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领导艺术:导引篇案例讨论毛泽东的领导l早期l中期l晚期案例讨论邓小平在改革开放中扮演的角色?l内容l过程l角色如何描述?l周恩来l江泽民l朱溶基l柳传志l-l-一些问题l领导是人类和许多动物的普遍现象,为 什么需要有领导? 个人因素l知识的不平均l价值观和性格的不平均(风险、权 力欲等) 经济因素l增加效率 - 分工合作的需要社会的需要l资源分配的不平均 环境的挑战l不确定、信息不完全l生存、适应的需要一些问题l成功领导的条件?(孙钱章,页19 - 71) 尼克松的看法 华伦-本尼斯的看法 戴博拉、本顿的看法 贾德纳的看法l这些素质或条件天生?可以培养吗?l领导是艺术?名词翻译lLeaderl领导:家长、课长、科长、部长、领袖、 长官、统帅、主席、总经理、总裁、董事 长、酋长、国王 -lLeadershipl领导之道:领导术,领导艺术,领导技巧 、统御术、帝王学中间 阶层操作阶层技术及 研发 部门支援 部门高阶层不同的领导层次管理与领导(1)(华伦、本尼斯) 管理领导寻求稳定 探讨革新循规蹈矩 独辟新径维持原状 提高发展注重企业结构 注重人力资源依赖控制 激发信任目光短浅 目光远大管理与领导(2)管理领导目光短浅 目光远大重视原因和方法 重视事情和原因盯着结果 看到希望管理与领导 (3)领导:引领、指导l变革,建立新目标,配置人员,鼓舞士 气l做对事 (Doing right thing)l抬头望路(Path finding)l出主意,找人(毛泽东)领导与管理(4)管理:管制、理清l在预定的目标下,从事规划、预算、组织 、人事、控制及问题的解决l把事做对(Doing thing right)l低头拉车(Path following)管理与领导(5)l领导用右脑:用情感、感性、直觉、影象 和整体来做决策l管理用左脑:用逻辑、语言、分析、目标 和理性来做决策l领导:变革型(魅力型)领导l管理:工具型领导领导的定义 (leadership)lAs a focus of group processlpersonality and its effectlthe art of inducing compliancelthe exercise of influencelan act or behaviorla form of persuasionla power of relation(Bass & Stodill)领导的定义 (leadership)lAn instrument of goal achievementlan emerging effect of interactionla differential rolelthe initiation of structurela combination of elements领导的定义John Kotter (三个含义) 1建立目标和方向 2以既定目标为中心,将工作人员组织、团结在一起 3鼓舞和推动他们既定方向前进领导的定义Shackleton:lLeadership is the process of an individual influences other group members towards the attainment of group or organizational goals.领导的定义l组织内一个人影响其他成员以达成所 认知目标的过程l四要素 团体现象 认知的目标,不一定每人都认同 过程,影响者和被影响者的互动 影响技巧的运用不同层次的领导 (Yukl, p. 14) lIndividualldyadiclgrouplorganization主术训(淮南子)主术:统治之道;领导之道主术训方法:l无为而治:处无为之事,行不言之教l安民为本l依靠大众,人尽其力,物尽其才l任人为贤l用法制l正确运用权势 - 循名责实l修身 - 表率,诚正、无私、无欲、无好 、俭约Mintzbergs Managerial RoleslInformation-processing roles disseminator monitor spokespersonlDecision-making roles entrepreneur disturbance handler resource allocator negotiatorManagerial RoleslInterpersonal roles liaison figurehead leader=缺点?韩非子的法术势影响者被影响者情境 法势:地位、 素质、心理、 目标势:地位、 素质、心理、 目标术术:法、势的运用(审时度势+技巧)Key Variables in Leadership Theory 1 (Yukl, p. 11)lCharacteristics of leader traits (motives, personality, values) confidence and optimism skills and expertise behavior integrity and ethics influence tactics attributions about followersKey Variables in Leadership Theory 2 (Yukl, p. 11)lCharacteristics of followers traits (needs, values, self-concept) confidence and optimism skills and expertise attribution about the leader trust in the leader task commitment and effort satisfaction with leader and jobKey Variables in Leadership Theory 3 (Yukl, p. 11)lCharacteristics of the situation type of organization unit size of unit position power and authority task structure and complexity task interdependence environmental uncertainty external dependenceCausal Relationship Among These VariablesLeader traits and skillsLeader behaviorInfluence processFollower attitudes and behaviorPerformance outcomesSituationalVariables韩非子之外(孙子兵法)l领袖(帝王、帅):五事、七计、诡道、 庙算l将者:智、信、仁、勇、严孙子兵法组织分析解读预测造理环境 :竞争 者及其他危、机知天地审时度势定位主 将 法令 兵众 士卒 赏罚庙算适应、影响 (攻守)效率品质服务创新组织的目标持续发展利润市场占有率形象员工献身Managerial RoleslThe interpretation of external events by memberslThe choice of objectives and strategies to pursuelThe motivation of members to achieve the objectiveslThe mutual trust and cooperation of membersManagerial RoleslThe organization of work activitieslThe development of member skills and confidencelThe learning and sharing of new knowledge by memberlThe enlistment of support and cooperation from outsidersFour Primary Processes (Yukl, p. 41)Decision makingInfluencingBuilding relationship sExchanging informationDemand, constraints, choice, situationsRealities (1)lPace of work is hectic and unrelentinglContent of work is varied and fragmentedlMany activities are reactivelInteractions often involves peers and outsideslMany interactions involves oral communicationRealities (2)lDecision processes are disorderly and politicallMost planning is informal and adaptive应用:的例子毛泽东l早期 势和素质 对象(势和素质) 情景(法) 术应用l中期 势和素质 对象(势和素质) 情景(法) 术应用l晚期 势和素质 对象(势和素质) 情景(法) 术应用邓小平 l势和素质l对象(势和素质)l情景(法)l术
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