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Module 4 Cultural corner 主讲人: 班 级:高一 十二班 欢迎各位老师光临指导 ! ! !Revision Words: 爱好,嗜好 n 令人愉快的,可爱的 adj. 现实 n 实现,领悟 vt. 传统的,习俗的 adj. Phrases: 对厌烦 喜爱,喜欢 对产生兴趣 对发疯 根据风格辨认 likedelightful reality realize traditionalbe tired ofbe interested in be crazy abouttell by the stylebe fond of$104,160,000The most expensive painting in the world持烟斗的男孩Guernica 格尓尼卡Cultural cornerCultural cornerStep 1 New wordsStep 2 Introduction to PicassoStep 3 Comprehension of the passageStep 4 Language pointsStep 5: ConclusionStep 6:Home WorkStep 1 New words destroy vt.毁坏, 破坏; 肃清, 歼灭(敌人), 扑灭(害虫等); 打破(希望, 计划)e.g. The houses were destroyed by a fire . 房屋被火灾所毁。The heavy rain destroyed all hope of a picnic. 大雨打破了野餐的一切希望。习惯用语 destroy itself 自灭 destroy oneself 自杀destroy为常用词, 指“剧烈地破坏”、“使之不存在”或“使之失 去效能”, 如:The enemy destroyed the city. 敌人破坏了这座城市。destroyer n.破坏者; 驱逐舰. Pablo Picasso 巴勃罗.毕加索 George Braque 乔治.布拉克 Cubism n 立体主义,立体派Cubist adj.立体主义的,立体主义风格的n 立体派艺术家 Cubist artist Madrid 马德里 Guernica 格尓尼卡Have you remembered these words?Step 2 Introduction to PicassoPablo Picasso was the favourite child of the family. He was the only boy among a great many girls. That was enough to make him important, but his father loved him especially because he knew his son was going to be an artist. Picasso knew the word for pencil even before he could say Mamma and Papa. When he was small, he spent hours by himself making delightful little drawings of animals and people. If his mother sent him out to play in the square, he went on drawing in the dust under the trees.Step 3 : Comprehension of the passage.Listen to the tape and answer the questions. Where was he born? He was born in Spain. How old was Picasso when he died?He was 92 years old when he died.(He lived from 1881 to 1973.) How old was he when he had his first exhibition?He had his first exhibition at the age of 16. What did the pictures in Picassos “blue period” show?His pictures showed poor, unhappy people. With whom did Picasso start an important new artistic movement called Cubism?Spanish artist George Braque.Read the passage again and decide if these sentences are True or False 1. Pablo Picasso is the 19th centurys greatest artist.( ) 2. Picasso studied art in Spain, but moved to Germany in his early twenties.( ) 3. Picassos “blue period” was from 1902 to 1904 and the main color was blue.( ) 4. Picassos “pink period” was from 1904 to1907 and the main color was pink.( ) 5. Picassos greatest painting is Guernica.( )FFTF T-Pablo PicassoThe twentieth-centurys greatest western artist.Birthplace_ The period that he lived From _ to _At the age of _He was already an excellent artist . At the age of 16Picasso had his _ exhibition.From 1902 to 1904 _ period . (The main colour of the pictures in this period is blue and they showed _ , _people .)From 1904 to 1906 _ period .(Picasso painted much _ pictures in colour pink) Cubism Picasso started an important new artistic movement called Cubism with another _ artist called _.Spain 18811973 10first bluepoorunhappy pink happier Spanish George BraqueStep 4 Language points 1. People generally agree that Pablo Picasso , who lived from 1881 to 1973 ,is the twentieth-centurys greatest western artist.非限制性定语从句 2. in ones / sbs 整十数词的复数 在某人几十岁时e.g. in his teens 在他十几岁时in my fathers forties 在我父亲四十几岁时 in the 年代复数 / 年代s 在.年代e.g. in the late 1880s 在十九世纪八十年代末in the early 1930s 在二十世纪三十年代初练习: It is not rare in _that people in _fifties went to university for further education .A. 1990s ; the B. the 1990s ; / C. 1990s ; their D. the 1990s ; their-3.be known as be known forbe known to e.g. 鲁迅作为一名伟大的作家而出名 。鲁迅以他的作品而出名 。鲁迅为我们学生们所熟知 。鲁迅作为一名伟大的作家以他的作品为我们学生们所熟知 。 4.destroy 比较辨析: destroy 指十分彻底的破坏,以致无法使用或辨认。主要强调破坏方式 有力和粗暴,常含“不能或很难恢复”的意思 damage “损坏”,意味着损坏后价值或效率降低,一般是部分性的。练习:The earthquake _almost the whole town.A. destroyed B. destroy C. damaged D. damage作为而知名因为而知名 为所知 Lu Xun is known as a great writer.Lu Xun is known to us students.Lu Xun is known for his works. Lu Xun is known to us students as a great writer for his works. Step 5: Conclusionl1.非限制性定语从句 l2. in ones/sbs + 整十数词的复数 “在某人几十岁时”in the 年代复数 / 年代s 在.年代l3. be known as . 作为而知名be known for . 因为而知名be known to . 为所知 l4. destroy v. 毁坏, 破坏 比较辨析:destroy 和 damageStep 6:HomeworkvWrite a composition about an artist that you knowv(1)His/Her birth place v(2)His/Her main achievementsv(3)His/Her works
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