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Unit 4TV programmesReading (pp. 60 63)Which programmes do the students like? (p. 63)oThe best TV programme for Millie is _.oThe best TV programme for Simon is _.oThe best TV programme for Amy is _.oThe best TV programme for Andy is _.Tiger WatchSports WorldBeijing Music AwardsMurder in a Country HouseSports WorldoSports World is a w_ r_ with lots of u_ information. The programme c_ different sports, such as basketball, swimming, badminton and football. However, if you are not a football f_, you might find this weeks programme a bit b_. Its all about football. There are also a number of i_ with the famous football players.nterviewseelkyound-up p-to-date oversanoringBeijing Music AwardsoThis years Beijing Music Awards will be c_ l_. The p_ will be held in Beijing this c_ Saturday. All the big pop stars will a_. Before the awards start, we will i_ some of the most famous stars. Two t_ fans have v_ online for their favourite songs, singers and music v_. ideosoveredive resentation oming ttend nterviewhousandotedBeijing Music AwardsoThe results will be a_ during the programme and the h_ will ask questions. As you are watching the awards, write down your answers and send t_ m_ to 1396. You could win two free c_ tickets.nnounced ostext essages oncertMurder in a Country HouseoMurder in a Country House is a h_ film d_ by Cindy Clark, a new d_. In the film, a doctor is found d_ in his house. Was he killed or did he kill h_? You wont find out the answer u_ the end of the film. The film is excellent and full of h_ and m_.orrorirected irector eadimself ntilorrorysteriesMurder in a Country HouseoIf you enjoy s_ m_, you will love this film. If you get s_ e_, do not watch it! The a_ are all new, y_ they all did very well.olvingysteriescaredasily ctorsetTiger WatchoThis one-hour d_ takes a close look at the A_ tiger. After you watch this programme, you will r_ how much danger these tigers f_. They are actually d_ quicker than pandas. The documentary e_ that these tigers are being killed for their s_ and b_.ocumentary sianealize ace isappearing xplaingskinonesTiger WatchoIf you are an animal l_, you might find this programme a bit d_ while w_ the programme. Tiger Watch was taken in I_ between 2003 and 2005. It shows the Asian tiger in its n_ h_. You can see s_ of India, one of the few places on E_ where tigers still live. Tiger Watch won an award for its amazing p_. overisturbingatchingndiaaturalabitat cenes arthhotographyMurder in a Country HouseoMurder in a Country House is a h_ film.oCindy Clark d_ the film. He is a new d_. = The film _ _ _ Cindy Clark, a new d_.oMurder in a Country House is a horror film _ _ Cindy Clark, a new director.orrorirected irectorwas directed by irectordirected byMurder in a Country HouseoIn the film, a doctor is found _ (die) in his house.o_ he killed or _ he kill himself?oYou will _ _ the answer after you watch the film. = You _ _ _ the answer _ the end of the film.find outwont find outuntildeadWasdidMurder in a Country HouseoThe film is e_.oThe film _ _ _ horror and mysteries.oThe film is excellent _ _ _ _ horror and mysteries.xcellentis full ofand is full ofMurder in a Country HouseoIf you _ _ _(喜欢寻 求迷的答案), you will love this film. If you _ _ _(很容易受惊吓), do not watch it!enjoy solving mysteriesget scared easilyMurder in a Country HouseoThe a_ are all new.oThey all did very _ (good).oThe actors are all new, _ they did very well.ctorswell yet / butMurder in a Country HouseoMurder in a Country House is a h_ film d_ by Cindy Clark, a new d_. In the film, a doctor is found d_ in his house. Was he killed or did he kill h_? You wont find out the answer u_ the end of the film. The film is excellent and full of h_ and m_.orrorirected irector eadimself ntilorrorysteriesMurder in a Country HouseoIf you enjoy s_ m_, you will love this film. If you get s_ e_, do not watch it! The a_ are all new, y_ they all did very well.olvingysteriescaredasily ctorsetMurder in a Country Houseoa horror film; directed by obe found deadobe killed; kill oneselfofind out the answer; not untilobe full ofoenjoy solving mysteries; get scared easilyoyetTiger WatchoTiger Watch is a d_.oIt is about _
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