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整合、创新的蒙牛标准化The innovative standardization of Mengniu Group蒙牛乳业:张英春Mengniu Group:Zhang Yingchun目 录 Index一、蒙牛简介The brief introduction of Mengniu Group 二、蒙牛标准化实施进程The situation of Mengniu Group standardization 三、工作中存在的问题The problem四、结束语The closing一、蒙牛简介 A brief introduction of Mengniu Group1、基本情况 a rough introduction of Mengniu Group 1999年建厂, “先建市场,后建工厂”、“虚拟联合,整合资源 ”的策略,投入品牌、技术、配方、管理,采用托管、承包、租赁 、委托生产等方式; Mengniu group was set up in 1999. The group is run under the strategy of “set up the market first, then build up the factory”, “hypothesized union, unify resources”. With the investment of brand, technology, the formula, management, we used the methods of trusteeship, contract,rent and entrust to raise the business; 2、生产分布情况 the plants 全国共有49家生产厂,和林基地6期工程为常温最大生产厂,日生 产能力为2000吨;安徽马鞍山为冰淇淋最大生产厂,日生产能力为 550吨;北京通州工厂为低温最大生产厂,日生产能力为290吨。 The Mengniu Group has 49 plants in China. The Helin plant is the biggest normal temperature plant, with capability of 2000 tons per day. Maanshan in Anhui is biggest plant of ice cream , with capability of 550 tons per day. Beijing Tongzhou factory is the biggest low temperature plant, with capability of 290 tons per day. 3、产品情况 the products产品涉及常温液奶、低温酸奶、含乳饮料、冰淇淋、雪糕、奶酪等,品种 达1000多种; We have more than 1000 kinds of products, including normal temperature fluid milk, low temperature yogurt, young drink, ice cream, cheese and so on.4、出口情况 the exports出口至香港、澳门、新加坡、塞班、蒙古、菲律宾等国家和地区。 Our products export to other countries and area, which include: Hong Kong, Macao, Singapore, Saipan, Mongolia, Philippines. 二、蒙牛标准化实施进度(一)蒙牛面临的问题The problems Mengniu Group meets 1、无核心管理体系;Theres no core management system.2、OEC、ISO9000、ISO14001、OHS18001、ISO22000管理体 系并存; OEC、ISO9000、ISO14001、OHS18001、ISO22000 are run at the same time. 3、工厂分布全国各地,质量一致化问题; The quality standard varies with the various locations of the plants in China.4、一线员工执行管理要求的效果。 How deep the staffs carry out.解决办法:实施标准化体系 Solution: standardization system二、蒙牛标准化实施进度(二)标准化实施基本原则The principle of standardization system实施标准化体系是政府推动、市场引导、企业为主、国际接轨的结果,在实施过程中需遵循以下原则: The implementation standardization system is result of the governmental promotion, the market guidance, the enterprise assentation, the international application. The principles below should be followed:(一)以企业为主的原则The enterprise primary principle(二)以点带面的原则 From point to area principle(三)结合企业创新的原则 Innovation principle(四)多体系整合原则 The multi-system optimize principle 二、蒙牛标准化实施进度 (三)标准化实现方法 The methods of standardization1、明确标准化工作职责。 The responsibility of standardization job should be clarified. 2、对现有公司的文件进行梳理,明确各级文件的管理权 限。确定各体系与标准化体系具体融合点。 Clarify the responsibility and the right of existing companys document. Harmonize various systems with standardized system. 3、实施整合、优化、查漏补缺工作; Optimize the resource.4、标准化管理体系建立后,对实施情况进行监控; When established, monitor all the status of implementation; 5、定期对标准化实施过程中存在的问题进行总结,使标准化 体系日趋成熟、稳定,做到动态循环。Analyze the problem existing in the standardized implementation process regularly. Promote the process more fit and stable.6、在产品标准化方面,设置标准评审组,以使企标能够真正 的指导生产、运输、销售等。 Set standard appraisal group, helping the Group control all the process of production, transportation and sales. 二、蒙牛标准化实施进度(四)实施效果 the achievement1、有效的整合了多项管理体系; Conform many management systems effectively; 2、资源能源利用率提升一大步; Reduce the consumption of energy resource; 3、文件管理清晰层次化。Clarify the document management. 三、工作中存在的问题 国标采用改进方案:method: 1、在产品研发时考虑国际标准同步; In the stage of research and development, keep international standards being considered; 2、进口原料采用国际标准; In the stage of procurement, always apply international standards; 3、“采标”计划立项原则:the principle for “adoption of the standard” project: (1)产品、原料、检测方法标准“采标”以AOAC、FDA、FAO、欧洲药典、美洲药典 、ISO标准为主要对象。Product, raw material, the examination method standard will choose AOAC, FDA, FAO, the European pharmacopoeia, the Americas pharmacopoeia, the ISO standard as the main adoption object.(2)拟采标计划30项。其中:原料采标23项、检测方法采标5项、产品标准采标2项 。按照拟列入计划的年度划分:30 items are supposed to adopt: 23 for raw material, 5 for examination methods, 2 for product standards. 2008年6项(6 items in 2008); 2009年10项 (10 items in 2009); 2010年12项(12 items in 2010).(3)出口的重点产品项目优先考虑列入采标计划。 The major product for export will be considered in adoption prior. (4)采标产品涉及含乳饮料、奶酪、黄油、巴氏乳等。The adoption of standard project will cover young drink, cheese, butter, Pasteurism milk and so on.
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