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Indications in green = Live content Indications in black = Edit in masterIndications in white = Locked elementsTemplate release: DatePresentation title:28 pt. Arial Regular, light orangePresenters name and title:20 pt. Arial Regular, white Applied Biosystems logo must not be moved, added to, or altered in any way.Background should not be modified.QTRAP 4000 Operator Training2QTRAP 4000 Operator TrainingIndications in green = Live content Indications in black = Edit in masterIndications in white = Locked elementsTemplate release: Date 2005 Applied BiosystemsApplied Biosystems logo must not be moved, added to, or altered in any way.Background should not be modified.Presentation title:12 pt. Arial Regular, light blueSlide heading:28 pt. Arial Regular, dark blueMaximum length: 2 linesSlide body:24 pt. Arial Regular, greyRecommended maximum length: 5 principal pointsCopyright: 10 pt. Arial, blackPresentation date/confidentiality line: 10 pt. Arial, blackInformation separated by vertical stroke, two spaces on either sideSlide number: 10 pt. Arial bold, dark blueWhat is LC/MSLC: Liquid Chromatography MS: Mass Spectrometer an instrument that produces ions and separates them in the gas phase according to their mass-to-charge ratio (m/z)3QTRAP 4000 Operator TrainingIndications in green = Live content Indications in black = Edit in masterIndications in white = Locked elementsTemplate release: Date 2005 Applied BiosystemsApplied Biosystems logo must not be moved, added to, or altered in any way.Background should not be modified.Presentation title:12 pt. Arial Regular, light blueSlide heading:28 pt. Arial Regular, dark blueMaximum length: 2 linesSlide body:24 pt. Arial Regular, greyRecommended maximum length: 5 principal pointsCopyright: 10 pt. Arial, blackPresentation date/confidentiality line: 10 pt. Arial, blackInformation separated by vertical stroke, two spaces on either sideSlide number: 10 pt. Arial bold, dark blue-Generate desolvated ions(Sources) -Transfer ions into mass spectrometre vacuum(Interface Region) -Mass analyze ions(Quadrupoles in vacuum condition) -Detect ions(Detector in vacuum condition) -Process the Data(Software)Process Needed to Generate a Mass Spectrum4QTRAP 4000 Operator TrainingIndications in green = Live content Indications in black = Edit in masterIndications in white = Locked elementsTemplate release: Date 2005 Applied BiosystemsApplied Biosystems logo must not be moved, added to, or altered in any way.Background should not be modified.Presentation title:12 pt. Arial Regular, light blueSlide heading:28 pt. Arial Regular, dark blueMaximum length: 2 linesSlide body:24 pt. Arial Regular, greyRecommended maximum length: 5 principal pointsCopyright: 10 pt. Arial, blackPresentation date/confidentiality line: 10 pt. Arial, blackInformation separated by vertical stroke, two spaces on either sideSlide number: 10 pt. Arial bold, dark blueTurbo V ION SOURCEHousingIon Source ProbesInterfaceFixed Sprayer Geometry5QTRAP 4000 Operator TrainingIndications in green = Live content Indications in black = Edit in masterIndications in white = Locked elementsTemplate release: Date 2005 Applied BiosystemsApplied Biosystems logo must not be moved, added to, or altered in any way.Background should not be modified.Presentation title:12 pt. Arial Regular, light blueSlide heading:28 pt. Arial Regular, dark blueMaximum length: 2 linesSlide body:24 pt. Arial Regular, greyRecommended maximum length: 5 principal pointsCopyright: 10 pt. Arial, blackPresentation date/confidentiality line: 10 pt. Arial, blackInformation separated by vertical stroke, two spaces on either sideSlide number: 10 pt. Arial bold, dark bluePlug align with orificeCurtain Gas:SET AS HIGH AS POSSIBLE (with no sens. loss)Minimum value is 3013QTRAP 4000 Operator TrainingIndications in green = Live content Indications in black = Edit in masterIndications in white = Locked elementsTemplate release: Date 2005 Applied BiosystemsApplied Biosystems logo must not be moved, added to, or altered in any way.Background should not be modified.Presentation title:12 pt. Arial Regular, light blueSlide heading:28 pt. Arial Regular, dark blueMaximum length: 2 linesSlide body:24 pt. Arial Regular, greyRecommended maximum length: 5 principal pointsCopyright: 10 pt. Arial, blackPresentation date/confidentiality line: 10 pt. Arial, blackInformation separated by vertical stroke, two spaces on either sideSlide number: 10 pt. Arial bold, dark blueVacuum Interface: Curtain Gas Orifice plate establishes harmonic ion trajectories.Filtering DC (FDC) DC voltage difference between poles (linear to RFp-p) that defines the resolution.Rod Offset Voltage Low DC voltage that defines axial ion energy (velocity through quadrupole). “RF only” mode means:No FDC between poles; only RFp-p, Rod Offset present.Quad. is in “Total Ion Mode” (transmitting all ions, not filtering).
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