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-1-Section Learning about Language,Using Language,Summing Up 特定的 There are several specific problems to be dealt with.有好几个特定问题要解决。-12-Section Learning about Language,UsingLanguage,Summing Up 独特的 -13-Section Learning about Language,UsingLanguage,Summing Up 独特的-14-Section Learning about Language,UsingLanguage,Summing Up 估计-24-Section Learning about Language,UsingLanguage,Summing Up 算清楚 We figured on your arriving early to join the work.我们指望你早点到达以参加这项工作。 短语 figure on 意义 指望 We figured in the travel expenses,but forgot the cost of meals. 我们把旅费算了进去,但却忘记了餐费。 短语 figure in 意义 把算进去 -26-Section Learning about Language,UsingLanguage,Summing Up 断定;理解 figure on 打算;指望;预料到 figure in 把算进去;包括进-27-Section Learning about Language,UsingLanguage,Summing Up 本人 A film star will come to our town in the flesh next month.下个月将有一位电影明星亲自来我们的小镇。 考点延伸 1)阅读下列句子,体会画线部分的意义。 Tigers are flesh-eating animals.老虎是肉食动物。 意义 食肉的 The spirit is willing,but the flesh is weak. 心有余而力不足。 意义 肉体-30-Section Learning about Language,UsingLanguage,Summing Up 本人 in person 亲自;当面,本人-32-Section Learning about Language,UsingLanguage,Summing Up 偏爱 What colour do you like is entirely a matter of preference.你喜欢什么颜色只是个人喜好的问题。 考点延伸 阅读下列句子,指出 preference的短语和意义。 As we all know,a polar bear has a preference for cold weather. 众所周知,北极熊喜欢寒冷的天气。 短语 have a preference for. 意义 对偏爱;比较喜欢-39-Section Learning about Language,UsingLanguage,Summing Up 优先于 In allocating housing,preference is given to those who have young children. 在分配房屋时,有年幼子女的人优先。 短语 give preference to 意义 给予优先权 -40-Section Learning about Language,UsingLanguage,Summing Up 比较喜欢 in preference to 而不是;优先于 give/show preference to 给予优先权;流露出对的偏爱-41-Section Learning about Language,UsingLanguage,Summing Up 位于 lieliedlied 撒谎,说谎 laylaidlaid 放下;产蛋-52-Section Learning about Language,UsingLanguage,Summing Up 涵盖-56-Section Learning about Language,UsingLanguage,Summing Up & Learning Tip X INZHI DAOXUE新知导学DAYI JIEHUO答疑解惑786512342)阅读下列句子,指出cover的短语及意义。 The whole city was covered with/by heavy smoke.整个城市被浓烟笼罩着。 短语 be covered with/by 意义 被所覆盖 The shy girl covered her face with her hands.这个害羞的女孩用双手蒙住脸。 短语 cover sth.with sth. 意义 用覆盖 be covered with/by 被所覆盖 cover sth.with sth.用覆盖-57-Section Learning about Language,UsingLanguage,Summing Up & Learning Tip X INZHI DAOXUE新知导学DAYI JIEHUO答疑解惑78651234考点二 more than 不只是,不仅仅是(=not only) Modern science is more than a large amount of information. 现代科学不只是大量的信息(的堆积)。 Thats more than I can tell you,sir. 那一点我是不能告诉您的,先生。考点延伸 1)阅读下列句子,指出more than的意义。 More than twenty people were injured in the accident.二十多人在事故中受伤。 意义 多于,超过 They were more than happy to see us come back. 看到我们归来,他们异常高兴。 意义 非常-58-Section Learning about Language,UsingLanguage,Summing Up & Learning Tip X INZHI DAOXUE新知导学DAYI JIEHUO答疑解惑786512342)阅读下列句子,指出黑体短语的意义。 All his education added up to no more than one year.他接受的所有的学校教育只有一年。 意义 仅仅,不过,只是 Lying on the ground was a peasant boy of not more than seventeen.躺在地上的那个农家男孩最多十七岁。 意义 至多,不超过-59-Section Learning about Language,UsingLanguage,Summing Up & Learning Tip X INZHI DAOXUE新知导学DAYI JIEHUO答疑解惑78651234-60-Section Learning about Language,UsingLanguage,Summing Up & Learning Tip X INZHI DAOXUE新知导学DAYI JIEHUO答疑解惑78651234-61-Section Learning about Language,UsingLanguage,Summing Up & Learning Tip X INZHI DAOXUE新知导学DAYI JIEHUO答疑解惑78651234
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