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How much are these pants ?Unit 7How much are these pants?一、说教材二、学情分析三、说教法、学法四、说教学过程五、说板书设计一、说教材1、 教材简析(出处、内容、教材特点)2、教学目标(1) 知识目标(2)能力目标(3)情感目标(4)学习策略目标(5)文化策略目标3、教学重点(1)How much is this /that red T- shirt. Its seven dollars.(2) How much are these/those blue socks? Theyre two dollars.(3) Can I help you?(4) OK.Ill take it.(5) Youre welcome.教学难点:(1)形容词的正确使用.(2)名词单/复数的正确使用.4. 课时安排1 课时5. 教具图片, 录音机, 投影仪.计算机 二、学情分析1、 学生的知识体系和能力分析2、 学生的年龄和心理特征分析3、学生的积极性和主动性分析三、教法1、情景教学法2、探究式教学法3、任务型教学法4、多媒体教学法学法: 让学生通过“观察、模仿、实践的方法 学习语言, 这是一个由感知认识理 解运用”的过程。符合学习的认知规律 。利用多媒体课件贯穿整个教学。四、 说教学程序1、复习(温故而知新)2、创设情景,巧妙引入3、利用多媒体展示实物图片,学单词、句型4、听对话,选实物5、两人活动,互问衣服的价钱6、看图完成对话7、练习对话,模拟在商场购物8、设置任务,开展小组活动(赠送生日礼物)巩固练习1、小组对话表演,巩固询问价格的句型。2、完成对话,检查学生对本课内容的笔头 掌握情况。3、小组练习,模拟买卖衣服的场景,进一 步练习相关对话。4、设置任务(赠送生日礼物),将所学的 知识进行交际实践。重难点处理:结合已学过的物品和颜色的单词,通过一些 形象的实物图片来创设情景,让学生对服装的单 复数进行提问,使单词的知识溶进活生生的情景 之中,同时也能激发学生的学习兴趣,调动其学 习积极性,使学生进一步认识所学句型结构,并 能灵活运用。作业布置:1、复习并掌握本课的目标语言2、课程学习手册2425页。板书设计: 1.How much is this/ that ?2.Its dollars.3.How much are these/ those ?4.Theyre dollars.5.OK. Ill take it.Thank you .6.Youre welcome.What color is this?shoeshoessocksocksshirtshirtsT-shirtpantssweatershortsa blue capan orange hata green bag a yellow sweatera black T-shirta pair of red shoesa white shirta short linea long linebigsmallHow much is this/that-?Its -dollars.$5$3$7$35$20$18Pair workHow much are these/those -?$12$3$20They are - dollars.$45Pair workFill in the blank:Clerk: Can I help you ?Mary : Yes, please. I want a sweater.Clerk: What _ do you want? Mary: Blue.Clerk: Here you are .Mary: _ is it?Clerk: 20 dollars.Mary: Ill take it. _.Clerk: Youre welcome.colorHow muchThank you / thanksPair work 1A: Can I help you?B: Yes ,please. I want a sweater .A: What color do you want?B: Yellow.A:Here you are.B: How much is it ?A: 30 dollars.B: Ill take it.Thank you./Thanks.A: Youre welcome.Pair work 2A: Can I help you?B: Yes ,please. I want a pair of socks.A: What color do you want?B: Green.A: Here you are.B: How much are they ?A: 2 dollars.B: Ill take them, Thank you. /Thanks.A: Youre welcome.Task: 赠送生日礼物Teacher: Today is As birthday. B, C and D are his best friend: they want to give him some presents. They have fifty yuan. What will they buy?操作建议:1。 全班分为售货员和购物两部分, 分别做准备 ;2。 学生以小组为单位, 模拟在商场购物;3。 每小组向全班汇报所买的东西, 并逐一展示 ;4。列出你所知道的服装、鞋帽的英文名称;5。写一段在刚才购物活动中的对话。完成任务所需要的语言结构: 1.Come and have a look.2.Can I help you ?/What can I do for you ?3.Does she like that white bag? Yes, she does./ No, she doesnt.4.Oh . Its too expensive. Can you give me a lower price? Sorry, I cant./ that one is cheap.5.How much is it? Its five yuan. 6.Ill take it. Here you are. 7.Thank you . Youre welcome.
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