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同学们:加油! !英语语法英语语法词性详解一词性详解一 名词名词 一、什么是“名词” 及名词的分类 二、可数名词变复数的规则 三、不可数名词 四、名词所有格 五、练 习 、典型例题分析、练习( )()() ( 4 )(1)(2)名词:表示一类事物名称的词。 类别用法例词普 通 名 词可数名词个体名词表示某类人或东西中的个体Pen, student, desk集体名词表示若干个个体组成的集合体School, family, class不可数名词物质名词表示无法分为个体的实物Tea, water, paper抽象名词表示动作、状态、品质、感情 等抽象概念Work, time, news专 有 名 词某个(些)人,地方,机构等 专有的名称Marx, Shanghai, china, The Great Wall, Party返回1.规则变化2.不规则变化1、一般加-s,如:maps,cars 2、以s , x ,sh, ch 结尾的加-es; 如:dish-dishes 3、以辅音字母加y结尾的 , 先变y为i ,再加-es ; 如: baby-babies ,family-families4、以f,fe结尾的名词,通常要变f 或fe为v,再加-es; 如: leaf-leaves, wife-wives,life-lives,thief- thieves; 注: belief-beliefs(信心),roof-roofs(屋顶) , safe-safes(保险箱), gulf-gulfs(海湾)则直接加s 5、以o 结尾的名词,变复数时: a. 加s,如: photo photos,piano pianos ,kilo-kilos, radio radios,zoo zoos; b. 加es,如:potato potatoes ,tomatotomatoes,hero heroes(英雄) 改变部分字母: woman- women 妇女, man- men男人, policeman -polimen警察 child-children孩子, mouse-mice老鼠 , foot-feet脚, tooth-teeth 牙, 单、复数同形: yuan元,people人、人民 ,Chinese中国人,Japanese日本 人,sheep绵羊,deer,fish, 关于“国人”的复数: 中、日友好:Chinese-Chinese中国人,Japanese- Japanese日本人 英、法联邦:Englishman-Englishmen, 英国男人 Englishwoman-Englishwomen英国女人;Frenchman-Frenchmen, 法国男人 Frenchwoman-Frenchwomen法国女人; 澳、加(真)美: Australian-Australians , Canadian- Canadians , American-Americans 返回不可数名词:(前面不能用a,an等来修饰) 到目前为止我们所学的不可数名词有: 液体类(water):juice(果法) , tea(茶) , soup(汤) ,milk(牛奶) , cola(可乐) ,coffee(咖啡) , 肉类(meat):beef(牛肉),pork(猪肉),mutton(羊肉) 粉末类:bread(面包) , 抽象名词类:news(新闻,消息),information(消息),money(钱) ,advice(建意),friendship(友谊) ,work(工作),homework(家庭作业) ,housework(家务活),schoolwork(学业),help(帮助) ,fun (乐趣) ,health(健康),price (价格) 食物类(food):broccoli(花椰菜) , rice(大米,米饭) ,porridge( 粥) ,junk food(垃圾食品),chocolate(巧克力) ,tofu(豆腐) 不可数名词计量的表达: 个数单位词:piece (张、片、块、条), 容器单位词:bottle(瓶),bag(包),box(盒、箱), 类别单位词:kind( 种、类) 度量衡单位词:kilo(千克、公斤) 返回名词所有格:表示“(某人)的”:一般在名词后加 s 构成。如:Jims mother 吉姆的妈妈 My teachers desk 我老 师的桌子 the dogs name那狗的名字 若以S结尾词,则在S后加 .如:the boys 那些男孩的。 表示几个人共同的东西,只在最后一个人后加。如:Lucy and Lilys mother 。 Lucy和Lily的妈妈 (两人是姐妹) 表示几个人都分别有的东西,则每个都加。如:Lucys and Lilys mothers . Lucy 的妈妈和Lily的妈妈 (两人不是姐妹) 一般用.of.结构来表示无生命的名词所有格:如:the door of the room 房间的门 a map of China 一 张中国地图the photos of my my sister 我妹妹的照片 双重所有格,例:a friend of my fathers,a classmate of mine返回 典型题例分析 例1 下列几组复数名词中,每组都有一个错词,请指出:1 A.Chinese B. Frenchmen C. Englishmen D. Germen2. A. tomatoes B. photos C. radioes D. potatoes3. A. desks B. Americans C. friends D. breads4. A. stories B. families C. plays D. keies5. A. leaves B. knives C. rooves D. shelves 6. A. clothes B.monthes C. mouths D. fifths返回例2 判断下列文哪句译正确: 多好的消息啊!A. What a good news it is ! B. What good news it is !例3 单项选择What you need is more . Dont always do your at your desk.A.exercise ; exercise B. exercises ; exersises C. exercises ; exercise D. exercise ; exercises 例4 单项选择All the teachers and students are having a party.A . women ; girls B . women ; girl C . woman ; girls D . woman ; girl 例5 改错 My trousers are too long , but hers is too short . 返回例6 用括号中所给动词的适当形式填空:I dont think maths ( be ) easy . 例7 单项选择: Mabel gave me . A. two bread B. some breads C. a piece bread D. two pieces of bread 例8 改错:Shall I wait for you at the schools gate at five this after-noon ? 例9 单项选择: mother is a worker . A. Mary and Mikes B. Marys and Mikes C. Marys ane Mike D. Mary and Mike 返回例10 单项选择:1.After the exams , we shall have holiday .A. two months B. two-month C. a two month D. a two months 2.Mr Smith is . A.English B. Englishman C. Englishwoman D. Englishmen3.Wang Lei was born in Wuhan ,but Guangzhou has become her second . A family B. home C. house D. country 4.Most Englist peoples family name comes A. first B. middle C. last D. together 5.There is a over the river .A. ship B. boat C . bridge D. village 例13 改错 Youd better have walk after supper .返回 用括号中所给词的适当形式填空:用括号中所给词的适当形式填空:1The two girls are ( Japan ) .2. The ( baby ) are asleep .3. Do you know the two ( man teacher ) ?4. The ( child ) are washing their ( foot ) .5.There are two ( people ) and lots of ( sheep ) in the fields .6. September 10 is ( teacher ) Day .7. I think physics ( be )more interesting than maths .8. Dont you think the ( radio ) are too noisy ?9. Whose ( knife )are these ?10. “ Whose house is this ?” “ Its the ( Smith )” .返回 单项选择: 1. The boy dropped the and broke it . 2. A. cup of coffee B. coffees cup C. cup for coffee D. coffee cup 2. In time , those mountains will be covered with trees , too . A. few years B. a few
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