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1UnitUnit 3 3 TomorrowsTomorrows worldworld第一部分 听力(略)第二部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满分 3535 分)第一节 单项填空(共 1515 小题;每小题 1 1 分,满分 1515 分)请认真阅读下面各题,从题中所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出最佳选项。21.In most Western countries on April Fools Day,people often play trick on each other;children especially have great fun.A.a;a B.the;theC./;a D.a;/答案 D解析 考查冠词。play a trick on 为固定短语,意为“搞恶作剧,开玩笑” ;have fun 意为“玩得开心” ,fun 是不可数名词,前面通常不加冠词。22.The howto book can be of help to wants to do the job.A.who B.whomeverC.no matter who D.whoever答案 D解析 此处介词 to 后缺少宾语从句,而宾语从句又缺少主语,应用 whoever,相当于anyone who,意为“无论谁” 。C 项只引导让步状语从句。23.What do you think of the sudden news?Well,it is quite and I am quite at it.A.amazed;amazed B.amazing;amazingC.amazing;amazed D.amazed;amazing答案 C解析 句意为:你怎样认为这突如其来的消息?呵,这消息太令人吃惊了,我感到很吃惊。amazed 感到吃惊的;amazing 令人吃惊的。24.She made a good on his mother.A.expression B.suggestionC.impression D.situation答案 C解析 make a good impression on sb.给某人留下了很好的印象。句意为:她给他母亲留下了很好的印象。25.Look!Its snowing outside.Yes,it is the second time we snow this week.A.are having B.have2C.have had D.had had答案 C解析 it is序数词that 从句,从句中用完成时。26.The water cool when I jumped into the pool for morning exercises.A.was felt B.is feltC.felt D.feels答案 C解析 考查系动词。此处 feel 是系动词,用主动形式表示被动意义;由后面 jumped 可知用一般过去式。27.Black holes not be seen directly,so determining the number of them is a tough task.A.can B.should C.must D.need答案 A解析 can 意为“能够” ,表示黑洞是不能直接被看见的。should 意为“应该” ,表示因责任、必要、义务、道义、原则等方面的原因而应该做的事。must 意为“必须” ,表示出于职责、义务该做某事或出于主观意识而必须要做某事。need 意为“需要” 。28.With the help of high technology,more and more new substances in the past years.A.discoveredB.have discoveredC.had been discoveredD.have been discovered答案 D解析 由时间状语 in the past years 可知应用现在完成时,又因为物质是被发现的,故应用被动语态。29.Id like to arrive 20 minutes early I can have time for a cup of tea.A.as soon as B.as a resultC.in case D.so that答案 D解析 考查连词。句意为:我想早到 20 分钟以便有时间喝杯茶。空格线后面部分是前面的目的,所以要用 so that 引导。as a result 不属于从属连词;in case 意为“预防” ,不符合句意。330.He caught a cold,and he couldnt come to the party.A.or B.howeverC.furthermore D.therefore答案 D解析 句意为:他感冒了,所以没能参加宴会。therefore 意为“所以” ,表示因果关系,引出结果,符合题意。or 或者;however 然而;furthermore 而且。31.The books were so good that they in no time.A.sold B.had been soldC.were sold D.would sell答案 C解析 句意为:这些书很好以致一会儿就销售一空。因为 the books 和 sell 之间存在逻辑上的被动关系,故动词须用被动语态。32.Dont forget you can still get when you are swimming.A.burning B.burntC.being burnt D.to be burnt答案 B解析 考查系动词。此处 get 是系动词,get burnt 意为“晒黑” 。33.We him theft but he denied it.A.charged;of B.accused;ofC.charged;for D.accused;with答案 B解析 句意为:我们指控他犯了盗窃罪,但是他否认了这一点。accuse sb.of sth.或charge sb.with sth.控告某人某事。34.A better plan was at yesterdays meeting.A.put forward B.put outC.put up D.put on答案 A解析 句意为:昨天会上有更好的计划被提了出来。put forward 提出,符合句意。put out 生产;put up 张贴,挂起来;put on 上演。35.Do you think we should call Mrs.James and apologize to her? It was our fault after all.A.No way. B.Not possible.C.Why not? D.Not at all.答案 C4解析 根据语境判断,第二个人认为是“我们”的错,所以同意向 Mrs.James 道歉,故选C 项。第二节 完形填空(共 20 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 20 分)请认真阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出最佳选项。My husband and I are happy to have landed together in a new country just a month ago.We were sort of 36 about whats in store for us.When we landed at the airport,a tall man with smiling eyes 37 us.The days and months were somehow made 38 for us by this kind man.He 39 us in going to the bank,and in telling us where to 40 almost everything.He told us he is our big 41 .Twice,we watched matches in a coffee shop.During the 42 gettogether,we saw how his eyes beamed(笑容满面) in happiness.He told us that were 43 my husband and I are together in this 44 land.He said he has been 45 for eight years now because he 46 sees his family who are in his home country.During the second gettogether,he told us that we are his family.He said that he 47 us and that he will miss us 48 he has decided to go back to his home country.That night,he uttered(说出) these words which created a 49 effect on my life:“You 50 my life.”As my husband and I went home that night,we almost could not 51 what we heard.Deep in our 52 ,we were touched by our friends words.We texted him upon reaching home, 53 him for being so nice to us in the new land.We told him 54 that we feel safe in going out when we are with him.Then he 55 , “You are my family here.”36.A.excited B.afraidC.curious D.doubtful答案 B解析 作者夫妇初到异国他乡,对即将到来的一切感到担心和害怕,afraid 符合语境。37.A.found B.treatedC.accepted D.greeted答案 D解析 作者夫妇刚到达机场,这位男士应是微笑着迎接他们。38.A.easy B.trueC.empty D.dull5答案 A解析 由下文可知,这位善良的男士在生活的方方面面都为他们提供了帮助,因此作者夫妇在异国他乡的生活变得容易多了。39.A.supported B.encouragedC.accompanied D.interested答案 C解析 作者夫妇初来乍到,对各种生活设施都不熟悉,所以这位男士陪同他们前往银行。40.A.borrow B.seeC.mend D.buy答案 D解析 作者夫妇刚来到一个陌生的国度,需要购买很多生活用品,buy 符合语境。41.A.brother B.friendC.servant D.boss答案 A解析 根据第四段“.he told us
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