试身手,聚焦短语It takes creators quite a long time to get_rid_of their pains. People had been turned_off by both candidates in the election. After a promising start, our company ran_into some trouble. Though cold, the kids were playing_around outside. We like going to watch football match, but we hate to wait_in_line for tickets. .经典句式1Have you ever had trouble trying to spell a word?你有没有拼不出单词的时候?解读have trouble (in) doing sth“做某事有困难”模拟Shinzo Abe_( 在处理外交事务方面有困难)2 While still 学科王at primary school, Rowan had
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