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1Book7B M1Food and drinksJianping West Middle SchoolBy Caiyanan2一、教材分析二、教学目标三、教学重难点四、教学方法五、教学过程设计7B Module1 Book7B M1 Food and drinks3教材分析7B 一共有4个module.每个module里有4 个unit. Module 1的语言背景是Food and Drinks.单元围绕Food and Drinks开展听说读写教学活动. 6A M3 Food and drinks6A M3 Food and drinksU1 Shopping at the supermarket U1 Shopping at the supermarketU2 Favourite food and drinksU2 Favourite food and drinksU3 Good food, bad foodU3 Good food, bad foodU4 Food from other countriesU4 Food from other countries6B6B: M4 Food and drinks M4 Food and drinks U1 The food we eat U1 The food we eatU2 Barbecues are funU2 Barbecues are funU3 Healthy eating U3 Healthy eating U4 How do I make it ?U4 How do I make it ?7B Module1 4教材分析6A 6A M3 Food and drinksM3 Food and drinksU1 Shopping at the supermarket U1 Shopping at the supermarketU2 Favourite food and drinksU2 Favourite food and drinksU3 Good food, bad foodU3 Good food, bad foodU4 Food from other countriesU4 Food from other countries6B:6B: M4 Food and drinksM4 Food and drinks U1 The food we eatU1 The food we eat U2 Barbecues are funU2 Barbecues are fun U3 Healthy eating U3 Healthy eating U4 How do I make it ?U4 How do I make it ?7B:M1 Food and drinks7B:M1 Food and drinks U1 A surprise birthday partyU1 A surprise birthday party U2 Growing smart, growing U2 Growing smart, growing strongstrong U3 The international food U3 The international food festivalfestival U4 How is food made?U4 How is food made?7B Module1 5教材分析类型:Conversition(p23) ,lists(P45),instructions(p6)7B:M1 Food and drinks7B:M1 Food and drinks U1 A surprise birthday partyU1 A surprise birthday party7B Module1 任务:1)听说为主,感受语言,运用基础语言,通过听、看图确定或描述人物的动作重点掌握和运用What shall we have? Id rather have someWhat do you think?What may she need to buy及其答语等句型。2)语法:Wh-questions,表达顺序的副词:First,SecondlyThirdly,Fourthly, 情态动词:shall, need, may 3)日常用语:May I speak to ? This is speaking.6教材分析U2 Growing smart, growing strongU2 Growing smart, growing strong 单元类型guides(P8), conversations(P89), calendars(P10) 特点:强调知识拓展,注重语用,重视读写(P911),设置了要求运用所学语言完成的各种任务,使学生能够对上述已学的目标句型运用自如,培养学生综合运用语言知识的能力。 任务(1)Write a programme of visit Discuss and write a short report Write a checklist for bad habits. (2)继续学习Wh-question: Whyinstead?Adverbs of degree: too (3)日常用语:So/Neither do I. I used to not any longer7B Module1 7教材分析类型:Conversition(P14,16,18) ,Posters(P15),instructions(P17),letters(P19)语法任务:听说为主,感受语言,运用基础语言,通过听、看图、会话练习继续巩固What/why/where/when/who?How much特殊疑问句;重点掌握和运用祈使句,以及介词with 任务方式:1)Draw a poster for an international food festival;2)Write a cooking recipe3)Complete a letter to a relative2)7B:M1 Unit 3 The international food festival7B:M1 Unit 3 The international food festival7B Module1 8教材分析类型:Conversitions, letters, instructions.语法任务:听说为主,感受语言,运用基础语言,通过听、 看图、会话练习继续巩固What/why/where/when/who? How much特殊疑问句;任务方式:1)Ask classmates about their project2)Write a letter to the place you would like to visit7B:M1 7B:M1 U4 How is food made?U4 How is food made?7B Module1 9教学目标一、语言知识目标二、语言技能目标三、情感态度目标四、学习策略目标五、文化意识目标7B Module1Unit1 7B M1 Unit110教学目标1. 语法:shall 表示将来时,序数副词first ,情态 动词shall, need, may, Id like to的用法,(一)语言知识目标2. 词汇:add, beat, candle, caption, cartoon, cool, each, free, gramme, icing, karaoke, looking forward to, of course, person, pity, powder, spring roll, sift, spoonful, surprise3. 交际用语: May I speak toplease ? This is speaking.7B Module1 7B Module1Unit1 11教学目标(二)语言技能目标1. 能用将来时特别是shall的各种形式进行准确的描述和表达将要发生的动作。2. 通过情景中的操练,培养学生的发散思维能力,激发学生的想象力,培养学生的语言交际能力。3. 能够用自己在本单元中所学的语言内容进行列表,归类表述7B Module1 7B Module1Unit1 12教学目标(三)情感态度目标1. 有明确的学习目的,能认识到学习英语的目的在于交流,敢于用英语进行表达。2. 通过小组竞赛激发学生的学习兴趣,提高学生的参与意识,竞争意识与合作意识,使学生获得成功的喜悦。7B Module1Unit1 13教学目标(四)学习策略目标1.使学生明确自己学习的需要,把握学习的主要 内容,积极参与课内外的英语学习活动。2 . 在学习过程中要求学生形成合作学习和探究学习的学习方式,引导学生积极思考,善于抓住英语交流的机会。3. 能够在学习之后进行有效的复习,善于整理与归纳,找寻记忆的规律。7B Module1 7B Module1Unit1 14教学目标(五)文化意识目标1、了解西方国家是如何庆祝生日和过生日常吃的食物、方式等。2、巩固英文列表和书信的表达方式。7B Module1 7B Module1Unit1 15教学重点、难点重点: 1. 掌握好重点句型:What shall we have at the party? 2. Shall表示一般将来时的用法与情态动词的用法区别难点: 1.一般将来时的shall与情态动词的shall区别并能在交际中准确地运用与表达。2. 如何用所学句型进行综合运用。7B Module1 7B Module1Unit1 16教学方法7B Module1 学生学情分析教学方法确定7B Module1Unit1 17学生学情分析 一、学生的特点分析: 初中阶段学生的观察能力,记忆能力和想象能力迅 速发展,他们好动,注意力易分散,爱发表见解, 希望得到老师的表扬。二、知识结构分析:学生已具有一定的听、说、读、写能力,但 其他能力还有待发展。7B Module1 7B Module1Unit1 18教学方法确定让学生有充分展示自己才能的空间,使他们在讨论中得到锻炼和培养,提高听、说、读、写等方面的能力。插入学生感兴趣的图片、卡通片段等,丰富学生知识,拓宽他们视野,实现知识的整合。1. 任务型教学:2. 开放性教学:7B Module1 7B Module1Unit1 19教学过程设计Period 1: P23Period 2: P45.Period 3 : P67. M1U1 课 时 结 构7B Module1 7B Module1Unit1 20教学过程设计Period One (一)热身活动:(利用歌曲来调动学生的情绪,让学生在轻松的 氛围中进入最佳学习状态。)播放歌曲:Because of you7B Module1 7B Module1Unit1 21教学过程设计Period One(二)创设情境,以旧引新:(自然过渡到知识的新授)7B Module1 7B Module1Unit1 22教学过程设计Period One7B Module1 healthydietdietunhealthy7B Module1Unit1 23fruit fast foodsweet snacks meat What food do you like to have at a birthday party?main foodvegetables教学过程设计7B Module1 Period One7B Module1Unit1 24教学过
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